Brocade legend

Chapter 292

Chapter 292
In order to regain Hetao, Zeng Mi first targeted many incompetent generals and officials on the three sides.

Therefore, in Lu Bing's prison, lived in a person who will be very important to Xia Yan in the future.

Qiu Luan, the Marquis of Xianning in Gansu, was greedy and oppressive, refused to obey orders, and delayed the war opportunity. He was impeached by Zeng Mi, the governor of the three sides.

Xia Yan strongly supported Zeng Mian's proposal to recover Hetao, and Emperor Jiajing also expressed his agreement at the beginning.

Unexpectedly, this also became an opportunity for Yan Song to slander Emperor Jiajing.

The so-called one hundred secrets and one sparse, Xia Yan, who has been in the ups and downs of the officialdom for more than ten years, is still not as good as Lu Bing and Yan Song because of his strong personality, and he is better able to understand the mind of Emperor Jiajing.

Both Lu Bing and Yan Song believed that regaining territory would be a good thing for the country, but Emperor Jiajing might not always think so.

You must know that Emperor Jiajing is a person who is afraid of trouble and doesn't like to cause trouble. His current wish is very simple, to make alchemy, practice, and live a few more years.

If the recovery of the territory goes well, it is naturally good, but what if it doesn't go well?What if the battle is lost?Then it will be troublesome... If you lose troops and lose generals, you have to read battle reports, transport food, recruit troops, and discuss countermeasures every day. If you don't get tired, you will die.

Seeing that the emperor was afraid of the recurrence of the "civil and engineering changes", Yan Song secretly mobilized the officials to go to Shu, saying that the recovery of Hetao would "lighten the frontier provocation". People, at the right time, it is not good for Daming to strengthen Emperor Jiajing's recovery of Hetao according to Zeng Mi and Xia Yan's plan at any time.

At this time, it coincided with the landslide in Chengcheng, Shaanxi. Lu Bing made secret arrangements to make Jiajing suspect that it was a warning from the heavens.

Yan Song strikes while the iron is hot, and even privately spreads rumors that the recovery of Hetao is the root of the disaster, and pulls the cronies of Emperor Jiajing to persuade Emperor Jiajing.

With the tacit cooperation of Lu Bing and Yan Song, although they did not communicate deliberately, the simple matter of recovering Hetao or not has become complicated.

The 26th year of Jiajing has become a year that Lu Bing will remember in his life, and this year is also considered by Lu Bing to be the most important turning year in his life.

Humiliation... makes people grow...

The 27th year of Jiajing has arrived, the sixth day of the new year, which is the sixth day of the first month of the 27th year of Jiajing.

On this day... Lu Bing and Yan Song teamed up to overthrow Xia Yan's plan, officially kicking off the curtain.

Xia Yan judged Lu Bing as an ordinary person, but he made a big mistake. The way Lu Bing faced difficulties and setbacks was always to rush forward and smash them!
This day proved that Lu Bing and Yan Song's judgment on Emperor Jiajing was correct.

On the sixth day of the first lunar month in the 27th year of Jiajing, Shizong suddenly issued an edict, questioning the recovery of Hetao: "Is it famous for the achievements of the thieves today? If there is enough strength for soldiers and fruits, and surplus for food and fruits, is success inevitable? There is nothing to say in one day. Fearing that the people will be slaughtered by innocent people."

Emperor Jiajing really began to question it. He felt that sending troops to recover the lost land was okay, but there were many problems!Without a reasonable name, the soldiers will not have enough food and grass, and victory cannot be guaranteed, and the common people will be affected.

But based on Lu Bing's understanding of Emperor Jiajing, this is actually that Emperor Jiajing has become impatient. Emperor Jiajing began to feel that Zeng Mi had affected his alchemy and Taoism, and his pursuit of immortality.


Zeng Mi, courtesy name Zizhong, was born in Huangyan County, Taizhou, Zhejiang.

At the age of 12, he made a good export. His father, Zeng Jia, met Jiangdu friends in business, and Tuoyou brought Zeng Jia, Jiangdu Yanshi, to teach and settled down in Jiangdu.

In the eighth year of Jiajing, he was a Jinshi. He was appointed as the county magistrate of Changle, Fujian, and then as the censor of Mansheng.

Although he was a civil servant, he liked military affairs. After working as a county magistrate for several years, he was appointed as the censor of the Liaodong patrol case. From then on, he began to roll on the battlefield and showed his military talent.

When he first entered Liaodong, he quelled the Liaoyang mutiny, beheaded the leaders of Zhao Jie'er in Liaoyang, Yuman'er in Guangning, and Fushun rebels, hung their heads in the border towns, and settled the whole of Liaodong.

Afterwards, the imperial court promoted Zeng Mian to be the prime minister of Dali Temple, promoted Youqian capital censor, governor of Shandong, and pacified Liu Yi. .” Since then, Shandong has been stable.

The plaque "Taihe Yuanqi" hanging in the front hall of the Confucian Temple in Qufu, Shandong is Zeng Mi's handwriting, and the official title is Shandong governor and right deputy capital censor.

Zeng Mian stayed in Shandong for three years, and was later ordered to be the governor of Shanxi. He repaired side walls, made firearms, and won a complete victory in the contest between Futu Valley and Alta.

After Ming Yingzong's "Civil Change", Mongolian chiefs fought against each other. At this time, Alda was more powerful, unified the tribes, controlled Monan, had [-] cavalry, and often invaded the border of the Ming Dynasty.

Zeng Mi asked the imperial court to build the outer city of Linqing.After finishing the work, he entered the deputy capital censor.Jing Sui's bandits did not invade the frontier, and the imperial court took credit for it, and entered the Ministry of War as a servant and governor as before.

Since the 21st year of Jiajing, I Da has repeatedly entered Shaanxi and Shanxi, and the people on the border have been disturbed.

In the 25th year of Jiajing, the imperial court transferred Zeng Mi to serve as the minister of the Ministry of War and the governor of Shaanxi Trilateral Military Affairs.Zeng Mi ordered the general Li Zhen to attack the Maliangshan camp and force him to retreat.In the same year, Shangshu regained Hetao, and it was suggested to select generals in an eclectic manner; diverting water from the Yellow River to prevent droughts and floods, and to restrict Alda cavalry.Emperor Zhunzou allocated 20 taels of silver and dismissed the governors of Yansui, Shaanxi and Ningxia who opposed the recovery of Hetao.

In the spring of the 26th year of Jiajing, Zeng Mian built the side wall and sent troops to Hetao, but refused to ask for peace.In June, troops from all walks of life were mobilized to encircle and annihilate, and I Da was forced to move the camp across the river.

Zeng Mian ruled the army strictly, and Xiao Han, the deputy general, was defeated. Zeng Mian dismissed the crimes of the generals and punished them according to the law.

It should be said that Zeng Mian was a strange person, the blame was that others were unwilling to fight, but he was addicted to fighting, as long as he had the opportunity, he would never let it go.

On the eve of the first year's New Year's Eve, Zeng Mi suddenly ordered the generals to attack, but there was no alarm on the plug.

It's the Chinese New Year, and everyone wants to stop for two days. It's unlucky to use knives and guns at this time, and no one wants to go out and fight desperately.Moreover, the whereabouts of the Mongols are uncertain, and they may not be able to find people when they go out.

At this time, the generals were drinking and didn't want to go to war, so they bribed Zeng Mi's messengers and interceded through his concubines.

Zeng Xiaoli beheaded the soldier who interceded.

The generals had no choice but to put on their armor and fight overnight. As expected, they encountered the enemy and defeated them.

The next day, when the generals asked why, Zeng Mi smiled and said, "I saw that the black magpie is not noisy at all times, so I knew it."

In Jinyiwei's secret volume, Zeng's face is frosty, he talks and laughs very little, he is no taller than a middle-aged man, he is loyal, brave and unique, Shen Yi is good at planning.

When he was the governor of Shandong, he had the idea of ​​repeating the same thing. Every time he talked about Mengqi trampling the Central Plains, he would crack his canthus and stay up all night.

Later, he became the governor of the three sides, aiming to resume the plan, and planned it himself. All scholars in the world are waiting at the table, hoping that he can regain his homeland and promote the country's prestige.

 In the past two days, I have received a midnight-free discount. Everyone can read books within the eight hours at night, and there is a discount.

(End of this chapter)

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