Brocade legend

Chapter 259 Yan Song

Chapter 259 Yan Song
"Yan Song's resignation may not necessarily be directly related to this, but his long-term recuperation may be affected by the repulsion of Jiangxi bureaucrats by the court."Lu Bing guessed so.

In the seventh year of Zhengde, Yao Ting, the magistrate of Yuanzhou Prefecture, began to compile the annals, and asked Yan Song to be the chief editor.Soon Yao Ting went to work again.In the second year, Xu Lian succeeded as magistrate.After taking office, Xu Lian sent a letter asking Yan Song to continue compiling the government records.After eight months of hard work, in the ninth year of Zhengde ([-] AD), Yan Song was appointed as the editor-in-chief. This year was the Jiaxu Year, so people called it Jiaxu Zhi.Later generations called it "Zhengde Yuanzhou Fuzhi".

In the 11th year of Zhengde, Yan Song returned to the court and resumed his official position.At the beginning of his reinstatement, Yan Song was often critical of the government. He mentioned many times, "During Zhengde, the world suffers nothing like the evil monk standing upright."He was also critical of Wu Zong's many other practices.About transporting nanmu to the north, he wrote: "Thousands of giant nanmu trees are transported in Hunan today, and they are connected with rafts and flags, and go up the current. The hardest nanmu is more than ten feet long, and it can be fifty feet long. It is like a strange sound between heaven and earth. However, for one tree of this tree, it will cost hundreds of gold to transport it here by cutting down mountains, land and water."

In the 16th year of Zhengde, a few months after Emperor Jiajing came to the throne, Yan Song was promoted to the Nanjing Imperial Academy as an attendant and took charge of the affairs of the academy.

In the fourth year of Jiajing, he was promoted to Guozijian to sacrifice wine, and returned to Beijing from Nanjing.So far, it can be said that Emperor Jiajing did not pay special attention to him, and there is no indication that he actively participated in the fierce struggle surrounding the ceremony in the early Jiajing period.Although he also wrote that "Puyuan's rites spread public opinion, and the residence respects the sacred feelings", even though he was an official in Nanjing, he had the opportunity to contact Zhang Cong and Gui E who were also in Nanjing. He and Gui E were both from Jiangxi. Gui E's son Tong Yan invites a teacher and so on.Yan Song and Gui E exchanged poems and books, and praised them a lot. This is very common among scholar-bureaucrats and cannot be used as proof of joining the party struggle.

At that time, those who opposed the arrangement of the cabinet and ministers and supported the emperor's idea of ​​honoring King Xingxian were mostly low-status bureaucrats, that is, not only low-ranking officials, but also officials in non-clear and important departments.The Yili case created an excellent opportunity for them to change their status.

Yan Song served in the most prestigious Imperial Academy, and it is logical that he did not take the same actions as Zhang Cong and Gui E.On the other hand, unlike most Hanlin officials, he resolutely supported the ideas of the old bureaucratic group headed by Yang Tinghe, and took a prudent attitude.

Compared with criticizing Zhengde's government, Yan Song at this time has undergone obvious changes in being an official and a man.He attached great importance to Lilu, and often said things like "if you don't support Lu, you can't learn well", and some people criticized him, and he was not innocent when he served as sacrificial wine.

Seeing this, Lu Bing frowned. From this point of view, this Yange city mansion is very deep!

In the seventh year of Jiajing, Yan Song stepped into the ranks of the upper bureaucracy as the right servant of the Ministry of Rites.He was sent by Emperor Jiajing to Anlujian, Huguang to set up a stele of the mausoleum.After returning to court, Yan Song made two memorials.A memorial describes the situation in the disaster-stricken area of ​​Henan, saying that "where there is drought and famine, he eats hemp leaves and bark, and starves his way. People rob the cakes and bait in the market, and the children can't sell them for enough money, and they are so childish that they abandon them." Went away in the wild. I heard that in Luoyang, Shanzhou, and Lingbao, especially, people cannibalize each other, and more than [-] people were reported to be frozen to death within ten days."

Another memorial describes the auspiciousness seen on the way, saying that "Baishi produces Zaoyang, surrounded by a group of storks." , "Spiritual wind is rustling".He proposed to write an article and erect a stone to remember it.One is auspicious and the other is disaster, which reflects that Yan Song not only flatters the emperor, but also cares about the people's feelings.

Both memorials received good results.Regarding the previous one, Shizong criticized: "Since the disaster has caused serious damage to this place, the transportation of money and food will be temporarily suspended after the harvest of the year's survey. , Sejong commented: "Today's Songyan comes from Zhong Chi, and sincerity cannot be lost. According to the proposed writing, it will be recorded as a record, and it will be left behind." Offering Furui is what Sejong is willing to accept, and disaster relief and peace of the people are what Sejong cared about back then. .It can be said that Yan Song was appreciated by Sejong this time on his foreign business trip.

It can be seen from this that this Yan Ge old man is not only deep in the city, but also quite cunning.

In the next few years, Yan Song successively changed his posts to serve as the Minister of the Ministry of Households and the Ministry of Officials.In the 11th year of Jiajing, he was promoted to Minister of the Ministry of Rites in Nanjing, and changed to Minister of the Ministry of Officials in Nanjing two years later.

When Lu Bing was in Nanjing, he had heard of Yan Song, but at that time he was an imperial envoy, and he was focused on exterminating pirates.Besides, he always felt that Nanjing was just a place for the elderly, and he didn't pay much attention to the officials at all levels in Nanjing, and he didn't know much about the Minister of Rites at that time.

In the 15th year of Jiajing, Yan Song went to Beijing for a pilgrimage, and was left behind by Emperor Jiajing as Minister of Rites and Bachelor of Imperial Academy.Because Emperor Jiajing attached great importance to discussing rituals, the Minister of Rites had a particularly prominent position among the ministers of the Ministry, and often became a ladder to enter the cabinet.The contacts between Yan Song and Sejong began to become frequent.

At that time, Lu Bing was still in the south of the Yangtze River, so he didn't know much about it, but according to Yan Song himself, Emperor Jiajing was busy formulating rites and music with his assistant ministers and ministers of rites. Sometimes he summoned him two or three times a day, and sometimes he retreated at night.He lives about four miles west of the city, and drives Lifuji by car, often galloping alone.

Lu Bing had no way of judging whether what Yan Ge said was true or just a joke.

In the 17th year of Jiajing, someone went to Shushu and asked to dedicate the emperor's temple to be called Zong, so as to enter the Taimiao.The ministers of the DPRK and China, including Yan Song, wanted to stop it.Emperor Jiajing was angry and wrote "Ming Tang Or Asking", which severely questioned the officials.Yan Song has changed his previous statement, and "the rules and etiquette are very well prepared".The contest of dedicating the emperor to the temple and proclaiming the clan is the end of the ceremony.Yan Song encountered a small setback in this matter, and also learned how to deal with the eccentric and changeable Emperor Jiajing.

Diligent and gentle, it is no wonder that Yan Song can win the favor of Emperor Jiajing.At that time, the bureaucrats who stayed in Xiyuan and were summoned from time to time included: Wuding Marquis Guo Xun, Cheng Guogong Zhu Xizhong, Prince Consort Cui Yuan, cabinet ministers Xia Yan and Gu Dingchen, and Minister of Rites Yan Song. Yan Song's status as Jiajing Emperor's cronies was confirmed down.

Lu Bing put down this secret file, and it was a little nerve-wracking. Such a person became an in-law, and luck and fortune are unpredictable.

Lu Bing opened another secret file, which belonged to Yan Song's son, Yan Shifan.

The content of this file is only a few lines, but at the beginning, it still talks about Yan Song.

It is said that Yan Song is a good husband and has a good relationship with his first wife Ouyang. They have two daughters and a son, one of which is Yan Shifan.

In the tenth year of Jiajing, Yan Shifan was 19 years old. At that time, because his father's servant minister of the Ministry of Rites had passed the three-year exam, Enyin entered the Imperial College to study. After graduation, he was selected as the governor of the left army and the governor of the rear army. He is now the governor of Shuntian Prefecture.

(End of this chapter)

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