Brocade legend

Chapter 256

Chapter 256
In the 19th year of Jiajing, Lu Bing, who was only 30 years old, became a first-rank official in the dynasty.

After Lu Bing returned to Beijing, he appointed Zhu Liu as the governor of Jinyi Weinan Town Fusinan Township, Dong Hai and Zhang Ju as the left and right thousand households, and Zhou Bin as the hundred households.Lu Bing brought Tietou into Jinyiwei, and served as a hundred households in Nanzhen Fusi, managing ordnance and the like.

Yang Lin still served as the governor of Beizhen Fusi, Xue Yang and Liu Biao served as the left and right thousand households, and Sun Quan served as the hundred households.

Although Shitou and Yang Sen are already thousands of households, they don't like to take care of things, so they just take up idle jobs and play with Lu Bing.

Today's Jin Yiwei has [-] Tiqi under his command, and countless spies. He has truly become the emperor's eyes, ears and minions.

As the commander of Jin Yiwei, Lu Bing has already become a force not to be underestimated in the officialdom of Daming.

In addition, Lu Bing had just saved the life of Emperor Jiajing, and the holy family was in full swing, and the civil and military courts were all in awe.

Lu Bing had been abroad for many years, and was granted ten-day leave by Emperor Jiajing after returning to Beijing.

In the past ten days, Lu Bing and his family gathered together. His son Lu Yi is seven years old. Since he was sensible, he seldom sees his father. Now he can practice martial arts and swords with his father every day. He is as excited as a monkey.

It has been eight years since her daughter, Xiuying, came to the Lu family, and she is already a pretty young girl. Now Mrs. Lu is most worried about two things, which are the marriage of the father and daughter.

Lian Qiu has been gone for seven years, but Lu Bing has never thought of continuing.The old lady thought that the woman Lu Bing brought back from Jiangnan was her favorite, but after so many years, the two of them had no intention of getting married, and the woman had never even stepped into the Lu family's door.

Mrs. Lu once went to see the woman secretly, she looked upright, and there was no one at home, and she did everything by herself inside and out, so she was capable.I also know that the woman has a pair of younger siblings.The younger brother is very competitive and has already passed the Juren examination.The younger sister, Ye Shui Ling, is only 14 years old, but she has already chosen her husband's family.

Although the woman heard that she used to be a prostitute, she has been very conservative for so many years.It's not that the old lady doesn't like it. Although such a family is not enough to be a wife, it is still possible to be a concubine.There is also the dowry girl Xueyan left by Lianqiu, Lu Bing is not in the mood, it would be good if he could take over the house.

But how many times Mrs. Lu told Lu Bing, Lu Bing just smiled.

Well, I can't help my son, now that my son is capable, it's fine if he doesn't obey!But Xiuying is now 16 years old, but she hasn't made a marriage contract yet, which makes Mrs. Lu a little headache.

Xiuying looks heroic, she has practiced martial arts since she was a child, she is tall and slender, and her appearance is not bad.But it was precisely because he had practiced martial arts since he was a child, that Daming could not get along well with the Lu family, and such a family did not want to find a daughter-in-law who practiced martial arts.What's more, Xiuying is not Lu Bing's biological daughter, so there are not many people who come to propose marriage, and those who come to the door are all who are not in line with the old lady's wishes.Lu Yi, on the other hand, is still young, but there are many people who want to get married.

If others don't know, how can Mrs. Lu not know?Although this Xiuying was not Lu Bing's own birth, she was Lu Bing's darling, how could she be willing to marry off casually.What's more, to marry a daughter, the father must always be at home, right?In this way, it has been delayed for several years.

When Lu Bing comes back this time, he probably won't leave. These two things have become Mrs. Lu's heart disease.

Early in the morning, the two father and son were sweating profusely from the practice, took a shower together, and went to the front hall to have breakfast.

Just as Lu Bing sat down, Mrs. Lu couldn't help nagging again: "Wenfu, look at Xueyan, who is busy at home, you always have to give someone a name. You were not at home before. Forget it, I've been back for three or four days now, and I probably won't leave in the future. I have to make a decision on this matter. The girl Xueyan is also in her twenties. If you don't want to accept the house, you can find a good one for your mother. People, marry Xueyan out in a splendid manner..."

The face of Xueyan who was serving the porridge turned red. She didn't expect the old lady to speak so directly, and murmured: "Old lady... Xueyan doesn't want to marry. Xueyan has been here with Miss for more than ten years. This place is in charge." Xueyan said as she glanced at Lu Bing, lowered her head shyly, accidentally got scalded by the hot porridge, and let go with an "oops".

But Lu Bing copied it, caught the porridge bowl, and put it firmly in front of his son Lu Yi.

Lu Bing glanced at his old mother, only to see that her mother's hair had already turned gray. In the past few years when he escaped, his mother had aged a lot. He didn't know how many worries were in his heart every day and night. Those eyes were full of tears. Pain and hope.

Lu Bing looked at Xueyan again, thinking that when this woman was still a little girl, she would accompany her by his wife's side, if she really married...

Lu Bing sighed softly, smiled slightly, and said to Xue Yan: "Are you willing to marry me?"

Xueyan's face turned even redder, and her head was almost pressed against her bulging chest.

Seeing this, Lu Bing smiled, and made a bowl of rice porridge by himself, and began to eat it with side dishes and white water eggs.


After dinner, Lu Bing went to another courtyard to look for Shitou, and the mother said Shitou was called away by Yang Sen early in the morning.

Lu Bing was bored, so he went to the Kuayuan where Huang Duxian lived. Before entering the door, he saw Huang Duxian lying on the bench, falling asleep and returning to the cage.

Lu Bing had no choice but to back away, but just as he turned his head, he saw Xiuying's figure flash past.

Lu Bing was a little strange, he didn't see this girl when he had breakfast just now, where are he going now?

Lu Bing followed quietly, and saw his daughter walk to a courtyard wall, and even jumped out two or three times along the rocks beside the courtyard wall.

Lu Bing hurriedly walked under the wall, only to hear a boy's happy voice vaguely outside the wall: "Xiuying, are you out?"

"Well, I have to go back later. I just woke up late and didn't have breakfast. I'm afraid my father, grandma or Aunt Xue will look for her." Xiuying's refreshing voice came.

"Did you get up late, or did you dress up to see me!" The boy's voice was a little playful.

Lu Bing snorted coldly in his heart, this kid is so frivolous.A feeling of unhappiness rose from his heart. It is very difficult for Lu Bing to have any emotional ups and downs, but Lu Bing is not immune to such things that all fathers can't calm down.He hadn't seen the boy's appearance and demeanor yet, and with just one word, he became disgusted with him.

Probably, in this kind of matter, all fathers will have such emotions.

"Look who it is and what it looks like." Lu Bing thought in his heart, he jumped up to the wall lightly, and lay there to peek, but he didn't notice that this scene happened to be seen by the servants in the mansion, who were giggling at him.

(End of this chapter)

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