Brocade legend

Chapter 257 I have a daughter

Chapter 257 I have a daughter
Lu Bing poked his head out secretly and looked out of the wall, only to see his daughter leaning against the wall, and the boy facing her daughter, laughing.

That kid was wearing a book long shirt, but he was clean and tidy!

"Okay!" Lu Bing felt a little suffocated in his heart: "Students, dare to... seduce? No, seduce?... Not right... Anyway, it's just my daughter!"

Lu Bing was secretly lucky, the boy glanced up inadvertently, and the smile froze on his face immediately.

Lu Bing took a look, the boy was handsome, but... still wet!snort!
"Ah!" the boy yelled.

Xiuying also hurriedly looked up, just in time to see her father's angry face, she was shocked.

"Run!" Xiuying gave the kid a hard push.

The kid jumped and ran out of the alley in a flash!
"Hey! Stop! Whose family do you belong to!" Lu Bing jumped over the wall and sneered, "How dare you run in front of me!"

Lu Bing was about to chase, but Xiuying hugged his arm, leaned back, and dragged Lu Bing tightly.

Lu Bing didn't dare to break away, fearing that his daughter would fall, so he could only helplessly watch the boy's back disappear into the crowd.

"Okay, he ran away." Lu Bing said helplessly.

"Daddy..." Xiuying put on a quail shape and said coquettishly.

"Yes, you! I let you learn kung fu, but you used it to climb over the wall! Tell me! You have come out... many times!" Lu Bing felt unable to speak.

"No...not a few times." Xiuying stammered.

"A few times is a few times!"

"Just a few times..."

Lu Bing looked at Xiuying speechlessly, and after thinking for a long time, he still asked, "What are you guys doing?"

"Just talking, chatting." Xiuying whispered.


"Really!" Xiuying knew what Lu Bing was asking, she blushed and said coquettishly as she took Lu Bing's hand.

"That's good." Lu Bing breathed a sigh of relief inexplicably: "Go, go home! See how I deal with you!"

"Oh." Xiuying turned her head and was about to run towards the wall, but was grabbed by Lu Bing!
"Still crawling!" Lu Bing blew his beard and stared: "Go to the front door!"

"Oh...hehe, I'm used to climbing." Xiuying laughed.

Lu Bing finally couldn't help it, and "slapped" Xiuying's little butt with a slap.


Xiuying rubbed her butt, with a bitter face, followed the angry Lu Bing into the main hall.

The old lady also rushed over after hearing the news, and when she heard what Lu Bing had said, she took Xiuying's little hand and said, "You girl, you have a sweetheart, you should tell grandma! How can we meet in private? If it spreads , where will the Lu family put their face!"

Xiuying bowed her head and said nothing, Madam Lu asked again: "Whose family does that child belong to?"


"Your grandma asked you something!" Lu Bing also asked.

Xiuying just kept her head down and said nothing.

Mrs. Lu said in a harmonious voice: "It's okay, just tell me. If you like it, grandma will send someone to his house to find out."

"Tell me first, how did you know each other!" Lu Bing asked.

"..." Xiuying looked up at Lu Bing, lowered her head again, and muttered, "The fifteenth day of the first lunar month... I met at the lantern festival..."

"Lantern Festival?" Mrs. Lu said strangely: "Your father is not at home, we haven't gone out to watch the Lantern Festival."

But Lu Bing suddenly realized: "I said that I haven't been out a few times, it seems that you often go out to play!"

"I haven't gone out a few times..." Xiuying defended, but her voice gradually lowered: "Only the fifteenth day of the first lunar month... I go out."

"If you want to go out to play, why don't you tell grandma that if you want to go out secretly, it will be dangerous to meet bad people!" Mrs. Lu said in fear. Since then, Lu Bing and Lian Qiu were assassinated at the lantern festival. When Lu Bing was not at home, The old lady always closes the door of the house and tries not to go out as much as possible.

"I...I miss my father...I miss my mother..." Xiuying said, sobbing, and two lines of eyes shed: "That was the happiest day with my parents."

Lu Bing seemed to have returned to the fifteenth night of the first lunar month eight years ago in an instant. On that night, Qianying was still there...

Xueyan, who was there that night, hugged Xiuying gently, and also burst into tears silently.

Xiuying took out a slender brocade pouch from her bosom, opened it, revealing a green jade bead, slowly pulled it out, it was an antique hairpin.

Lu Bing recognized this hairpin...

"Mother left, and Daddy didn't come home for several years, so I took Mother's hairpin with me, so I can feel more at ease." Xiuying said in a low voice.

Lu Bing suddenly felt very ashamed... On the surface, he was ordered by the emperor to go to the south of the Yangtze River to consolidate the coastal defense and deal with Japanese pirates, but in fact...he knew best in his heart that he was just evading...

At that time, he couldn't face the shadow of Lianqiu in the room, he was afraid that if he didn't run away, he couldn't help but go with Lianqiu...

After so many years, he thought that it could be calmer, Mrs. Lu had already packed up Lianqiu's things, and even changed Lu Bing's bedroom.

Lu Bing deliberately didn't go to the previous bedroom...but when he saw the hairpin, he knew...he couldn't convince himself...that woman who looks weak but has a strong heart, he will never forget...

He agreed to his mother's proposal and took Xueyan into the house. He even thought that maybe he could really start again... On the other side of the capital, there was another woman whom he had failed for several years.

But at this moment, his thoughts dissipated... He couldn't forget it, so he was not worthy to marry that woman... If he, Lu Bing, just wanted to take her as his concubine, then why did the woman come to Beijing with him from Jiangnan.

She never mentioned it, but Lu Bing remembered that once a long time ago, he curiously asked Miss Meng why she didn't want to go to Wei Guogong's mansion.

The woman glanced at Lu Bing, and Lu Bing still remembers that look, which was surprise, but in Lu Bing's eyes, the surprise was actually disappointment.Lu Bing immediately regretted asking her this question... The look in his eyes meant, "You don't know?" And Lu Bing knew the answer in an instant.

He wanted to make amends at that time, told Meng girl not to speak out, and wanted to tell Meng girl that he already understood. He knew that if the answer came from Meng girl's mouth, then he would never be able to be calm about this matter again.

But it's too late...

Meng girl said: "Because I don't feel humble, and I don't want to be a concubine. I just hope that one day I can meet a man who really understands me and loves me. Even if he knows my past, he will only appreciate my present. At that time, it will be my destination. Otherwise, I would rather be alone for the rest of my life."


Lu Bing knotted the hairpin and inserted it into Xiuying's hair.

"It's so beautiful." Lu Bing smiled and said: "Your mother will be very happy when she sees it. When you get married, you must take it with you! Let your mother see it."

(End of this chapter)

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