Brocade legend

Chapter 307 I hope Hai Bo is calm

Chapter 307 I hope Hai Bo is calm

Ye Ma did not suspect fraud, and was captured by Xu Hai and dedicated to Hu Zongxian.

Ye Ma fell into the hands of Hu Zongxian, and Hu Zongxian ordered Ye Ma to write a letter to Chen Dong, agreeing to plot against Xu Hai together, but secretly leaked the letter to Xu Hai.

Xu Hai made a plan, thinking that Ye Ma and Chen Dong were connected, and wanted to deal with him together. In a rage, he planned to capture Chen Donglaixian, and led 500 of his troops to Zhapu, and together with the officers and soldiers, burned Zhapu in one fell swoop. Wang Zhi's men were killed More than [-] people were beheaded, and more than [-] people died by burning and drowning.The rest of the people fled into the sea in embarrassment, commanded the Dengcheng governor to pursue, sank his ship, and wiped out them all.

Wang Zhi was furious and secretly reported to Lu Bing.

Lu Bing didn't do it himself, but went to Yan Song's mansion.

In August of the 35th year of Jiajing, Xu Hai visited the Governor's Mansion in Pinghu, and the chief inspector pleaded guilty.Zhao Wenhua, Yan Song's righteous son, and Hu Zongxian, Ruan E and others rewarded him generously, and ordered him to live in Shenjiazhuang to be cared for.

When Xu Hai arrived, Yongshun, Baojing, Dong soldiers and others were ordered to gather. Zhao Wenhua sent envoys to question Xu Haitun for the crime of plundering Shenjiazhuang.

On August 25, General Yu Dayou led his troops to conquer Shenjiazhuang in one fell swoop, and Xu Hai drowned to death.At that time, the Ming army defeated the Japanese pirates on Dasumi Island and captured Fang Xinwulang on the island.Then Xu Haidi Xu Hong was captured.As well as Chen Dong, Ye Ma and other leaders, as well as the heads of Xin Wulang and Xu Hai, they were dedicated to the capital.

The rest of Xu Hai's party rushed to Zhoushan, and Yu Dayou led his troops to wipe them out.The Japanese plague in Zhejiang and Zhejiang gradually subsided.

Xu Hai was killed, but suffered a strange woman.

There used to be a famous prostitute named Wang Cuiqiao on the Qinhuai River. She was soft-spoken and extremely charming, but she also had a bit of perseverance and straightforwardness in her character.Qiao'er has a mediocre appearance, but she can sing very well and plays a good pipa.She never flattered her guests. ?
In May of the 33rd year of Jiajing, pirates invaded in large numbers.Wang Cuiqiao was captured and fell into Xu Hai's hands.She played the pipa and a clear song by herself, which was appreciated by Xu Hai and became Xu Haiyan's obedient Mrs. Wang. ?
In April of the 35th year of Jiajing, Xu Haiyin listened to Qiaoer's persuasion, released more than 200 prisoners of the Ming army, and withdrew the siege of Tongxiang.

Xu Hai also used tricks to capture Chen and Ma and offered them to the Ming army, and then moved the team to Zhapu.The general Yu Dayou took advantage of the false attack, Xu Hai was defeated, committed suicide by throwing himself into the river, and Cuiqiao was captured. ?
At noon the next day, Hu Zongxian held a celebration banquet at Yuanmen and forced Cuiqiao to sing and drink.

Drinking too much, she molested Cuiqiao in public. Cuiqiao was humiliated and committed suicide by throwing herself into the sea. ?
Who is the hero...they are all hard-working people...


Ye Ma is also Ye Zongman...

Not long after Wang Zhi married Xiao Yezi, Xiao Yezi died of illness because he was not suitable for sea. After that, Ye Zongman gradually separated from Wang Zhi, and finally pulled out a fleet by himself. Already made another one.

After this battle, all Wang Zhi's subordinates who refused to listen to orders were eliminated. Ten years ago, Wang Zhi was the only one who drank at the same table and left She County together.


Wang Zhi gradually transformed and withdrew to the sea, focusing on trade.

As agreed between Wang Zhi and Lu Bing, Wang Zhi intends to release a small share of the new Japanese to the landing, in order to show that there is no collusion with Daming.

But at this time, there are outstanding generals such as Yu Dayou and Qi Jiguang on the southeast coast, and the Japanese pirates naturally can't take advantage of it.

In the 34th year of Jiajing, the new Japanese invaded Suzhou Lujingba, went straight to Loumen, and defeated Zhou Yude, the governor of Nanjing.

When Yu Dayou was dismissed from his old position, he put the state affairs first, and took the responsibility of committing crimes. He worked with his deputy Ren Huan to defeat the bandits at Lujing Dam, burned more than [-] bandits' boats, and stopped the three of them. Those who went to sea from Zhangpu sank seven boats.

After defeating the bandits at Yingying Lake in Wujiang, the bandits went to Sanbansha in Jiaxing, plundered the people's boats, and fled. Yu Dayou pursued them at Maji Mountain and captured the pirate leaders Jin Jing and Xu Pu alive. Chasing Chashan, burning five boats, destroying and destroying countless people; Yu Dayou and Dong Bangzheng pursued separately, and won nine more boats.Within a month, the Japanese pirates on land in eastern Zhejiang were beaten and fled here and there, and the Japanese pirates were frightened when they heard Yu Dayou's name.

The remaining thieves, more than three hundred, climbed the cliff and took possession of Taozhai Town in Huating, defeating Zhao Wenhua and other troops repeatedly.The thieves gathered more than [-] ships in Zhelin, and the situation was critical. Cao Bangfu, the patrol assistant, impeached Yu Dayou, who led the thieves.

Wuhe, Yu Dayou and his deputy Wang Chonggu went abroad to chase the bandits, burned eight giant ships, and captured countless.

At the beginning, because the Japanese were in a hurry, the imperial court specially appointed the governor Liu Yuan as the chief military officer of Zhejiang, and also governed the counties of Su and Song. He did nothing for several months.The courtiers argued that Yu Dayou was a military cadre in Yu Dayou Park, so Liu Yuan was dismissed in March of the 35th year of Jiajing, and Yu Dayou was replaced as the chief military officer of Zhejiang.Yu Dayou won successive victories in Xi'an, Shenzhuang, Qingshuiwa, Huangpu and other battles.Following the defeat of the thieves who ruled Zhoushan.

In the same year, Qi Jiguang was transferred to the post of Secretary Qianshu of Zhejiang Province, and was promoted to general in the following year, guarding the three prefectures of Ningbo, Shaoxing and Taizhou.Since then, Qi Jiguang has fought Japanese pirates many times and won the battles of Longshan, Cengang and Taozhu successively.During the actual combat, Qi Jiguang realized that the Ming army lacked training and was ineffective in combat, so he made suggestions for military training to his superiors many times, which were finally approved.

In September of the 35th year of Jiajing, more than 800 Japanese pirates attacked Longshan Station. Qi Jiguang was not long after he was appointed as a new general at this time, and immediately led his army to go after hearing the news.

The Japanese pirates rushed over in three directions, and the Ming army retreated one after another. Seeing the critical situation, Qi Jiguang quickly jumped onto a high rock and shot down the three Japanese chieftains with three consecutive arrows, and the Japanese pirates retreated.

In October, the Japanese pirates landed at Longshan Station again. Qi Jiguang and Yu Dayou led their troops to fight against them. They won three battles and three victories, and the Japanese pirates retreated at night.The Ming army pursued and pursued them, and they were ambushed at Yanmen Ridge. They fled one after another, and the Japanese pirates were able to go to sea by boat.

In the two battles of Longshan Institute, Qi Jiguang first showed his edge.At the same time, in this battle, Qi Jiguang realized that the Ming army had no dictatorship and had different opinions, so it was necessary to train a strong army.

Shortly after the war, Qi Jiguang wrote twice in a row, putting forward suggestions for military training to his superiors, but due to various reasons, the suggestions could not be realized as soon as possible.Qi Jiguang found Lu Bing and hoped that Lu Bing would support him. At that time, Lu Bing was deeply involved in Emperor Jiajing's monastic affairs and could not help him get permission.

Later, Qi Jiguang accidentally witnessed the scene of thousands of miners fighting each other in Yiwu and Yongkang. Qi Jiguang exclaimed: "If there is such a brigade, it can reach the three armies."

In September of the 38th year of Jiajing, Qi Jiguang made a suggestion for the third time and decided to go to Yiwu to recruit farmers and miners. Only then did his superiors agree.

After arriving in Yiwu, Qi Jiguang conducted a strict selection process, and he formulated the "four dos and four don'ts":
Four don'ts: [-]. Don't be from the city; [-]. Don't have any office in the government;

Four requirements: [-]. A standard farmer; [-]. A person who is black, big, thick, and strong; [-]. A person with a godly gaze; [-]. A person who is a little scared when seeing the government.

Qi Jiguang recruited nearly 4000 people in Yiwu, organized a team, distributed weapons, and conducted strict training to form the Qi Family Army.Since then, this army has moved to various places and achieved brilliant results.

Later, Qi Jiguang was inspired by Tang Shunzhi, who was the official secretary of the Ministry of War at that time, and got inspiration from "Wu" in the "Six Parts" compiled by him.Qi Jiguang wrote "Ji Xiao New Book" and "Records of Military Training", and passed the Liuhe spear and stick technique to the soldiers, creating the "Mandarin Duck Formation".

In this formation, there are 11 people in a team, the first person is the captain, the next two hold long shields, the second holds wolf sticks, the fourth holds spears and spears, and the next two hold short soldiers.

The formation can be changed according to circumstances, changing from a column to a horizontal formation is called the Liangyi formation, and the Liangyi formation can be transformed into a Sancai formation. The Sancai formation is suitable for both offense and defense, and is suitable for narrow terrain such as mountains, roads, and field ridges.

Relying on this formation, Qi's army defeated the Japanese pirates in Linhai, Zhejiang, winning nine battles and nine victories.

In the 42nd year of Jiajing, he won the victory of Ping Haiwei with Yu Dayou, the commander-in-chief of Fujian, and Liu Xian, the commander-in-chief of Guangdong.From then on, the Japanese trouble was finally wiped out.Qi Jiguang once wrote a poem: "Running from north to south to report the Lord's love, Jiang Lace and Moon laugh all his life, 360 days a year, most of them are traveling on horseback."

This is a later story.


(End of this chapter)

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