Brocade legend

Chapter 258

Chapter 258

Xiuying nodded vigorously, and smiled through her tears.

"Tell me, how did you know each other?" Lu Bingxiao asked.

"Does Daddy still remember that poem?" Xiuying asked.

"The fifteenth night of the first lunar month?" Of course Lu Bing remembered.

"Yes!" Xiuying said excitedly: "On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month this year, I... ran out to watch the lantern festival, and saw a lantern riddle about this poem, so I'll continue with the next sentence."

"Fire trees and silver flowers converge, star bridges and iron locks open. The dark dust follows the horses, and the bright moon chases people. The playwrights are full of plums, and the singing is full of plum blossoms. Jinwu can't help the night, and the jade leaks don't remind each other." Lu Bing couldn't help but read aloud , like the beloved woman, standing under the fiery trees and silver flowers, smiling at herself.

"Yes, that's it." Xiuying talked about the process of getting acquainted with the boy, her expression was a little blurred, Lu Bing sighed slightly in her heart, it seemed that this little girl was really emotional.

"I was about to guess at that time, when I heard him read it aloud. As soon as I was anxious, I rushed to read it, hoping to get that lantern back..." Xiuying recalled: "But I was still a step late , the owner of the lantern gave him the lantern. I was very disappointed at the time, so I didn't feel like playing anymore, so I wanted to go back. Unexpectedly, he caught up with me and gave me the lantern. Of course, I can't ask others for nothing , I treated him to a bowl of Lantern Festival, and I told him the stories my father told me about Mid-Autumn Festival!

When Xiuying said this, she was too shy to continue.

But what happened next, even if Xiuying didn't say anything, Lu Bing could guess it.

Between young men and women, both of them have outstanding looks and temperament, so naturally the more they chat, the more speculative they become, until the two fall in love...

"Which family is he from?" the old lady asked.

Lu Bing recalled for a while, and said: "I saw that he was wearing a blue shirt, but the jade belt and accessories on his body were very luxurious. He should be a child of a wealthy family... He looks less than 20 years old. I don't know if he is a child or a scholar. .”

Xiuying rolled her eyes and said, "Father, can you help him get a job?"

Lu Bing couldn't help laughing, and said, "You little girl, you are turning your elbows outside before you get married!"

"Quickly tell me!" The old lady was anxious, and said, "Which family is it?"

"I didn't ask..." Xiuying stammered, "I only know his surname is Ouyang, and his name is Ouyang Zhen."

"The surname is Ouyang..." Lu Bing thought for a while, and then he had the answer: "Among the people in the dynasty, only Mr. Yan Ge's wife was surnamed Ouyang, and her name was Ouyang Shuduan."

"Daddy is amazing! You know all of this!" Xiuying said in surprise.

Lu Bing smiled and said: "Of course I know. It is widely rumored in the court that Mr. Yan Ge is fearful of internal affairs, and loves his wife very much, so he raises the eyebrows of the case. Moreover, Mr. Yan Ge only has this wife, not even a concubine... This is not uncommon."

Among the ministers in the current cabinet, there are only three most important ones, Xia Yan, who was the chief assistant at the time, Zhai Luan and Yan Song, the elders of the cabinet.

Xia Yan, courtesy name Gongjin, nicknamed Guizhou, was born in Guixi, Jiangxi.Zhengde 12 years Jinshi.In the second year of Jiajing's reign, he set out to press the Huangzhuang, advocated the return of the property of the intruders, and prohibited the relatives from accepting the donation of the farmland, which was highly praised by the emperor.In the ninth year of Jiajing, he entered the official department and gave it to Shizhong, praising the meritorious service of the suburban rites, and the poems written by the Qing Dynasty were the most in line with Shizong's intentions.In the 15th year of Jiajing, Shaobao, Shaofu, and Prince Shaoshi were added, and he joined the cabinet as an official and a bachelor of Wuyingdian to pre-order maintenance.In the 17th year of Jiajing, he was the chief assistant of the cabinet. In the 18th year, he added a small teacher, and specially entered Doctor Guanglu and Shangzhu Kingdom.

Zhai Luan, courtesy name Zhongming, was a minister in the mid-Ming Dynasty. His ancestral home was in Zhucheng, and he moved to the capital at the beginning of Hongwu.From July to October of the tenth year of Jiajing, he served as the chief assistant of the dynasty.He was promoted as a Jinshi in the 18th year of Hongzhi, awarded Shu Jishi, edited and revised at the beginning of Zhengde, and then became the head of the Ministry of Punishment and entered as a servant.At the beginning of Jiajing period, he was promoted to the right servant of the Ministry of Rites.In the sixth year of Jiajing's reign, he was promoted to the cabinet university, and entered the Wenyuan Pavilion as the left servant of the Ministry of officials. The emperor personally gave him a silver medal, which was called "a scholar of integrity".The cabinet ministers Yang Yiqing, Gui E, and Zhang Cong resigned successively, and he was in charge of cabinet affairs for more than two months.Later, because of his mother's death, he returned to his hometown to guard the spirit for three years.After his recovery, he inspected the northern frontier defense with the Minister of the Ministry of War and the censor of the right capital. All civil and military officers and officials on all frontiers were under his control, and he was rewarded with 50 taels of silver.After returning to Beijing, he joined the cabinet as a former official.

Yan Song was born in the 16th year of Chenghua, and was born in Fenyi County, Yuanzhou Prefecture in the Ming Dynasty.In the 11th year of Hongzhi, he passed the provincial examination. In the 18th year of Hongzhi Emperor Xiaozong of the Ming Dynasty, he won the second-class Jinshi in the general examination. He was changed to a scholar of the Hanlin Academy, and he was awarded the editor of the Imperial Academy. He returned to Li and built Qianshan at the foot of his hometown. Tang lived in seclusion and studied for eight years. He wrote "Qianshan Tang Collection" and edited "Zhengde Yuan Sanfu Zhi". His poems and prose are superb, his calligraphy is outstanding, and his reputation has grown. In the 11th year of Zhengde, he returned to the court and taught in the palace. Inner library.

In the 16th year of Zhengde, he served as an attendant at the Nanjing Imperial Academy. In the fourth year of Jiajing, he was transferred back to Beijing and promoted to the Imperial Academy for Jijiu.In the seventh year of Jiajing reign of Emperor Shizong of the Ming Dynasty, he was ordered to pay homage to Xianling, and when he returned, he said auspiciously, and Emperor Shizong of the Ming Dynasty was happy.He was moved to the position of Minister Zuo of the Ministry of Officials, and then he was appointed Minister of the Ministry of Rites in Nanjing. Two years later, he was appointed Minister of the Ministry of Officials.

In the 15th year of Jiajing, he came to the capital to celebrate the Longevity Festival.At that time, the court discussed the revision of Song history, so he stayed in Beijing to preside over the matter with the title of Minister of the Ministry of Rites and a bachelor of the Imperial Academy.He was good at serving the emperor's will, offering sacrifices to Qingci, and gained favor and trust, and was added as the prince and Taibao.

Since it is possible to get married, Lu Bing called in the detailed information about Yan Song's family and got to know it carefully.

This Yan Ge old man was quite upright when he was young, and he was acclaimed for his good calligraphy.

He was born in a humble family.Learning the melody since childhood, he is smart and good at fighting against each other.

The local local parents and officials had a couplet: "Thousands of miles off the mountain, one night in the heart of the village, and a little rain." He responded casually: "The emperor's palace is nine heavy, the holy life is long, and the sky is turbulent." It was very neat.

In the 11th year of Hongzhi, he took the rural examination; in the 18th year, he was a Jinshi, ranked No. 2 in the second class, and was selected as a good scholar. He entered the Imperial Academy and showed his talent.

In the second year of Zhengde, he was awarded the editorship of the Imperial Academy.Soon, he returned home due to illness, and lived in seclusion in Qianshan in Fenyi County to study for about ten years.

Yan Song lived a relatively peaceful and poor life in Qianshan.According to his own words, it is: "One official family is often sick, and several people bring their families to eat and live in poverty." "Knowledge and reason common things, learn to plant Nanshantian".

This is also a portrayal of his life at that time.When he was in Qianshan, Li Mengyang once visited him and gave him a poem saying: "Ask about Qi is like Yang Xiong's house, sobering up is really light for Li Xiangzhuang." .The oriole and the flowers have been drinking for three spring evenings, and the elegance has been heard for more than a hundred generations.” Living such an idyllic life, it is only natural that they have a “quite a good reputation”.

Lu Bing thought that during Liu Jin's administration, under Jiao Fang's instigation, he adopted a policy of rejecting southern scholar-bureaucrats, and specifically proposed "don't abuse Jiangxi people".

(End of this chapter)

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