Brocade legend

Chapter 290

Chapter 290

The serious illness of the Ming Dynasty's salt government, tea government and iron government has already been deeply rooted.

If Sun Quan wants to fully control the collusion network inside Yantie Tea and its mode of operation.It is necessary to infiltrate the spies of "words of mouth" into those groups that rely on the salt government to survive.

In order to achieve this goal, Sun Quan and some of his Jinyiwei and those private salt lords made false claims, and in order to confuse them, they even accepted bribes from local officials.

But that's all, Sun Quan should never have stayed on those private salt boats for so long!
Those private salt dealers have been informed of Sun Quan's identity long ago, and they will continue to plan.

Those private salt dealers nominally took Sun Quan to drink and make friends, but in fact, they took advantage of Sun Quan's special status to pass the test!

This matter was a conspiracy from beginning to end, but Sun Quan, the spy, just fell into it!
The officials at those checkpoints had also been informed of Sun Quan's identity long ago.In this way, the testimonies of the customs officials and the private salt dealers, together with the evidence provided by the local officials that Sun Quan accepted bribes, knocked Sun Quan to death in one fell swoop.

Sun Quan was also used to smooth sailing under Lu Bing's influence in the past few years, and gradually lost his vigilance, so he was so careless and caught up.

Once these evidences return to Beijing, they will be extended to Lu Bing immediately!

After Sun Quan finished speaking, he took the initiative to say: "My lord, they have no direct evidence related to you, so let the villain resist! So everything is done by the villain without telling the adults!"

"You carry it?" Lu Bing went up and gave Sun Quan a kick and said: "Can you carry it? The whole world knows that you, Sun Quan, are my Lu Bing's people. If you go out to carry it, they will only think that you are taking the blame for me. !"

Lu Bing said bitterly: "You are the big boss of Jin Yiwei's "Mouth Letter", and you are in charge of secret agents. It's really shameful that you were caught by such a trap full of loopholes!
Sun Quan blushed, lowered his head in shame, and dared not speak.

"Then... Wenfu, what should I do?" Mrs. Lu asked worriedly, and Huang Duxian and his wife also looked closely at Lu Bing's face.

"Their target is me, and Sun Quan can't handle it... No matter how many people take the blame, they will let me go if they don't bite me. At that time, not only Sun Quan will die, but more people will be involved." Lu Bing sighed He said: "Besides, there is also my responsibility here. It is my attention to make money from those people. Now that something happens, I will naturally have to bear it."

"My lord!" Sun Quan was grateful and guilty at the same time.

The old couple Huang Duxian and Huang Lian'er were also touched and stood up and kowtowed to Lu Bing.

Lu Bing and the old lady hurriedly supported them.

Huang Duxian looked at Lu Bing, his hazy eyes showed a bit of sharpness, and said: "My it useful to an old man?"

Lu Bing understood Huang Duxian's meaning, Huang Duxian wanted to kill people.

However, this is not an effective method. The evidence is already in the hands of the censor, and it is not clear how many backups there are.

What's more...Looking at Huang Duxian's old face like an orange peel, Lu Bing couldn't help sighing, Huang Duxian is getting old.

Recalling the experience when I was in the north with Huang Duxian, the experienced and powerful Huang Daxia is now an old man.

Lu Bing thought for a while, and said: "It's useless to confront this matter...We have to try the methods that others often use on us."

"What method?" asked the old lady.

"I can't evade this matter, because their target is me. No matter how many people come out to take the blame with their lives, it is impossible to let this matter pass..." Lu Bing thought of a way, but he was a little reluctant.

But things have come to this, and it can only be like this...

Lu Bing knew who it was who wanted to deal with him. If this matter could be resolved, it needed to start from the source.

Lu Bing carefully analyzed Xia Yan's character, and felt that it was still possible.


At this time, Xia Yan had already drafted an edict to arrest Lu Bing and punish him.

At this moment, someone from the door reported that Lu Bing asked to see him.

Xia Yan put down his pen, smiled slightly, and said, "Let him in."

Xia Yan was sitting in the hall, and saw Lu Bing striding in wearing casual clothes, carrying a big wooden box in his hand.

Lu Bing walked into the hall, put the wooden box on the ground, bowed his hands to Xia Yan, and said with a smile, "My lord Shoufu."

"A rare visitor!" Xia Yan pretended to be surprised and said, "Lord Lu hasn't been here for a long time, and I thought Master Lu forgot where the door of my house was opened."

"Master Shoufu was joking." Lu Bing said with a faint smile.

"I don't know why Mr. Lu came here?" Xia Yan twisted his beard and smiled.

"..." Lu Bing shook his head with a smile, and said, "Your Excellency knows this well, why bother to tease the lower officials."

"I don't understand, Master Lu please speak up!" Xia Yan sat on the grand master's chair, with a smile that was not a smile, and there was a trace of mockery in his eyes.

Lu Bing felt angry, but suppressed it again.

For the first time in his lifetime...

He thought about his family, and the Huang family... Then he took a deep breath.

"My lord, I'm here to give gifts." Lu Bing smiled and cupped his hands.

"It's not a festival, why give a gift?" Xia Yan looked at Lu Bing mockingly, he could see that Lu Bing was suppressing his anger.

Lu Bing didn't want to go around in circles anymore, and said straight to the point: "The gift is for peace."

"Oh?" Xia Yan pretended to be surprised again, and said, "Is there any disagreement between this official and Mr. Lu? If Mr. Lu has any dissatisfaction with this official, you can bring it up, and this official will accept it humbly."

Finally, Lu Bing couldn't bear it anymore, narrowed his eyes, and said coldly: "Do you still want to go around in circles? If that's the case, I will go back now, and prepare to die."

Xia Yan finally stopped putting on airs, revealed his true intentions, and said coldly, "I'm afraid the net won't break even if all the fish die!"

Lu Bing confronted him tit for tat: "Then maybe, I'm afraid that the crane and the clam will fight and the fisherman will benefit!"

Xia Yan knew that Lu Bing was talking about Yan Song.

Lu Bing stood tall and said: "Your Excellency has seized some evidence this time, but you are well aware of how these evidences came from. It is not yet known whether these evidences can put the officials to death. The biggest possibility is that the next The emperor was annoyed by the official fighting with your lord, and then let Mr. Yan Ge take the lead. The next official is Jin Yiwei, and there is no direct competition with your lord. But Mr. Yan Ge is different, he is your chief competitor, right?"

Lu Bing opened the box with a "swipe", immediately revealing a bright yellow light.

Lu Bing smiled and said: "The lower official and the lord don't have any enmity between life and death. The lower official is seeking peace wholeheartedly. This is three thousand gold. It is just to ask the lord to raise your hand once. Lu Bing will definitely repay you in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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