Brocade legend

Chapter 296 Shen Lian

Chapter 296 Shen Lian
I didn't expect that this year is different from the previous years, and I won't forgive others. I want to invade Daming. As soon as Qiu Luan took office, I Da will send troops to Datong again!
In the eighth month, An Da and Lang Tai Jifu led troops to spy on Datong, and Qiu Luan was terrified and helpless.

His aides, Shi Yi and Hou Rong, conspired with him and bribed me heavily to make them invade other fortresses and not Datong.

I replied that I was heavily bribed and left arrows as a letter, so I violated Jizhou in the east.

Ding Rukui, Minister of the Ministry of War, hastily dispatched [-] frontier soldiers and [-] Beijing soldiers to guard the Xuan and Ji passes.

Alda Khan moved his troops to the east, marched towards Jizhou, and attacked the side wall of Gubeikou with thousands of cavalry.Another group of capable cavalry was sent to break through the wall from the middle road and go around behind the Ming army.The Ming army was attacked from the front and back, and the whole line collapsed. Immediately, Al Da Khan led the army to Tongzhou, divided the troops to plunder Changping, and invaded the tombs of the emperors in Tianshou Mountain.

The Altan army approached Beijing, and the capital declared martial law.

At the critical moment when Altan Khan's soldiers approached the city, Sejong ordered the generals of the towns to command the troops of King Qin, and appointed Qiu Luan as "General Pinglu" to control the soldiers and horses of King Qin from all walks of life.

Ding Rukui, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, asked Yan Song, the chief assistant, about his plan to retreat from the enemy.Yan Song was afraid of losing the battle, so he ordered the generals not to act rashly.

Qiu Luan feared the battle and waited and watched from the Dongzhi Gate, allowing the enemy to burn freely outside the city for eight days.

The people outside the capital suffered heavy casualties, and mourned everywhere.

In September, Alta Khan's soldiers plundered a large amount of gold and silver property, livestock and people, and then calmly left the fortress from Baiyangkou.Qiu Luan was ordered to pursue but was defeated, and finally killed more than 80 civilians, cut off their heads and pretended to kill the enemy to repay the merit.

Emperor Jiajing thought that Qiu Luan had made great contributions and appreciated Qiu Luan even more, but Lu Bing knew exactly what Qiu Luan did.He quietly ordered "Kou Zhongxin" to closely monitor Qiu Luan and collect Qiu Luan's criminal evidence in his hand.

Now Lu Bing really can't take care of Qiu Luan, because his friend broke up with him, and even got into a fight with Yan Song and his son!


Shen Lian, courtesy name Chunfu, nickname Qingxia, was born in Kuaiji.Young Congmin was able to study ancient prose. Wang Wensheng used his deputy envoy to school Zhejiang scholars. He was amazed by his prose. He was called a stranger and ranked first.

Shen Lian was a Jinshi in the 17th year of Jiajing. He successively served as the county magistrate of Liyang, Chiping, and Qingfeng.But because he doesn't flatter and flatter, but has an upright nature, he often quarrels with the powerful, and was demoted to Jinyiwei.

After entering Jinyiwei, Shen Lian still did not change his true colors at all.

Shen Lian is upright and upright, he hates evil like an enemy, and laughs proudly every time he drinks.Lu Bing admired him very much, and Shen Lian also had a good impression of Lu Bing, a different Jinyiwei, so the two gradually became friends.

Shen Lian persuaded and changed some of Lu Bing's ways of doing things, earned Lu Bing a lot of praise, and gradually integrated into Lu Bing's circle.Later, Lu Bing promoted Shen Lian to Jinyiwei.

Later, Shen Lian met Yan Shifan, the son of Yan Song, through Lu Bing.Yan Shifan has a rather domineering temperament. Every time he drinks with others, he likes to abuse people with alcohol and force them to drink.Shen Lian was not fair, and would compete with Yan Shifan every time he met, which made Yan Shifan quite fearful of him.

Yan Song is a master of contemporary calligraphy, and he is quite talented. At the beginning of his official career, he was valued by Emperor Jiajing because of his good calligraphy.

At the beginning, Shen Lian had contacts with Yan Song because of Lu Bing's relationship, and he had a good impression of Yan Song, and he admired Yan Song's calligraphy even more.

However, since Yan Song became the chief assistant, he was gradually criticized for taking bribes.Shen Lian also became more and more disliked by Yan Song, and even complained about Lu Bing who had a good relationship with Yan Song.

During this period, Shen Lian impeached Yan Song, Yan Shifan and his father and sons many times. The Shangshu recorded that the strict party was domineering in state affairs, rejected dissidents, attracted private residences, embezzled military pay, and slackened war preparations, resulting in rampant pirates in the southeast and plundering capital in the north.Severe punishments are required to correct people's hearts and minds, and the corruption is unspeakable.

But Emperor Jiajing ignored it and refuted it more.

Yan Song and Yan Shifan hated Shen Lian even more. If Lu Bing hadn't been in the middle to mediate, the irritable Yan Shifan would have attacked Shen Lian long ago.

However, Shen Lian didn't stop. He was a big man like a fighter. Since he believed that Yan Song had become a traitor, he naturally wanted to fight against him, regardless of his humble official position.

The 29th year of Jiajing has just passed, and the first month of the 30th year of Jiajing has not yet come out, Shen Lian gave Yan Song a head-on blow.


In the 29th year of Jiajing, I Da violated the capital and wrote a letter begging for tribute, hoping to open a horse market, but the language was often contemptuous.

During the court discussion, Siye Zhao Zhenji did not agree, and the court officials did not dare to follow his advice, so Du Shenlian agreed.

At that time Xia Bangmo, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, asked Shen Lian: "Who are you?" The words were contemptuous.

Shen Lian replied: "Jin Yiwei has experienced Shen Lian. The ministers don't say anything, so the little officials say it." The discussion was over.

At that time, Yan Songgui, the first assistant, took advantage of the situation, and the border ministers rushed to bribe him, hoping that Yan Song could give them a lot of good words.And when you lose a battle, you are especially afraid of crimes, and bribes are even more serious.

On the twelfth day of the first lunar month in the 30th year of Jiajing, Shen Lian wrote a letter expressing the treachery of Chen Yansong and his son.

The memorial said: "Yan Song's greedy nature is extremely ill, his stupid heart is stubborn to iron, loyal schemes will be discouraged by many parties, flattery will be tricked, and he wants to bribe officials and win favors."

Shen Lian went on to list the ten crimes committed by Yan Song and his son:

One, "Accept the bribe of the general to start the border war."

Two, "Accepting the legacy of the kings, everything is a place of darkness."

Three, "taking the power of the Ministry of Officials, even small officials in prefectures and counties are all taken from goods, causing great damage to the officialdom."

Fourth, "the yearly rules for asking for care are to be honored by ministers, and Lu Yan's wealth is being cut day by day."

Fifth, "Yin system admonishes officials, so they dare not speak out."

Sixth, "If you are jealous of the virtuous and capable, if you disobey his will, you will surely die."

Seven, "Zong Zi receives wealth, collects grievances from the world,"

Eighth, "Luck the money and return home, the moon has no empty days, and it will cause trouble on the way."

Nine, "living in the government for a long time, favoring and harming politics."

Ten, "If you can't cooperate with the heavens, you will worry about your father."

Shuzhong also discusses Xia Bangmo's crime of flattery and arrogance.

When Lu Bing found out, he was shocked, and it was too late to save him.

Sure enough, Emperor Jiajing was furious when he saw these "ten crimes", but he was not angry with Yan Song, but angry with Shen Lian.

Emperor Jiajing ordered: "Ten dozens of people were tortured and robbed, and the security guards were banished."

Knowing that Shen Lian was fined with the court rod, Lu Bing specially asked the Jin Yiwei who executed him to beat him lightly, so that Shen Lian did not die under the court rod.But it has been irreversible that Shen Lian was demoted to Baoan Prefecture.

Before Shen Lian left the fort, Lu Bing wanted to see him off, but Shen Lian refused to see him.

Lu Bing had no choice but to turn around, and asked the "tail on the needle" to protect him along the way, and the weapons were arranged by Jin Yiwei in Bao'an Prefecture to take care of him.

People outside the Great Wall knew that Shen Lian had been convicted of impeaching Yan Song, and fought to scold Yan Song and his son.Li Linfu, Qin Hui, and Yan Song were the grass-bonders of Shen Lian. He gathered his disciples to shoot them with bows and arrows, or rode to Juyong Pass, and returned home after scolding Yan Song.


(End of this chapter)

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