Brocade legend

Chapter 253 Memorabilia

Chapter 253 Memorabilia

In April of the 15th year of Jiajing, after Ji Nang gathered more than [-] people to station Helan Mountain, he divided his troops to harass Liangzhou and Zhuanglang.In the autumn and winter of the same year, he committed crimes in Yansui and Datong again, and invaded Xuanfu frontier fortress.

In May of the 15th year of Jiajing, Emperor Shizong ordered the court officials to build the Empress Dowager Palace on the site of the Dashan Buddha Hall built during the Zhongyuan period.On the 160th of the same month, Guo Xun, Li Shi, Xia Yan and others were ordered to enter the site of the hall of vision.Shangshu Xiayan asked Yousi to bury the bones of the Buddha in the middle of the field, so as to eliminate the confusion of the foolish people.Sejong ordered it to be burned.So [-] gold and silver Buddha statues were destroyed, and more than [-] catties of skulls and teeth were destroyed.

Wang Axiang, a Miao native from Pinglang, Guizhou, was a local official in his ancestors, and was captured by his ancestors Wang Zhongwu.When he arrived at Ah Xiang, he fought with Zhong Wu for seal and killed each other.General Yang Ren and governor Chen Kezhai suppressed Ping, beheaded Wang Axiang, and renamed Mie Miao Town because it belonged to Duyun Prefecture.Zhongwu recruited Zhu Miao, and he was very concerned. Zhu Miao resented him, so he pushed Ah Xiang's subordinates Wang Cong and Wang You from Pinglang Miao to take the lead.In May of the 15th year of Jiajing, inspector Yang Chunfang sent the general Li Zongyou to Fuyu, Wang Cong then captured Kaikoutun and captured Li Zongyou, claiming that it was Shi Zongyou who begged for the return of Tutian and the official seal.Yang Chunfang appealed and ordered 3 officers and troops to encircle and suppress.Wang Cong's Kaikou stockpile is absolutely dangerous, and the key is to deal with the crossbow tower, stacking stones as a defense, and the siege in March fails.Afterwards, Wang Cong and others were all captured and executed.The officers and soldiers killed more than 260 people and surrendered more than 150 Miaosai.More than [-] men and women.

On the eighth day of October in the 15th year of Jiajing, another earthquake occurred in Luxian County and Tongzhou, the capital, and many houses and city walls collapsed, causing people's lives to be crushed.The vibration of the well diameter was like thunder, and the earthquake resumed in the third day, and it was another big earthquake in the eighth day.Xianghe, Bazhou, Wen'an and Dacheng in Shuntian Prefecture.In Yongping Mansion, there are various guards in Wanquan.Baodingfu New City.Zhending Prefecture Wuqiang, Jingjing, Zanhuang, Lincheng, Shangyi, Baixiang, Longping.Julu and Ping Townships in Shunde Prefecture.In Cheng'an, Guangping Prefecture, there was an earthquake, and the sound was like thunder.Leling, Shandong Province, from northwest to southeast, the sound is like thunder.

On October 15, the [-]th year of Jiajing, the second son of the emperor, Zaihe, was born, and he should issue an imperial edict to Annan.At that time, the Li family and the Mo family in Annan were in civil strife, and they did not come to pay tribute for more than [-] years.Xia Yan, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, and Zhang Zan, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, suggested that Mo Dengyong should be punished for murdering rebels, and Emperor Jiajing ordered the court to discuss.

On the first day of the twelfth lunar month of the same year, Tang Zhou, the left servant of the Ministry of household affairs, strongly advised not to use soldiers, saying that "the emperor's obedience to the famine should be ruled by death. Since Annan's civil strife, Guangdong and Guangxi have less border police, so there is no need to exhaust the power of China. , and to avenge Lai."Emperor Jiajing's order will be discussed again.

This year, Emperor Jiajing became more obsessed with Taoism, and even appointed Taoist Shao Yuanjie as Minister of Rites.

After Xia Yan entered the cabinet and made many admonitions, Fang ordered Yan Song to succeed him as Minister of the Ministry of Rites.

In February of the 16th year of Jiajing, the grandson of Annan Kingdom, Lining, sent an envoy to the capital to report the change, preparing for Chen Mo Dengyong to usurp the throne, and begging the Ming court to question the teacher who committed the crime.In April, the two ministries of Mingli and Bing met with court officials, and Emperor Jiajing decided to discuss it, so Mao Bowen, the imperial censor of the right capital, was appointed as the counselor of military affairs and supervised the expedition.

However, the court meeting was delayed slowly and there has been no decision, so he did not leave the army immediately.

In June of the 16th year of Jiajing, Ji Nang entered Kou Xuanfu again, and commanded Zhao Tong to die in battle.In autumn and August, more than [-] riders of Ji Nang re-entered.

In June of the 17th year of Jiajing, Emperor Jiajing ordered the Ministry of Rites to discuss the ceremony for his biological father, Xingxian Emperor, to call Zongdiao Temple, and gathered the ministers of culture and military affairs in the East Pavilion.The discussion of Yan Song, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites and his group of ministers was not in line with the emperor's wishes, and the emperor was very displeased, so he wrote "Ming Tang or Wen" to make it difficult for Yan Song.

Jiajing also ordered Yan Song to say: "Taizong Jingnan, the merit is the same as the creation, and he should be called the ancestor to distinguish him." The four princes have one generation and the same temple, the Jin Dynasty has eleven rooms and the sixth generation, and the Tang Dynasty has eleven rooms and the ninth generation.Song Taizu and Taizong lived together in the Zhao Dynasty, and the past can be based on the past. Today, "the emperor examines his relatives and filial piety, and the ministers say that it is appropriate to serve the emperor in the temple of Xiaozong." He also said: "In ancient rituals, there is no fixed number of clans; ancestors who are not meritorious cannot be called. I, Emperor Wen, have made great achievements in setting the tripod in danger, and I am respected as the ancestor, and the sage sees and agrees." Yan Song played, and none of the officials dared to object.

On September [-]th, Emperor Shizong ordered the ministers of rites to say: "To present the emperor's great virtue, and extend it to my bow, it is appropriate to recommend the name of the emperor." So the name of Taizong's temple was changed to "Chengzu", and the name of the emperor's temple was "Ruizong". The suzerain of Fengrui was posthumously named Taimiao.Reconcile and enjoy God in the Xuanji Palace, and enjoy it with Feng Ruizong.

This time, Emperor Yan Song's favor became more and more profound.

In June of the 17th year of Jiajing, Ji Nang invaded the Xuan Mansion and commanded Zhou Mian to die in battle.In August, Hexi was violated again, and Governor Liu Tianhe repelled it.In December, Shenjing Fort was invaded and massacred and looted.

Restoration of Yunnan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan, Fujian, Huguang, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, and Datong Township Zhongguan.Opened silver mines in Dali, Yunnan and other places.

In the same year, Gu Dingchen joined the cabinet.

Empress Dowager Jiang was seriously ill, and Jiajing ordered to build a golden inscription hall in the inner imperial altar to reward the celestial master Zhang Yanyu.In the early years of Jiajing, Taoist priest Zhang Yanjiao came to congratulate him, offering "the art of longevity", conferred the title of "Zheng Yisi teaches real people", and gave gold crowns, jade belts, python clothes, and silver coins, so he stayed in the capital. , named "Tianshi Yongxu".

On the first day of November in the 17th year of Jiajing, Jiajing used his biological father, Emperor Xingxian, as the Zongbei Emperor, and then he played the "Huangtian God" in the southern suburbs, respectfully entered the register, and went to the Taimiao, and changed it to Emperor Gao and Empress Gao. Zunhao.The queen assists Xingya to offer gifts, and the ministers of civil and military affairs and his wife accompany the sacrifice.At the completion of the ceremony, Yan Songzuo met Qingyun, led a group of officials to congratulate him, and wrote "Fu of Qingyun" and "Ode to the Accomplishment of a Great Gift" to please Jiajing, who was ordered by Emperor Jiajing to pay the History Museum.

On the fourth day of December in the 17th year of Jiajing, Empress Dowager Zhangsheng, the birth mother of Shizong, passed away, and the south of Dingzi Palace inherited Tianxian Mausoleum.

King Xingxian was buried in Zhongxiang after his death, which is called Xianling.Emperor Jiajing decided to bury the Holy Mother Zigong Nanyi with his father's tomb, and decided to go to the Xianling tomb to dispatch it in person.

On December 17, the [-]th year of Jiajing, the first assistant Li Shi died, and Xia Yan succeeded as the first assistant minister.

On the 18th of the first month of the 27th year of Jiajing, he ordered a southern tour to inspect the mountain mausoleum.It was ordered to build palaces and build roads along the way from Zhuozhou to Fengle County, Chengtian.

Emperor Jiajing urgently recruited Lu Bing back to Beijing, selected 120 Jinyi guards and 8000 banner schools;

Lu Bing had no time to arrange matters in the south of the Yangtze River, so he had to rush to the capital first, preparing to accompany him on his southern tour.

On the first day of February in the spring of the 18th year of Jiajing, Emperor Jiajing appointed the second son Zaihe as the crown prince, the third son Zaihou as the king of Yu, and the fourth son Zaizhen as the king of Jing.On the second day of the first day, the imperial edict pardoned the world.

But the plan of Emperor Jiajing's southern tour did not go well.

Emperor Jiajing will patrol the south, thinking that there will be police in the fortress, and proposes to send important officials to patrol.At that time, Zhai Luan, a great scholar, returned home with Ding You, but he was not called for a long time, so Xia Yan, a great scholar, recommended him to the emperor.On February 18rd of the [-]th year of Jiajing, Di Luan was ordered to serve as Minister of the Ministry of War and Yushi Chongxing, the right capital, to control the borders; Minister of the Ministry of War, Mao Bowen, Governor, announced the military affairs of the three sides of Shanxi;

(End of this chapter)

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