Brocade legend

Chapter 297 Duoyan

Chapter 297 Duoyan
Shen Lian's resignation created the first rift between Lu Bing and Yan Song.Both of them were aware of this, but they didn't make it clear in a tacit understanding.

Because both have work to do, they must remain allies until their respective threats are wiped out...

Yan Song's threat came from Qiu Luan.

At this time, although Yan Song had a higher official rank than Qiu Luan, in Emperor Jiajing's place, there was a faint tendency of being overtaken by Qiu Luan.

In March of the 30th year of Jiajing, I Da knocked money from Xuanfu and Datong repeatedly, begging for tribute and mutual market.His son Tuotuo led more than ten riders to the secret gate of Ningyuan Fort in Xuanfu. .

Soon, Tuotuo bound Ming army rebels Zhu Jin and Li Bao to show his sincerity.So Governor Xuanda repeatedly went to Shushu to hear about it, and advocated the opening and closing of trade.

Qiu Luan was afraid of war, and secretly sent people to donate property, and the goods were sent to Tuoketuo, Alda's adopted son, and secretly sent Gongmatong City.

Naturally, this did not escape the eyes of Lu Bing's subordinates.

When Lu Bing saw the secret report, he couldn't help sneering, this Qiu Luan wanted to die!With the lessons learned from Chen Hong's past, it is time to step over the thunder pool!

When I received Qiu Luan's letter, I promised him that I would send a letter to Su You, Governor of Xuanda.

Under Qiu Luan's secret operation, the Ming court finally decided to open the horse market.

The imperial court decided that Shi Dao, the minister of the Ministry of war, should be in charge of the horse market in spring and autumn every year.

However, Wailang Yang Jisheng, a member of the Ministry of War's car driving department, published "Ten Undoubted Five Fallacies" on the grounds that I had committed a crime against the capital and had not yet shown my shame, and that the opening of the market was a show of weakness and humiliation to the country.

Qiu Luan hated Yang Jisheng, and Jin Mishu framed him. Yang Jisheng was arrested and imprisoned. Lu Bing defended him in many ways, so he didn't suffer, and was finally demoted to Di Dao Dian Shi.

At this time, Qiu Luan and Yan Song were already fighting. He was always afraid of Lu Bing. Seeing that Lu Bing wanted to save Yang Jisheng's life, he didn't dare to pursue it.

On March 30th in the [-]th year of Jiajing, the imperial edict opened horse markets in Datong, Xuanfu, Yansui and Ningxia.In April, more than [-] horses were traded at the Qiangbao Horse Market in Datong Town.In May, more than [-] horses were traded in Baoma City, Xinkai County, Xuanfu.

When Yan Song guarded Qiu Luan to the death and guarded secretly, Lu Bing did not relax, because Zhang Mo, who had disappeared for a long time, appeared in Saibei!
When Lu Bing received the secret report from "the letter in his mouth", he secretly sneered. For him, Zhang Mo, who came and went without a trace, was the most dangerous person.

In June of the 30th year of Jiajing, the Datong horse market had just opened, and Alda soldiers invaded Datong Zuowei, which was induced by Ming traitors Xiao Qin and Qiao Yuan.

After the mutiny in Datong, Li Jin died, and more than [-] Han people, including Xiao Qin, Zhang Panlong, Wang Dedao, Qiao Yuan, and Qiu Fu, fled out of the fortress, surrendered to Alta, and were appointed by Alta.

Xiao Qin, Qiao Yuan and more than a hundred people, in the name of the White Lotus Sect, went in and out of the northern part of the Great Wall, and scattered in various camps of Ida, fearing that Ida would not enter.

In March of the 30th year of Jiajing, after Xuanfu and Datong opened the horse market, Xiao Qin still asked me to enter Saipan to plunder, but I was not happy.

Ida lost its profits in the market, so Xiao Qin bribed Ida's left and right to lure him into the crime.

With the assistance of Lu Bing, the servant, Shi Dao, secretly arrested more than [-] people including Zhang Panlong, the White Lotus Sect, and held the wives of Xiao Qin and Qiao Yuan, and asked me for Xiao Qin, Qiao Yuan and others.

Lu Bing found Qiu Luan again. When Qiu Luan dispatched his staff, he bribed Al Da and asked him to bind Xiao Qin and others.

In July of the same year, I Da captured more than [-] people including Xiao Qin and Qiao Yuan, and escorted them to Datong Fortress armed with weapons, and dedicated them to Shi Dao, the servant.

Shi Dao heard that Emperor Jiajing ordered Qiu Luan and Shi Dao to be officials.Shi Dao was promoted to governor.

However, Qiu Fu, Qiao Yuan and other 35 people all escaped.

And Zhang Mo, whom Lu Bing stared at, also fled Saibei with them and disappeared from the world.

In September of the 30th year of Jiajing, Meng Shangshou of Le'an County, Shandong Province gathered a crowd to rebel and broke into Rizhao County with more than [-] horsemen.He moved to Pizhou again, and was surrounded by the officers and soldiers who had received a secret report from Jinyiwei in advance in the Xuanwu Temple outside the north gate. The officers and soldiers set fire to the temple, and Meng Shangshou and others were burned to death.

Jin Yiwei was able to get the news, thanks to the fact that Lu Bing has been telling Sun Quan to pay attention to the White Lotus Sect all these years, so that "words of mouth" can be nailed into the internal response and know the news in advance.

"And behind this, there is the figure of the White Lotus Sect." Lu Bing had an ominous premonition in his heart. Zhang Mo's sudden appearance and Meng Shangshou's rebellion seemed to be the harbinger of a storm.

Every time Zhang Mo showed up, he did something daring, Wei Hui set fire to the palace, assassinated the king...Dare to do such a thing, the picture is not small!

Compared with such things, such things as Qiu Luan and the struggle between the court and China, these things that are under control, really can't distract Lu Bing.

Yan Song naturally didn't know that Lu Bing was worrying about this matter. He was secretly angry when he learned that Lu Bing and Qiu Luan cooperated to capture five thousand members of the White Lotus Sect.He felt that Lu Bing did not stand on his side, but cooperated with him, which was an act of betrayal of the covenant.

Yan Song felt that he couldn't let this go on any longer, he had to act first, and he couldn't wait for Qiu Luan and Lu Bing to get closer.

Lu Bing didn't care, because he had another mission, and this mission had something to do with Qiu Luan.


What is Duoyanwei?
In the eastern part of Mongolia around [-], that is, east of the Greater Khingan Mountains, until the Jurchen region, the Heilongjiang River Basin in the north, and the Xilamulun River in the south, many Mongolian tribes lived and lived.

Among them, the more famous ones are Wuliangha, Ongniut, Uqiyet, Zarayier and so on.

The origin of these tribes can be traced back to the era of Genghis Khan and Kublai Khan.

Genghis Khan once enfeoffed part of the area east of the Greater Khingan Mountains to his younger brother Timuge Wochijin and his nephew Erlezhi as their Ulus—fiefdom.

Among them, Ulus of Timu Gewo Chijin has a vast land and abundant resources. It starts from Daxing'an Mountains in the west, straddles the Nenjiang River, neighbors Jurchen in the east, is close to the Songhua River in the south, and reaches the Heilongjiang River Basin in the north.

The main tribe of the Ulus is the Uziyet people.

The Ulus in Erlezhi is located in the south of the aforementioned Ulus and north of the Xilamulun River. Its main tribes are Uliangha and Naiman.

These Uliangha people were led by the descendants of Genghis Khan's famous general, Leme.They migrated here from Burhan Mountain following Ele Zhidai.

At first, this part of Wuliangha people lived in the area of ​​Ekeduoyan Wenduer Mountain and the River Basin.

Genghis Khan named Mu Huali, a famous general who was born in Zarayi'er tribe, as king, and let him rule the east and west of Daxing'an Mountains.

Later, Mu Huali's descendants successively became kings and ruled Liaoyang Province.Therefore, under the command of the descendants of General Muhuali, the Zarayier tribe's activities in the Lingdong area were very eye-catching.

The fiefdom of Belegutai, the half-brother of Genghis Khan, is located in the northeast of Linhuang, on Taining Road in the Yuan Dynasty, and in the east to the west of the intersection of Nenjiang River and Songhua River.

In addition, Zhuodu, the grandson of Belgutai, was once sent by Kublai Khan to inspect Machi in the Chenhe area of ​​Liaoyang Province.

Therefore, part of the descendants of Belgutei lived in the east of Daxing'an Mountains.

(End of this chapter)

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