Brocade legend

Chapter 306 Xu Weixue and Ye Ma

Chapter 306 Xu Weixue and Ye Ma
At that time, [-] Japanese pirates were stationed in Zhelin, Songjiang. Zhang Jing, governor of Fujian and Zhejiang, urged them to fight, but Yu Dayou insisted.When Yongshun and Baojing soldiers arrived, it was the biggest victory since Zhang Jingda defeated the bandits in Wangjiangjing and won the Anti-Japanese War.

However, his meritorious deeds were claimed by Yan Song Yizi, Zhao Wenhua, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, and Hu Zongxian, Governor of Zhejiang Province.

Yu Dayou was also punished by demotion, and he was punished by Jinshan's breach of discipline, and he was relegated as an official.

In April of the 33rd year of Jiajing, Hu Zongxian was appointed as the censor of inspection and supervision in Zhejiang. He was appointed as the censor of Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of War and the censor of Zuoqian Capital of the Metropolitan Procuratorate. .

In order to recruit Wang Zhi, Hu Zongxian first released Wang Zhi's wife and children, who had been arrested by Yu Dayouzhu, from prison and provided them well.The posthumous sent Jiangzhou and Chen Keyuan to Japan to negotiate with Mao Haifeng, the adopted son of Wang Zhi.Then I saw Wang Zhi, who understands reason and moves with emotion.

When he learned that his relatives were safe, Wang Zhi couldn't help weeping with joy, and complained all the time: "I didn't do anything to cause chaos, but because General Yu's soldiers plotted against me and arrested my family members, they never returned."

As for the promise of mutual trade, Wang Zhi has no resistance.Wang Zhi expressed his willingness to obey orders.Wang Zhi left Jiang Zhou in Japan. To show his sincerity, he ordered Mao Haifeng to escort Chen Keyuan back to China to meet Hu Zongxian, and discussed in detail how to recruit and trade with him.Hu Zongxian caressed Mao Haifeng generously, which dispelled Wang Zhi's doubts.

Since then, Wang Zhiyuan fled to Japan and other overseas countries, but there are still small groups of Japanese pirates invading from time to time every year.

Lu Bing's done!
During this period, Lu Bing used all the first, second and third rank members of Daming as pawns. He used a lot of strength and skill to lay out the layout, and finally completed this game of chess. I am afraid that only Lu Bing himself knows the skill and ingenuity.

At the same time, Lu Bing and Wang Zhi also used the Ming army to mobilize Wang Zhi to wipe out dissidents as agreed before.


Xu Weixue was originally Wang Zhi's fellow villager and partner. The two parties cooperated happily at the beginning, but gradually, because Wang Zhi's ability surpassed him, the business was bigger than him, and the profit was higher than him. After thinking about it, Xu Weixue decided to split up and work alone.They also brought in Xu Hai, his nephew named Mingshan monk who was a monk at Hupao Temple in Hangzhou.

Doing it alone requires capital. Xu Weixue didn't have enough money, so he looked for people to borrow from everywhere, and the biggest loan was from Japanese pirates.

Xu Weixue was not very lucky. After he did not follow Wang Zhi, he naturally lost the source of information revealed to Wang Zhi by "words of mouth".His fleet often encountered storms and the Ming army, and lost everything several times.

The Japanese pirates’ money is bought with their lives, and it will never be allowed to turn into bad debts, but Xu Weixue’s family property has been sold out, and there is nothing to mortgage, so in desperation, he did a very wicked thing—— —Betting on his nephew Xu Hai.

In Xu Weixue's view, his nephew is also his property, so Xu Hai became a hostage of Japanese pirates' property.

At this time, Xu Hai didn't take it seriously, thinking that he was just eating a few more Japanese dishes, and his uncle would redeem him soon, but something unexpected happened.

Xu Weixue really didn't have the life to do business. After returning, not only did he not make money, but he lost more, and finally lost his life because of it.

When this news reached Xu Hai's ears, facing the Japanese pirates who had lost all their money and were furious, he did not panic, and calmly saved himself with one sentence: "Save my life, I will do it with you."

Anyway, the money was gone, so Xu Hai became a member of the Japanese pirates in order not to run out of people and money. Of course, in the eyes of those Japanese, they were just an extra person serving tea and water.

However, this is not the case, Xu Hai's energy is far beyond their imagination.

Xu Hai has no education, he is self-taught, but he has amazing talent, great organizational skills, and is very good at sea combat. Compared with those hard-headed Japanese, he is really too outstanding, so it didn't take long He joined the Japanese pirates, became a full member, and gained freedom.

After that, he took power for a while and became the chief of Wang Zhi's subordinates, known as "General Tiancha Pinghai".

Xu Hai became well-developed. He used his talent and good relationship with Japanese pirates to stand out among many pirates, and he had a fixed sphere of influence and powerful subordinates.Later, he didn't even obey Wang Zhi's orders, and often went ashore to plunder. Wang Zhi couldn't take care of the dead Xu Weixue because of his face.

But at this time, Xu Hai is still a pawn played by the Japanese pirates. He does not have the strength of Wang Zhi, so he can only rely on the Japanese for food.

Every time before he led Japanese pirates to invade, he would make an agreement with the other party, specifying how many people he would bring, where to rob, and the share of dividends afterwards, etc. , He is also a very powerful traitor.

On the first day of the first lunar month in the 34th year of Jiajing, the pirate leader Xu Hai colluded with Japanese pirates and seized ships from Zhelin to offend Zhapu and Haining in Zhejiang Province, captured Chongde County, and plundered Tanglou and Hengtang.Later, they attacked Deqing County, killing the general Liang E of the Ming army, commanding Zhou Kui, Sun Lu, Baihu Luling, Zhou Yingchen, Liwen Tao Yiguan, etc.At the same time, they surrounded Hangzhou for dozens of miles, bleeding into rivers.

On the thirteenth day of April in the 35th year of Jiajing, the pirate leaders Xu Hai and Chen Dong each had more than ten thousand people pretending to attack Zhapu and returning after plundering.

On April 35rd in the 23th year of Jiajing, Xu Hai, the leader of the pirates, colluded with more than [-] Japanese pirates to rob Zaolin and other places in Zhejiang, and planned to attack Hangzhou.

Zong Li, a guerrilla general, led a bloody battle with [-] warriors against Japanese pirates at Sanli Bridge in Chongde.

Zongli won three battles and three victories, beheading more than three hundred Japanese.

Xu Hai and others were all afraid, and called Zongli "the magic soldier".

Unfortunately, the bridge collapsed, and Zongli, Zhenfu Houhuai, He Heng, and righteous official Huo Guandao all died.

The Japanese pirates took advantage of the victory to attack Tongxiang, but were unable to attack for a long time, so they robbed the four townships.

In this service, Zongli led all warriors, outnumbered and outnumbered. People at that time thought that the anti-Japanese "bloody battle was the first achievement".

That's all, Ye Ma and Xu Weixue are old friends, after Xu Hai surrendered to Ming Dynasty, he actually framed Ye Ma, which finally angered Wang Zhi.

First, Hu Zongxian, the governor of Zhejiang, used tricks to persuade Xu Hai to be appeased, and Xu Hai agreed to surrender.

Hu Zongxian then ordered Xu Hai to attack the Japanese pirates occupying the Wusong River, thinking that he had made meritorious service to atone for his crime.Xu Hai attacked and beheaded more than [-] bandits.

At the same time, Hu Zongxian ordered Yu Dayou, the commander-in-chief of the Ming army, to burn Xu Hai's warships.Xu Hai was afraid, so he took his brother Xu Hong as a hostage, and presented Hu Zongxian with armor, a famous sword and other things.Hu Zongxian therefore treated Xu Hong favorably.Then Hu Zongxian ordered Xu Hai to capture and bind the other two pirate leaders, Chen Dong and Ye Ma, and promised to give them Spyker.

Therefore, Xu Hai used deceit, and Ye Ma was undoubtedly deceived, and was captured by Xu Hai and dedicated to Hu Zongxian.

(End of this chapter)

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