Brocade legend

Chapter 301 The Person of Xu Jie

Chapter 301 The Person of Xu Jie
But Qiu Luan is not easy to get along with, he has already set up a countermeasure, that is... to help Xu Jie enter the cabinet.

Xu Jie, named Zisheng, nicknamed Shaohu, Han nationality, was born in Huating County, Songjiang Prefecture in the Ming Dynasty.

In his early years, he was good at poetry and calligraphy.Returning to his hometown after failing the provincial examination at the age of 17, he learned psychology from Nie Bao, the county magistrate at the time, and became Wang Shouren's successor of psychology.

In the second year of Jiajing, Xu Jie was awarded the editorship of the Imperial Academy for Tanhua.At that time, he once read ancient Chinese diction, and he traveled from Wang Shouren's family, and there were voices among scholars and bureaucrats.

Later, because of disobedience to Zhang Fujing, he was reprimanded as an official in Yanping Mansion. After suffering this setback, he cleaned up his mind, erased the edges and corners, and became an official.

But he was very talented. At that time, there were many robbers in Yanping. After Xu Jie took office, he arrested more than a hundred robbers; then he cleared up the accumulated cases and released the prisoners. Later, he went to Jiangxi to be the deputy envoy of the inspection, and was in charge of studying politics in Zhejiang and Fujian provinces.

One year, he served as the chief examiner of Zhejiang Province. At that time, he was under 30 years old, and he was full of youthful vigor, which can be imagined.

After three exams, in the middle of reviewing papers, a scholar discovered that a scholar had used the allusion "Yan Ku Kong Zhi Zhuo" in his stereotyped essay.So he picked up a pen, drew a black line, and wrote two words: "fabrication".Then, the scholar's paper was "placed in the fourth class", which was tantamount to failing.After the punishment, the scholar should pack up and go home.

However, if there are any bad comments from the examiner on the test paper, the examinee will go to the classroom to "responsible", that is, to be reprimanded.

The scholar went up with the paper in his hand, and when he saw the young examiner, his face was sullen, and he was so frightened that he didn't know how to deal with it.But he had to defend himself: "The great master is sincere in his teaching, but this statement from "Yangzi Fayan" is not fabricated by the students."

Sure enough, when I opened the first chapter of "Yangzi Fayan", that is, "Xue Xing Pian", at the end of reading, there was the sentence "Yan Ku Kong Zhi Zhuo Ye".

In people's minds, Shangguan can't make mistakes, especially the chief examiner. Jiajing sent him to be the chief examiner. If he made mistakes, doesn't it mean that the emperor also made mistakes?Not only do you have to maintain your majesty, even for the sake of the emperor's wisdom and correctness, you must not admit your mistakes.

But Xu Jie, the young master examiner, was quite open-minded, he was willing to apologize and admit his mistakes, he quickly stood up from the chair of the grand master, and said: "Unfortunately, I have never read this book before." Cloud: "Tutor!"

All those who know the truth are convinced.

Then, Xu Jie changed the scholar's paper to the first class.

From this, it can be seen that Xu Jiezhi is not simple.

As a human being, it is so rare to be able to confess one's own shortcomings; as an official, it is so rare to be able to ask for advice without shame.

This is Xu Jie's greatness. He does not shy away from medical treatment, does not conceal mistakes, is open and honest, and admits mistakes in public. It requires a very high level of thought to do it.

The Empress Prince went out to study in the pavilion, Xu Jiezhuo offered wine for the Imperial Academy, and then entered the Ministry of Rites as Minister of the Ministry of Rites.

At the beginning, Xu Jie was in charge of the affairs of the Ministry of Rites, wrote green poems to praise the purpose, and was called to the Zhenwuyi Hall with the cabinet ministers many times to serve him, and he was given flying fish clothes, etc., which were highly regarded.

Yan Song also started by writing Qing Ci. Qing Ci is a style used to communicate with the Supreme Lord. Emperor Jiajing believed in Taoism and valued it very much. Anyone who can write good Qing Ci is considered a talented minister. .

At that time, Yan Song, the minister of power, hated Xia Yan and wanted to put him to death, but Xu Jie was quoted by Xia Yan, so Yan Song also hated Xu Jie.

Yan Song and Xu Jie have worked together for many years, but Xu Jie has a good relationship with Yan Song's former political opponent Xia Yan, and Xia Yan once recommended Xu Jie, so Yan Song can't help but be wary of Xu Jie.Yan Song designed to frame Xu Jie many times, Xu Jie pretended to be deaf and dumb, and never argued with Yan Song.Yan Shifan was rude to him a lot, but he also swallowed his anger.

Yan Song's father and son's crimes, gangsterism, corruption and perverting the law made Xu Jie also determined to eliminate traitors for the country, but he also witnessed the tragedy of Yan Song's defeat of Xia Yan and Yang Jisheng, and Shen Lian's outspoken admonition. After suffering setbacks, Xu Jie learned his lesson The only option is to be patient and wait for the opportunity.

And the opportunity came quietly... This is an opportunity that is enough for him to go to the next level.

In February of the 30th year of Jiajing, Xu Jie, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, asked for the crown prince to be established early, and also asked to be married to King Xianyu and King Houjing.

Emperor Jiajing was not happy.

Yan Song then took the opportunity to slander Xu Jie, and said to Emperor Jiajing: "Xu Jie lacks talents, but he has two hearts."

Xu Jie was very afraid, and from then on, on the one hand, he was more careful about Yan Song, and on the other hand, he was more careful about Qingci, so as to cater to Emperor Jiajing.

At this time, the struggle between Yan Song and Qiu Luan has come to the fore, and the shortcomings of Qiu Luan's lack of background in the court have been fully exposed.

Qiu Luan found that relying on the emperor's favor alone is not reliable, he needs to find allies.

There are not many people in the court who can give him strength, and Lu Bing will definitely not form an alliance with him, and he is really afraid of Lu Bing.

Therefore, only Xu Jie is the most suitable person.

Qiu Luan secretly promised Xu Jie to help him enter the cabinet.

At this time, Xu Jie was also struggling under Yan Song's oppression, and was in danger.Although he despised Qiu Luan as a human being, he could only pretend to be a snake.

Emperor Jiajing favored and trusted Qiu Luan. With Qiu Luan's efforts, Emperor Jiajing's anger towards Xu Jie gradually subsided, and soon he added Xu Jie to Shaobao.

Before leaving Beijing, Qiu Luan tried his best to clear the obstacles for Xu Jie to enter the cabinet.

On the ninth day of March in the 31st year of Jiajing, Emperor Jiajing participated in the maintenance of the aircraft as the Minister of Rites of Xu Jie and the Bachelor of Dongge University.At the same time, Ouyang De, the former minister of the Ministry of Rites, was appointed Minister of the Ministry of Rites.

After making things difficult for Yan Song, Qiu Luan left Beijing with peace of mind.

He only felt that Yan Song and Xu Jie were political enemies, Yan Song had framed Xu Jie many times, and with Xu Jie in the cabinet, with Xu Jie's prestige among the scholars of Wang Shouren's Xinxue school, he would definitely be able to attract a group of people to fight against Yan Song.Only in this way can it be guaranteed that when he is in the Northland, he will not be tripped by Yan Song's feet and stabbed in the back.

He thought very well, when he returned to Beijing, he and Xu Jie would join forces to overthrow Yan Song.

In this way, Qiu Luan and Yan Song fought hand to hand, just to see who was more skilled.

But in the eyes of Lu Bing, who was watching, Qiu Luan missed one thing in consideration, and that was Xu Jie's personality.

Xu Jie is an upright person, and the reason for his discord with Yan Song is that Yan Song's misbehavior is a burden to the people's society.

But Qiu Luan's not very good.

The so-called, things of a feather flock together, and people are divided into groups.

Xu Jie and Yan Song couldn't get together, let alone Qiu Luan.

The alliance at this time is just a temporary huddle for warmth between two guys who can't protect themselves. This is not a reliable ally.

What's more, Xu Jie is good at forbearance, he has not fought Yan Song for so many years, and now that Qiu Luan is away from Beijing, it is even more uncertain whether he will fight Yan Song.

What if Xu Jie continued to forbear and stand by?

(End of this chapter)

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