Brocade legend

Chapter 305: A New Strategy for Treating Japanese Worms

Chapter 305: A New Strategy for Treating Japanese Worms

At this time, Qi Jiguang was no longer a child. He learned from the Master Xiude of Qingliang Temple in Zhuolu, and obtained the true biography of Liuhemen.

Lu Bing and Qi Jingtong have known each other for many years. After Qi Jingtong passed away, Lu Bing took care of Qi Jiguang even more.

In the 23rd year of Jiajing, Qi Jingtong died of illness. Qi Jiguang, who was 17 years old, succeeded his father and became the commander of Dengzhou Guard.

In the 25th year of Jiajing, Qi Jiguang divided the labor and managed the farming affairs of Dengzhou Weisuo.

From the 27th to the 31st year of Jiajing, Qi Jiguang was ordered to lead the soldiers of the guard to garrison Jimen far away, returning from spring to autumn, once a year.

In the 28th year of Jiajing, Qi Jiguang passed the martial arts examination, and went to Beijing for the next year's examination. At the same time that the Mongolian Altan Khan soldiers besieged Beijing, Qi Jiguang temporarily guarded the nine gates of the capital, and wrote to Chen Shouyu Fanglue twice.At that time, Lu Bing praised Qi Jiguang, defended him more, and recommended him for promotion.

Before Lu Bing left Beijing, he was specially promoted to be the commander of the capital, managing 25 guards in the three battalions of Dengzhou, Wendeng, and Jimo, and defending against Japanese pirates along the coast of Shandong.

After taking office, Qi Jiguang learned humbly, such as learning stick skills from Yu Dayou and spear skills from Tang Shunzhi, and trained soldiers with them.

Qi Jiguang rectified the guards, trained soldiers, and strictly disciplined them, which greatly improved the defense along the coast of Shandong.

At this time, Yu Dayou also became the commander of the Guangdong capital because of his military exploits.

Lu Bing, Qi Jiguang and Yu Dayou carefully discussed the plan to put down the Japanese pirates.Lu Bing still had a lot of prestige in Jiangnan. Under his dispatch, county governments and troops in various places in Jiangnan were quickly mobilized.When Da Ming was condensed, it exploded with absolute power.

With the support of the powerful intelligence and beheading capabilities of Jin Yiwei's "belief in the mouth" and "needle on the tail".The Ming army began to counterattack, quickly cut through the chaos, and quickly put down the Japanese pirate rebellion. The pirates and Japanese pirates who landed were either killed on the spot or driven back into the sea.

At this time, there was finally news of Wang Zhi.

Wang Zhi, who fled to the sea, led tens of thousands of pirates, and recruited a large number of ronin from Japan to attack the town customs to retaliate.

Lu Bing immediately took Shitou, Yang Sen, Sun Quan, and Huang Lian'er to Zhenhai Customs.


In a residential house in Zhenhaiguan, Lu Bing met Wang Zhi who was seriously injured.

Lu Bing looked at Wang Zhi's pale face and sighed, "You're here."

Wang Zhi hesitated to speak, and pursed his lips stubbornly.

Lu Bing looked at Wang Zhi carefully, and saw that Wang Zhi's skin had become rough, a beard grew on his mouth, and his face was no longer childish.

Lu Bing looked at Wang Zhi's waist again, where the unsheathed Japanese sword was inserted there. Not only was there no rust, but it was even more shiny than before.

"If you don't come, I won't blame you, but I will be very disappointed." Lu Bing said slowly: "But seeing this are still using it, I am relieved a lot."

"My... my lord." Wang Zhi looked at the benefactor in front of him, the past was vivid in his memory: "Ye Ma and the others... said they won't let me come, but I must come."

"Aren't you afraid you won't be able to go back?" Lu Bing said lightly.

"My life was given by you. If you want it, you can take it. Wang Zhi has no complaints." Wang Zhi said firmly, but there was a trace of grievance.

Lu Bing looked at Wang Zhi and suddenly smiled: "Everyone in the world knows that I have the Thirteen Taibaos, but no one knows that one of the Thirteen Taibaos is the Pirate King... Besides, your kid actually became the king. "

Wang Zhi was quite in awe of Lu Bing. Now seeing Lu Bing smiling, he just relaxed a little and said: "There must be a flag, the sea is a territory without borders, and the ship with the flag of King Hui written in Chinese characters is inserted." Wherever it goes, it is my territory in China."

"Well said!" Lu Bing applauded with a high five, but then changed the subject and said, "Then do you still remember our original intention?"

"My lord, I remember." Wang Zhi su Yan said.

"Then you still let the pirates go ashore?" Lu Bing said seriously.

"...At that time I was seriously injured and retreated to the far sea... Those people lost control..." Wang Zhi already knew the tragedy caused by those pirates and Japanese pirates after they landed, and he lowered his head in shame.

"I already know this. You are unable to do what you want. I don't blame you. Why did you attack Zhenguan again?" Lu Bing asked. He came to see Wang Zhi to see if this little brother was still the chivalrous man he used to be. Wang Zhi, seeing him now, he did not disappoint Lu Bing.

And this is the last question, if Wang Zhi's answer is the same as Lu Bing's guess, Lu Bing will let Wang Zhi go, but if... this whale shark was released by Lu Bing, if he dares to fight back, Lu Bing will take him in himself return.

"I'm not here to attack the town and customs, but to have an excuse to gather back the scattered pirates and Japanese pirates. They are scattered and the harm is too great. Only when they gather together can they be controlled." Wang Zhi He replied that his answer made Lu Bing very satisfied.

Wang Zhi continued: "Now the effect has appeared. Those pirates and Japanese pirates who were scattered, I heard that I brought a large number of ships outside the town customs, and they all gathered. They can all be recovered within ten days at most, and then I I will pretend that I cannot conquer the town and customs, and then I will retreat to the sea."

As Wang Zhi said, he suddenly sneered and said, "It's not Yu Dayou's trouble! I really want to make meritorious deeds and go crazy!"

Lu Bing did not answer Wang Zhi's words, but said: "Since you have such a plan, then I will tell you about my plan..."

For this secret meeting, Lu Bing made some adjustments to the original plan according to the current situation.

Lu Bing asked Wang Zhi not to withdraw all his men, and left some real Japanese and Japanese pirates who did not listen to Wang Zhi's control, and handed them over to the Ming army to clean up, as the end of the matter.

At the same time, Lu Bing promised that after the matter was settled, he would punish Yu Dayou and vent his anger on Wang Zhi.But Yu Dayou is an officer and soldier, and it is his duty to exterminate the Japanese pirates, and there is no big mistake, so he will not be killed.

Wang Zhi expressed his understanding.

In addition, after Lu Bing returns to Beijing, he will try his best to arrange more gentle officials to serve in the southeast, and at the same time secretly coordinate the situation between Wang Zhi and the court to make Wang Zhi's life easier.

Lu Bing smiled and said: "Maybe one day, you will be ordered to go back to Beijing to be an official."

Wang Zhi smiled and didn't express much. Judging from the current situation, such hope is too slim.

Another most important point is that Lu Bing has adjusted his original goal of preventing all pirates and pirates from approaching the coast of Daming.Let Wang Zhi relax some controls, release some new pirates from time to time, or pirates who are not under Wang Zhi's control come to the shore.

Anyway, now that Ming's sea defense has been established, letting some enemies in from time to time is also a kind of training for the Ming's army, so that they can keep vigilant at all times, so as not to relax after a long period of non-fighting.

In this way, at the same time, it relieved Wang Zhi's pressure, and also made the connection between Wang Zhi and the Ming court more secret, so as not to be suspected by pirates and Japanese pirates.

More importantly, Lu Bing learned a lesson from this incident.

If it is suppressed for a long time, the Japanese pirates will accumulate more and more. Once there is a problem, it will show an explosive state, and it will be even more difficult to deal with.

It's better to make a small opening from time to time and take the opportunity to get rid of some. This will not only weaken the power of the Japanese pirates, reduce the pressure on Wang Zhi, but also give the Ming army a chance to train.

Wang Zhi listened and shouted for a clever plan!
After a long time, the two walked out of the room together.

"My lord!" Wang Zhi clasped his fists to Lu Bing and said with some reluctance that parting was imminent: "We will see each other again today."

"Whether I see you or not, you are one of my thirteen best brothers." Lu Bing patted him on the shoulder and said, "No matter where you are, as long as you remember your original heart, I will be proud of you." !"

The two brothers hadn't seen each other for many years, and they were about to go their separate ways after such a hasty time. I couldn't help but feel a little sad.

The two have known each other for more than ten years, and to do such a big thing in secret is based on the trust between brothers.

In this meeting, neither of them let the other down, the brotherhood is still there, and the common goal is still there!

The two bid farewell, and the two brothers parted ways again.

"Brother Lu... I hope that one day, I can enter Daming in a dignified manner, drink with you, and talk about brotherhood again."


Lu Bing returned to Beijing, and Wang Zhi returned to the sea.

The pirates and Japanese pirates led by Wang Zhi were counterattacked by the Daming garrison at Zhenhai Customs, retreated to Jintang Island, and gathered in Ligang.Due to the dangerous situation on Jintang Island, it was difficult for officers and soldiers to conquer it for a while.Let's not mention the two truces for the time being.

In March of the following year, Wang Shu, the admiral of Zhejiang and Fujian, carefully surveyed the terrain of Jintang Island, and formulated a careful battle plan. He sent General Yu Dayou to attack from the front of Ligang, and General Tang Kekuan blocked the Japanese pirates' retreat from Xihoumen. The tactics of flanking attack, in cooperation with Qi Jiguang, Deng Cheng and other generals, used Fujian building ships to fight in Ningbo, Shaoxing, and Songyang counties. Dozens of ships were burned, and more than a thousand enemies were captured, showing the power of building ships.

This battle was also the first great victory in the history of Zhoushan's anti-Japanese war, and it had a far-reaching impact.For this reason, Yu Dayou renamed Ligang as "Pingwogang".In order to praise Yu Dayou's achievements in fighting against the Japanese, the local people built a "monument for fighting the Japanese" in Ligang for future generations to look up to.

Afterwards, Wang Zhi waited for the remaining thieves to retreat, but Yu Dayou was not only not rewarded, but was suspended instead.

Wang Zhi sailed away, and the Japanese pirates who ran into the land to plunder had to return to the army to rescue the warship, and desperately broke through to join the warship at sea.According to Yu Dayou's arrangement, the Ming army raised its sails to pursue Zhang Jing's army on land. Together with Yu Dayou's boat division in ambush in the sea, they formed an encirclement in the Songjiang area and wiped out the fleeing Japanese pirates. This was the first time in the history of fighting against Japanese pirates. Victory on a massive scale.

In this way, Yu Dayou gave the salary as before.

Why did you stop paying Wang Zhi after repelling him?Why were the Japanese pirates exterminated and landed repaid?I am afraid that only a few people such as Lu Bing and Wang Zhi know the ingenuity in this process.

In the 33rd year of Jiajing, Japanese pirates occupied Ningbo Putuo, and Yu Dayou led the main attack. The Japanese pirates stood out and killed 300 people including Huo Bin.

Yu Dayou took the crime to suppress the bandits, and soon defeated the bandits at Wu Song.Emperor Jiajing issued an edict to eliminate Yu Dayou's previous crimes, replaced Tang Kekuan as Su Song's deputy commander, defeated the thief Yu Pingwang, and fought again in Liujinba.

The Japanese pirates invaded Jinshan, Yu Dayou led fewer than 300 generals and soldiers, and the soldiers from all walks of life had not yet arrived. They were outnumbered and lost the battle.

(End of this chapter)

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