Brocade legend

Chapter 304 Wang Zhi Invasion

Chapter 304 Wang Zhi Invasion
Jiangnan urgent report!

On March 32th, the 28nd year of Jiajing, the pirate leader Wang Zhi seduced the Japanese pirates and dispatched more than a hundred warships. At the same time, he plundered thousands of miles along the coast in Taizhou, Ningbo, Jiaxing, Huzhou, Suzhou, Songjiang and Huaibei, etc. Looting property, massacring residents, plundering men and women.

At that time, the small people along the coast who were chaotic, led each other into the sea to follow the Japanese. Murderers, escaped prisoners, dismissed officials, crafty monks, dereliction of duty, unsuccessful scholars, and unsuccessful people were all Japanese spies and guided them.

Lu Bing got the letter, and in a rage, he immediately asked for an order, took Shitou, Yang Sen, and each led a hundred horses, and went straight to the south of the Yangtze River!

Sun Quan had rushed to the south of the Yangtze River first, and dispatched "Kouzhongxin" spies to inquire about the news.

Huang Lian'er also led more than a dozen killers who were "on the tail" and assisted secretly.

After Lu Bing left Beijing, no one in the court could check and balance Yan Song. Yan Song became more and more unscrupulous, cronyism and enriching his own pockets.The ministers of the DPRK and China let him decide, whether he is up or down, it all depends on his momentary preferences, or even a matter of a word.

Wan boring, whose name is Shiming, is a sage.In the 18th year of Hongzhi, he was a Jinshi.In Zhengdezhong, he successively served as the head of the Ministry of punishment, doctor of Wenxuan of the Ministry of officials, Taichang, and Shaoqing of Dali.

Emperor Jiajing succeeded to the throne, entered Shuntian Fuyin, and moved to Nanjing as the Minister of the Ministry of War and the Yushi of Youdu.

In response to the edict, Chen Yan disobeyed the order and denounced it as the people.

Later, he was recommended by Yan Song, who was appointed as the deputy capital censor, moved to the Minister of the Ministry of War, and the Minister of the Nanjing Ministry of Punishment and Rites, and was called to be in charge of the Ministry of Punishment.In October of the 30th year of Jiajing, Li Mo was appointed Minister of the Ministry of Officials.

Wan Ting was cited by Yan Song, and he followed everything up, and he was quite familiar with the legacy.Later, because he offended Zhao Wenhua, one of Yan Song's adopted sons, Yan Song was displeased.

On August 32, the [-]nd year of Jiajing, he was impeached by Zhao Wenhua, Yan Song's righteous son, and ordered to cut his nationality.

A first-rank official in the court, a majestic chief official, who said that he would step down, and for a while, he was courteous and military, and he avoided the strict party. Whenever he mentioned it, he was always startled and his face was ashen.

Thinking of when Lu Bing was in Beijing, there was still a way to be protected, and countless officials began to miss Lu Bing's days in Beijing.

However, at this time, Lu Bing could no longer care about those court officials in Beijing.

He had already arrived in the south of the Yangtze River at this time, holding the secret report submitted by Sun Quan, with an angry expression on his face.

According to the investigation, the real Japanese is no more than three out of ten, and the fake Japanese is as many as seven out of ten.

Because a large number of Chinese joined the ranks of the Japanese pirates, the Japanese pirates were not only invincible, but also became more arrogant.

Following the breakthrough of Zhejiang Changguowei on March 29, Japanese pirates invaded Taicang again in April, entered Zhapu, and attacked Pinghu, Haiyan, Haining, Shanghai, and Jiangyin.

Where the Japanese pirates came, they intercepted and killed the Ming army, burned towns, robbed residents, raped women, and disrupted production. By June of the same year, more than [-] places in Wen, Tai, Ning, Wei, and Suo were attacked by Japanese pirates. , which lasted three months, was plundered away.

When Lu Bing arrived in the south of the Yangtze River, he couldn't get in touch with Wang Zhi. It is said that Wang Zhi didn't go ashore and was at sea all the time. The previous contact method was also difficult to operate normally because of the Japanese pirates' rebellion. For a while, he couldn't find Wang Zhi!

Seeing pirates and Japanese pirates wreaking havoc on the land of Ming Dynasty, Lu Bing couldn't think of anything other than organizing soldiers and civilians from all over the country to fight against Japanese pirates.

"What the hell has Wang Zhi been doing these past few years!" Lu Bing snapped a few cases in annoyance, and actually broke those cases!

Sun Quan stood aside quietly, and said: "The pirate attack last year was not done intentionally by Wang Zhi, but Chen Sipan, the leader of the pirates in Fujian, who was cornered by Wang Zhi, invaded the inland, burned, killed and looted all the way, just to disturb the government. He thought it was a large-scale attack by the Japanese pirates, and hoped that the government would vigorously suppress the bandits so that they could take advantage of the chaos to escape. Wang Zhi was afraid that he would run away, and it would be difficult to find his trace, so he had to make a decisive decision and lead people into the mainland, and finally killed Chen Sipan , annexed his power."

After listening to Sun Quan's words, Lu Bing knew that Sun Quan was using this matter to give himself comfort, so that he would not worry too much, so he couldn't help but let out a long breath.

Sun Quan saw that Lu Bing's brows relaxed a little, and continued: "After that, Wang Zhi was afraid of another accident, so he moved his base camp to Matsuurajin, Japan, and officially launched the banner of "King Hui."

"This kid..." Lu Bing smiled helplessly: "He really dares to be king... He is indeed a person who had a vision when he was born."

Sun Quan, Yang Sen, and Shitou couldn't help smiling.

"What's going on this time?" Lu Bing asked again.

Sun Quan hesitated for a moment, and said: "This's a bit complicated...Your Excellency, you can ask Yu Dayou to come and ask carefully before you can find out."

"Huh?" Lu Bing was puzzled, and said, "There's something about Yu Dayou? Tell me first, as much as you know."

Sun Quan took a breath and said: "At the beginning, under our guidance and communication, Wang Zhi reached a tacit agreement with local officials to open" a private market. "

"I know that." Lu Bing nodded: "This is part of our plan."

Sun Quan also nodded, and continued: "Under the suggestion of local officials acquiescing to the "private market", he actively cooperated with the government and worked very hard to put down Chen Sipan and other pirates who burned, killed and plundered, maintained coastal order, and gradually established himself. "Sea supremacy" status, and trying to rebuild the prosperity of Shuangyu Port in Ligang, Zhoushan."

"It's really a good job." Lu Bing knew all this, and couldn't help laughing in satisfaction, even a little proud.This is the biggest bureau he has laid out in his life, and it is also the plan that has contributed the most to Daming.

Sun Quan didn't laugh, and even said coldly: "In the middle of the third month, Yu Dayou, the commander-in-chief Yu Dayou, led the Fujian local building and ship attack encircle and wipe out Wang Zhi. Wang Zhi sent Xu Hai, Chen Dong, Xiao Xian , Ye Ma, etc., led the Japanese pirates, barely resisted, and finally lost to Japan. The successive destruction of Shuangyu Port and Li Port also caused heavy damage to Jiangnan's maritime trade network..."

"..." Lu Bing fell silent...

"This is the last information..." Sun Quan continued without stopping, "Afterwards, Wang Zhi disappeared... He must have retreated to the sea... I heard that he was injured... very seriously."

Lu Bing clenched his fist, and Shitou and Yang Sen also stood up in awe.

They still remember that honest and chivalrous young man who is now famous all over the world. With their help, he became the big man he wanted to be, but now... his life and death are unknown...

I don't know if the Japanese sword without sheath is still there or if it has been rusted...

"...Then, some of the scattered pirates landed, planning to return home to hide, and the Japanese pirates who lost control also began to land to retaliate..." Sun Quan suppressed the gushing anger, and finished what he had to say.


Everyone was silent for a long time, then Lu Bing suddenly let out a long sigh, and said, "Let's deal with the Japanese first... Since Wang Zhi is not involved, we don't need to hold back."

"Continue to contact Wang Zhi..." Lu Bing ordered: "Before contacting him, we will do our best to encircle and wipe out the Japanese pirates who have landed!"

"Give Yu Dayou!" Lu Bing finally ordered: "And Qi Jiguang!"


(End of this chapter)

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