Brocade legend

Chapter 302

Chapter 302

After all, after joining the cabinet, Xu Jie was basically out of danger.With the support of officials from Wang's School of Mind, it is not so easy for Yan Song to push Xu Jie down.

In fact, it's nothing more than Xu Jie standing by... What I'm most afraid of is that Xu Jie will take the opportunity to eliminate harm for the country...


On the third day of April in the 31st year of Jiajing, General Qiu Luan left Zhenchuan Fort.When they arrived at Maoerzhuang, they encountered an ambush by the enemy. The officers and soldiers killed 28 people, injured 210 people, and lost more than [-] horses.

Qiu Luan did not dare to tell the truth, but falsely reported his military exploits. He reported that he killed five enemies and won thirty horses. Please reward him.

Naturally, this did not escape the eyes of Yan Song who was staring at him closely, looking for flaws.

Yan Song, who had been waiting for this moment for a long time, took the opportunity to impeach Yushi and the Ministry of War to discuss the crime of Qiu Luan.

Unexpectedly, Emperor Jiajing favored Qiu Luan so much that Emperor Jiajing still rewarded him with silver and silk and refused to question him on the grounds that the officers and soldiers dared to go out to fight.

Yan Song was slightly disappointed, but he didn't give up, because he felt that there was still something to be gained, because this matter had already let Emperor Jiajing know that Qiu Luan was not enough.

Frozen three feet...not a day's cold...

Yan Song waited patiently, never daring to relax.

As expected by Lu Bing, after Xu Jie joined the cabinet, he didn't intend to be proud of Yan Song, and he remained as serious as before.

Lu Bing thought with a smile, Qiu Luan in the Northland might be disappointed.

On April 31th in the [-]st year of Jiajing, the Alda Ministry committed Du'er and Xin Aiyu to Xinxing Fort in Liaodong, surrounded a hundred households in Changlu, commanded Yao Damo, Liu Dong, and Liu Qiji to equal Sandaogou, and all four were killed in battle.

Wang Xiang, the commander of Beiyu, rushed to reinforce him, and the damage was comparable to that of Badu'er in the battle at Siershan.

The next day, Wang Xiang resumed the battle in Mount Lali with injuries, and more than [-] people from the remaining army died in the battle.

With such a big defeat, Qiu Luan actually shyly said that it was a big victory, and asked Emperor Jiajing to reward the soldiers from all sides to show the emperor's favor so that the soldiers would die.

Unexpectedly, Emperor Jiajing agreed.

At this time, even Lu Bing was stunned at the depth of Emperor Jiajing's favor and trust for Qiu Luan.

That night, Lu Bing heard the news from the "Kou Zhong Xin" agent lurking in Yan's mansion that Yan Song dropped a favorite blue and white porcelain cup from the official kiln.

On April 31th in the [-]st year of Jiajing, Emperor Jiajing asked General Qiu Luan to ask the strong men from all corners of the world who are willing to make meritorious service before the army to accept them at any time, and at the same time offer rewards to all sides.

Reward rules: If one enemy is captured, one level of official will be awarded, 20 taels of silver will be rewarded, and those who do not want to be officials will be rewarded with 50 taels of silver.If you recruit a strong man, you will be rewarded with five taels of silver; if you recruit three people, you will be awarded one level of official, and the reward will increase progressively.

One well-known person among the enemies, with a third-rank official, will be rewarded with 300 taels of silver.

Those who win the donation from the great leader of the enemy will be rewarded with 1 taels of silver.

Both the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty thought that with such a generous reward, Qiu Luan should win a battle. Even Yan Song was a little shaken, thinking in frustration that with the support of this, Qiu Luan would definitely be able to make some real military achievements. , the emperor's favor on him will definitely be even greater...

But I didn't expect... It's just that God can do evil, and you can't live if you do evil...

General Qiu Luan led his troops to Datong in early April of the 31st year of Jiajing.

That's all, with the great rewards promised by Emperor Jiajing and his full support, Qiu Luan was defeated again and again.

At that time, Mongolian Alta gathered all the ministries and the three guards of Duoyan to haunt the fortress, and the situation was very tense, causing all the borders to be in emergency one after another, and five or six out of ten of the side walls were damaged by the enemy.

Qiu Luan had no plan and could not effectively deploy troops and generals, which made it difficult to support left and right.

As the saying goes, it means tearing down the east wall to make up for the west wall, regardless of the head.

So that's all, Yan Song reported to Emperor Jiajing, Qiu Luan couldn't help being unable to defend against the enemy outside the country, and harassed the people everywhere, and even competed with his family for prostitutes, ignoring military affairs.

Just when Emperor Jiajing couldn't bear it, Qiu Luan was cowardly and reckless, and went so far as to make another foolish move, and went to the court to ask the soldiers from Xuanfu and Datong towns to be distributed between Bao'an and Huailai in July to prevent autumn. Gyeonggi powerhouse.

As soon as the memorial arrived in the capital, Yan Song was overjoyed and drank a lot.Lu Bing shook his head and lightly sunned it.

Yan Song made repeated moves. During the court discussion, the Ministry of War considered: "Xuanfu and Datong are originally the gates of the capital. There is no gate that is not guarded, but the hall can be solidified. It is still fearful that the soldiers of Hexuan and Daerzhen will defend themselves. Insufficient, once the elite is mobilized and the weak are retained, the door will not be able to support it, and it will be too late to wait for it to go deep."

Emperor Jiajing thought what the Ministry of War said was true, and knew that Qiu Luan was not enough. On the third day of May of the same year, he ordered Qiu Luan to return to Beijing for discussion.

Qiu Luan was shocked when he received the order, knowing that if he returned to Beijing like this, he might end up in trouble, so he decided to make a final effort.

On June 31, the 29st year of Jiajing, General Qiu Luan made a statement: "The soldiers entering the guards on all sides have been exhausted after years of transfers. Please choose Liaodong, Guyuan, Ningxia, and Gansu. Each town has 3000 recruits. Yansui 2000 people will enter the guard separately from the original selected soldiers."

Emperor Jiajing forbade it.

When Qiu Luan heard the oracle, his face was ashen.

This is a sign of falling out of favor...

Qiu Luan was overly frightened and rushed to his heart, since he fell ill.

As the saying goes, when a tree falls, the monkeys scatter, and when a wall falls, everyone pushes away.

Qiu Luan returned to Beijing due to illness, and his party members defected one after another. Even Xu Jie secretly impeached him.

Yan Song's party attacked wildly, and the impeachment papers entered the palace like a snowflake.

Qiu Luan couldn't afford to be ill.

On the ninth day of August in the 31st year of Jiajing, Emperor Jiajing issued an edict to withdraw the seal of General Qiu Luan and dismiss him from his post.

After Qiu Luan died, Yan Song found Lu Bing, but instead of seeing him, Lu Bing asked someone to hand over a dossier.

The next day, Yan Song went to the shuffle and accused Qiu Luan of bribery of I Da. There was conclusive evidence for the impeachment of Qiu Luan and collusion with the enemy.

It is stated clearly that the evidence is all obtained from the search and textual research of the Jinyiwei, and all the performances are made by Lu Bing, the governor of the Jinyiwei.

When Lu Bing heard about it, he naturally knew Yan Song's intention to drag him onto the boat, so he shook his head and chuckled quietly.

On August 31, the [-]st year of Jiajing, when Qiu Luan learned of Yan Song's performance, he was depressed and uneasy, his condition worsened, and he died of fright.

On August 25th, Emperor Shizong issued an edict: "The crime of violent hatred, chasing and slaughtering his corpse, passed on the first nine sides, ransacked his family and confiscated his property. His party Shiyi, Hou Rong and others will also be executed."

Qiu Luan was dissected and killed.

Not a good end...


Qiu Luan died, and was completely crucified on the pillar of shame.

Yan Song went to another enemy, the prestige was so strong that it was out of control.

Lu Bingxian had already entered Zuo Dudu, and after capturing Ha Zhouer, he added the prince and Taibao.

First, because of exposing Qiu Luan's conspiracy, he added Shaobao and Prince Taifu, and gave the earl a salary on a yearly basis.

Chen Hong, Sun Hong, Bi Yun, Zhang Fujing, Xia Yan, Qiu Luan... In the past, the power was all over the government, but now it is just a cloud.

... Once in power, it will fall overnight.

Being with you is like accompanying a tiger, how many families are many families are sad?

Qiu Luan raped him, and Shang Dafa's subordinates Shi Tong, Sun Jiusi and more than a hundred people sued Que for injustice.

Zhang Shiche, the Minister of the Ministry of War, also said: "The business festival is for Niluan to restrain the elbow, so as to resist the law, and beg for forgiveness from the law and the people."

Everyone begged for mercy, and the truth has come to light. Everyone thought that Shang Dajie would avenge their grievances. Only Lu Bing and Yan Song listened and shook their heads secretly.
Lu Bing couldn't stop the officials, so he could only sigh.

If he stays calm, Shang Dajie will be out of prison one day, and he will be fooled by all the officials... Shang Dajie...Wei Yi...

Sure enough, as Lu Bing expected, the pleading of the people not only failed to make Emperor Jiajing issue an edict for the Shang Festival, but also made Emperor Jiajing even more angry.

If this is rehabilitated, wouldn't it mean that the emperor was wrong?
The emperor... how could he be wrong?

Emperor Jiajing was angry and engraved Zhang Shiche as the second rank.

In the 32nd year of Jiajing, Shang Dajie died in prison.

This family is sad.


Although Qiu Luan died, the things he left behind did not stop there, such as... the horse market.On the first day of September in the 31st year of Jiajing, Mongolian Alta led more than [-] riders, broke through the side wall from Hongci Fort in the north of Datong, and plundered the left and right guards of Datong and the [-] guards of Anton.Not long after, the troops were divided to plunder Pingluwei, Shuozhou, Yingzhou, Shanyin, Mayi and other places.Afterwards, the troops were divided again to attack Shanxi Sanguan and Ningxia.

Since the establishment of the horse market, Mongolian Alta and other ministries often took the opportunity to plunder the population and property along the border.Even stronger than in previous years!
Emperor Jiajing was furious, so he stopped the Datong horse market first as a warning.

But I Da and other ministries are still wanton and shameless.

Therefore, Cai Pu, the censor of the tour press, made a comment on the harm of opening the market.

On September 31th, 24st year of Jiajing, it was announced that all horse markets on all sides would be strictly prohibited. Anyone who dares to make suggestions to open the market in the future will be killed!
Since then, the horse markets on all sides have stopped and opened from time to time.


Yan Song is in sole control of the power in the court, becoming more and more greedy and domineering, but no one can shake his position, and those who dare to impeach him will be harmed by them.

On the ninth day of October in the 31st year of Jiajing, Nanjing Yushi Wang Zongmao impeached Yan Song: Yan Song was originally a flatterer, with no integrity and shame, who held power for a long time and acted like a domineering, all the subjects inside and outside resented him.There are eight major crimes that harm the country and the people:
"First, appoint officials, extort generous bribes, go out to civil and military officials, and distribute them in important places.

Second, citing private individuals, foreign officials are promoted regardless of their talents and qualifications, and only bribery is the only question. As a result, upright people are repeatedly excluded and unable to serve the country.

Third, after being impeached in the previous year, he immediately and secretly transferred tens of thousands of family property to his hometown in Jiangxi in the south and other places.

Fourth, set up fertile land in various places in Jiangxi, store gold and silver treasures widely, and make it a plan for generations to come, regardless of the poverty of the country and the people.

Fifth, widely raising domestic slaves, traveling to and from the capital, harassing and abusing the residents along the way, everyone is angry and dare not speak out.

Sixth, extravagance and extreme desire, different recipes and different products, everything is complete.

Seventh, greedy and wanton is incomparable, but calmness does not know how to stop.

Eighth, more than [-] court officials were recruited as sons and adopted sons to act as minions and thugs, so that the court's grace and power would not come from your majesty.

The only thing the world relies on for safety is wealth and soldiers.

Untalented civil servants come out of Songmen with bribes, and they will deprive the people of their wealth. How can the people not be trapped!

Untalented generals come out of Songmen with bribes, and their salaries will be withheld. The soldiers will never get tired!

Yan Song's job can be paid for several years. Please get rid of this traitor who harms the country and the people, and copy his family property to make Su the country suffer. "

Zhao Wenhua, Yan Song's party member and one of his adoptive sons, deliberately detained him for several days after receiving Wang Zongmao's memorial.At the same time, Yan Song was secretly informed, so that Yan Song could plan countermeasures and frame Wang Zongmao.

After Emperor Jiajing was dismissed, because of Yan Song's foreshadowing, he really sheltered Yan Song, and demoted Wang Zongmao to Pingyang County Prime Minister for the crime of slandering the minister.

When Wang Zongmao went to Shushu, he was already doomed to death, and was demoted, so he left the capital peacefully.

Since then, few people dared to compete with Yan Song again.

And in the Ming Dynasty, Lu Bing, the only one who could compete with Yan Song, couldn't care less about it at the moment.

Because...Jiangnan, something happened again.

According to the news, the offender is called Wang Zhi...

(End of this chapter)

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