Brocade legend

Chapter 291 Humiliation!revenge!

Chapter 291 Humiliation!revenge!
Seeing the box of belongings, Xia Yan suddenly sneered, and said, "Lord Lu underestimates me too much. The only way I can gain a foothold in the court is not to be greedy or take it! Only in this way can people be unable to attack! Master Lu I will not deny the fact that there is a problem with the source of the evidence this time, but Mr. Lu didn't realize that if Mr. Lu has always been clean and honest, how can a fly bite an egg with cracks?"

"..." Lu Bing was silent for a while, and said: "My lord is the first assistant, the example of scholars in the world, and the lower official is Jin Yiwei, who is supposed to do some dirty things for the emperor. The duties are different, and the lower official doesn't think there is anything wrong. "

Xia Yan jumped up against the case, and said angrily: "Right is right, wrong is wrong! No matter whether it is a civil servant or a Jin Yiwei, they must do their best for the Ming Dynasty and the people! Your rhetoric is nothing but nonsense, there is no reason at all. !"

Lu Bing didn't want to get entangled in ideas, so he brought the topic back, and said: "I also ask you to be considerate of the lower officials and hold your hands high!"

Xia Yan looked at Lu Bing strangely and said, "Since Mr. Lu thinks that the evidence in my hands is not enough to convict you, why do you ask for peace? Since you ask for peace, it means that the evidence is useful, right?"

Xia Yan closed the lid of the wooden box with his feet, and said: "Those evidences may not be enough to threaten Mr. Lu, but the Sun Quan who committed the crime is definitely unable to escape. Mr. Lu is a reluctant subordinate, so he came here Ask the officer?"

"..." Lu Bing said blankly, "Not bad."

Xia Yan looked directly at Lu Bing, and said: "Take the gold back, I won't accept this dirty money, so as not to dirty your hands!"

Lu Bing's eyes tightened, and he said, "What does your lord mean...discord?"

Xia Yan and Lu Bing looked at each other for a moment, and then said: "Master Lu is right in what he said just now... So, I am willing to give you a chance."

Lu Bing thought back for a while, and realized that Xia Yan was referring to what he said about Yan Song being a fisherman.

"It doesn't really matter if you want the lives of Mr. Lu and your subordinates." Xia Yan looked at Lu Bing and said, "But I want you to stop standing with Yan Song from now on. I want you to bow your head!"

Lu Bing stared blankly at Xia Yan, and suddenly felt his blood rushing into his head!

Shi can kill!Not to be humiliated!

Lu Bing's eyes were red, looking at the old man in front of him, he wished he could kill him immediately!

But... a chief assistant is different from an inexplicable commander...

If he killed Xia Yan, he would not be able to escape, and with the evidence in the hands of the censor, the people around him would also be unable to escape... It is hard to say whether Emperor Jiajing would be tempted by his wealth, like What he did to Chen Hong back then, ransacked his home and wiped out his family!
But...he let himself bow his head!
Lu Bing gritted his teeth and said word by word: "My lord, how can you bow your head if you want to be an official!"

"I want you..." Xia Yan looked at Lu Bing without giving in, and said, "Kneel down!"

Lu Bing resisted the urge to punch Xia Yan to death!But his mind is full of family members... and the Thirteenth Taibao... and those familiar faces of Jin Yiwei.

The old mother has not been sent away yet, Xue Yansheng's daughter is still young, and Miss Meng has just entered the house not long ago... The Thirteenth Taibao now has a family and a house, with a group of children... Jinyiwei has just developed, if it breaks up, I am afraid it will go back again It's time to be bullied!

It turns out that the higher you stand, the more power you have in your hands, and the heavier the burden on your body...

Now he bears the hope and life and death of so many people on his body... He can't do anything recklessly...

Lu Bing gritted his teeth, and he even told himself that he just turned around and left like this. He didn't believe that those evidences could really do anything to him!
But... what about Sun Quan?Everyone in the Huang family is looking at him!Brothers all look at themselves!
Sun Quan is dead, what face do I have to go home, and face my brothers?
But...if you kneel can I face the ridicule of the world?



Lu Bing lowered his head for a long time, Xia Yan also stood with his hands behind his back, without urging him at all.

"If I kneel down on you, this matter will be over?" Lu Bing suddenly raised his head, looked directly into Xia Yan's eyes, and said hoarsely, "You are not afraid, I hold a grudge against you?"

Xia Yan looked at Lu Bing coldly, he knew that if Lu Bing asked such a question, he was about to give in.

"If you kneel down to me, then you've surrendered, and I don't mind letting you go." Xia Yan's eyes were mixed with contempt and sarcasm: "If I can convince you the first time, I can convince you the second time!  … …until you dare no longer resist."

Xia Yan's conceit angered Lu Bing!

Lu Bing didn't say any more, and with a flick of his hem, he knelt down in front of Xia Yan!

"Hahahahahahahahaha!" Xia Yan looked up to the sky and laughed. This old man has been headstrong all his life. Lu Bing's kneeling made him feel that Lu Bing was no longer his opponent.

"A man can bend and brave after knowing shame...ten years are not too late for a gentleman to take revenge!"

Lu Bing meditated in his heart, the humiliation made his head swell...

"Young man, remember today, don't fight against me again, or you will kneel down one day." In Xia Yan's eyes, Lu Bing was still just a young man, but with some tricks, he made him bow down.Xia Yan looked at Lu Bing who was kneeling on the ground pitifully, and he even felt that the previous vigilance and attention to Lu Bing was a bit of a fuss.

"I will definitely remember today!" Lu Bing said fiercely in his heart: "I will definitely wash away the shame of today!"


The opportunity will come soon.

On November 26th in the [-]th year of Jiajing, Zeng Mi, the governor of the three sides, together with Xie Lan, governor of Shaanxi, Yang Shouqian, governor of Yansui, Wang Bangrui, governor of Ningxia, and the general army of the three towns met to recover Hetao strategy.After the meeting, there are eighteen things listed.

The eighteen things are: restore the river loop, build the side wall, select generals, select and train soldiers, buy horses and horses, advance troops, transfer food and pay, declare rewards and punishments, have both boats and vehicles, buy more firearms, recruit and surrender, review the current situation, and defend Hetao, farming and saving, as well as clear duty, stop false words, lenient grammar, and punish evil animals.

At the same time, the "Eight Pictures of the Battalion" was reported, namely: the general map of the battalion, the garrison when encountering the enemy, the selection of the vanguard, the cavalry to fight, the infantry to fight, the battalion to attack, the battalion to drive, and the troops to withdraw.

Zeng Mian said: "This once-and-for-all strategy will be relied upon by the whole world."

Emperor Jiajing read Zou Jiazhi, and when he was cultivating immortals, his blood was rarely boiling. Perhaps it was the emperor's desire to expand the territory, so he immediately ordered a meeting of the Ministry of War.

The Minister of the Ministry of War, Wang Yiqi, gathered his courtiers to discuss, and believed that Zeng Mi and others' proposals to restore Hetao "can be implemented."

Emperor Jiajing ordered the Ministry of War: "Combine with many officials, cooperate with loyalty and express plans, and clarify with pictures."

Emperor Jiajing's ambitions rose again, and he felt that it was possible to recover Hetao, so he strongly supported Zeng Mian's plan to recover Hetao.

(End of this chapter)

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