Brocade legend

Chapter 308 Strict party dictatorship

Chapter 308 Strict party dictatorship
Lu Bing returned to the capital and spent a new year with his family.

But unexpectedly, something happened in the court the next day.

On the first day of the first month of the 33rd year of Jiajing, Zhang Sijing and others from the Sixth Division went to celebrate Wanshou. Because the word "Wanshou" was missing in the congratulatory form, Emperor Jiajing was furious and ordered all courts to forty.

Emperor Jiajing's pursuit of longevity is almost crazy now, and he has always treated the officials cruelly, and now he only favors Yan Song.For this matter, under Yan Song's instigation, he blamed the officials angrily, in order to scare people's hearts and suppress the population.On New Year's Day, it is especially indecent to speak with a stick.

Emperor Jiajing was obsessed with Taoism and devoted himself to cultivating immortals.On July 33th of the [-]rd year of Jiajing, Wu Jinghe, the captain-in-law, Fang Chengyu, Anping Bo, Li Mo, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, Wang Yongbin, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, and Lu Bing, the governor of the left, entered the Xiyuan at the same time.Together with Yan Song, Zhu Xizhong and others, he served Emperor Jiajing in the Xuantan of Taoism.

All the officials envied it and regarded it as a great honor, only Lu Bing felt sorry for it.

Emperor Jiajing also ordered Cheng Wende, the left servant of the official department of Zhan Shifu, Min Rulin, the left servant of the Rites Department of the Imperial Academy, Guo Pu, the right servant of the Ministry of Officials, and Wu Shan, the right servant of the Ministry of Rites, to write Xuanwen.

Later, Wu Jinghe, the captain-in-law, was displeased with Jiajing because he didn't understand Xuanxiu's arts and sciences, so he stopped entering Xiyuan.

Not long after, Wu Jinghe didn't thank the ministers for the rewards, and said: "I wish to wash my heart and mind, and follow the retribution of the shroud of horse leather."

It means that I would rather go to war and be returned shrouded in horse leather.

Emperor Jiajing was angry with his resentment, so he seized the title and became a citizen, and settled in Kunshan.

Emperor Jiajing devoted himself to cultivating Taoism and refining alchemy, and entrusted Yan Song to deal with the affairs of the court.Therefore, in the court, Yan Song's father and son monopolized power, appointed cronyism, and wantonly framed ministers who did not agree with him.As a result, the eunuchs are domineering, and wherever they go, the officials will change.

Zhou Liu, whose date of birth and death is unknown, was born in Yingcheng County, Huguang.In the 11th year of Jiajing, Jinshi was granted the household division to Shizhong. He was relegated to Zhenyuan Dianshi because of his admonishment to Shizong's southern tour.Later, he was the censor of Youqian Capital, the governor of the Su and Song prefectures.

In February of the 34th year of Jiajing, Chen Yuwo had ten difficulties and three strategies in Shangshu.

Hu Zongxian wanted to seize his position, so Zhao Wenhua, Yan Song's party member, impeached Zhou Liu and recommended Hu Zongxian.

On June 34th in the [-]th year of Jiajing, Zhou Liu was stripped of his nationality and became a citizen.


Zhang Jing, courtesy name Tingyi, nickname Banzhou, was born in Houguan County, Fujian Province.In the 12th year of Zhengde, he was a Jinshi and was awarded the county magistrate of Jiaxing.

In the fourth year of Jiajing's reign, he was called to serve as the official department to give Shizhong, and the Lihuke gave Shizhong, the eunuch Shaoqing, and the right deputy to serve as the censor, and to assist in the affairs of the academy.

In the 16th year of Jiajing's reign, he served as the right servant of the Ministry of War, and the governor of the military affairs of Guangdong and Guangxi.

Not long after, he made a plan with Mao Bowen to appease Annan and enter the right capital censor.To quell the uprising of the nine chieftains of Si En and the people of Qiongzhou, and enter the Ministry of War.

Later, he returned home with worries, served him, and was ordered to be the governor of the three sides of Shaanxi. He was dismissed from office.

In the 32nd year of Jiajing, he became the minister of the Nanjing household department and changed to the military department.In May of the following year, because Japanese pirates were rampant in the southeast, Zhang Jing, the governor of Jiangnan, Jiangbei, Zhejiang, Shandong, Fujian, and Huguang, was appointed to deal with Japanese pirates and act cheaply.

At that time, more than [-] Japanese people occupied Zhelin and Chuansha. Zhang Jing selected generals to train soldiers and asked them to transfer wolves and local soldiers.

On the first day of May in the 34th year of Jiajing, Zhang Jing won the victory of Wang Jiangjing, killing more than 980 enemies, which was the first military exploit since the Anti-Japanese War.

However, Zhao Wenhua, Yan Song's confidant and the right servant of the Ministry of Industry who inspected Jiangnan's military situation, secretly reported to Zhang Jing before Zhang Jing's victory, saying that Wang Jiangjing's victory was the result of his supervisor's battle. The people are afraid that the bandits will lose their opportunity" and do not send troops to fight.

Yan Song, the chief assistant, immediately reported to Emperor Jiajing that what Zhao Wenhua said was true, and falsely claimed that both Su and Song hated Zhang Jing.

Emperor Jiajing was furious and issued an edict on May 25 to arrest Zhang Jing.On July [-]th, Zhang Jing was arrested and brought to Beijing. He gave a detailed account of the march of the Ming army. Please forgive me.

Emperor Jiajing refused to listen and sent Zhang Jing to prison for death.On October 29 of the same year, he was beheaded in Xishi together with Li Tianchong and Yang Jisheng.

Zhang Jing is wise and brave, able to use troops. During the Jiangnan Anti-Japanese War, he served as a general and guarded the vital points.He was framed to death by Yan Song and Zhao Wenhua, and everyone in the world called him wronged.


Li Tianchong, courtesy name Zicheng, was born in Mengjin County, Henan Province.The censor moved to Xuzhou as the deputy envoy of military preparations, and fought against the Japanese in Tongzhou and Rugao.

In June of the 33rd year of Jiajing, he was promoted to the censor of Youqian capital and governor of Zhejiang.

At that time, Japanese pirates plundered Shaoxing and were wiped out by Li Tianchong.

Later, Japanese pirates invaded Jiashan, besieged Jiaxing, robbed Xiushui, returned to An, and fell into Chongde again.

Zhao Wenhua slandered Li Tianchong for being addicted to alcohol. On June 34, Jiajing [-], he was dismissed from office and replaced by Hu Zongxian, the censor.

Not long after, Yushi Ye En impeached Li Tianchong with Japanese pirates at Beixinguan, and Hu Zongxian also said that he was a gangster. Emperor Jiajing was furious and ordered Li Tianchong to be arrested on July 34, 25. And beheaded in Xishi.

When Li Tianchong served as the governor of Zhejiang, he did not commit the crime of losing the law and losing his teacher. Shizong listened to Zhao Wenhua's slander and killed him, and everyone at that time thought he was wronged.


In November of the 34th year of Jiajing, Zhao Wenhua, the right servant of the Ministry of Industry, who supervised Jiangnan, falsely slandered the governor Yingtian Youqian Capital Censor Cao Bangfu in order to cover up his failure in Songjiang Taozhai Town.

In the matter, Sun Jun refuted Zhao Wenhua, saying: "Zhao Wenhua said that Cao Bangfu came later, which delayed the war opportunity, but Yu Dayou, the governor of Cao Bangfu, entered the suppression on September [-]th, and Hu Zongxian's Zhejiang soldiers did not advance until the next day, so The fault lies not with Cao Bangfu's Zhili soldiers, but with the Zhejiang soldiers, not to mention that the soldiers and people in Su and Songzhou say that Cao Bangfu is doing things sincerely."

At the same time, Sun Jun impeached Zhao Wenhua for cheating.

Emperor Jiajing therefore suspected Zhao Wenhua of deceit.

Later, because Yan Song tried his best to defend Zhao Wenhua, Emperor Jiajing did not offend Zhao Wenhua, but instead ordered Cao Bangfu to be arrested.


Li Mo, courtesy name Shiyan, was born in Ouning County, Fujian Province.In the 16th year of Zhengde, Jinshi was changed to Shujishi.

At the beginning of Jiajing, he was changed to be the head of the household department and a member of the army department, Wailang.Tune the official department, Li doctor.

After being impeached, he was demoted to be a magistrate of Ningguofu, moved to Zhejiang Zuobuzhengshi, and called to be the minister of Taichang Temple, and was in charge of the supervisor of Nanjing Guozi.Doctors and other officials have to choose science courses, which were issued by Li Mo.

The left and right servants of the Ministry of Officials, and the Minister of the Ministry of Officials.

Since the early years of Zhengde, the official department has no servants who worship the minister.Li Mo is the Minister, because of the special appointment of the emperor, Gai is an anomaly.

Yan Song controls the government and is tyrannical, while Li Mo sticks to his own will, not for flattery, but against his will to support obedience.Yan Song hated Li Mo because of this, so he elected the governor of Liaodong to depose Li Mo as a citizen.

Soon, Jiajing issued a special decree to restore his official position, entered Zhixiyuan, entered Prince Shaobao, and ordered him to be a bachelor of the Imperial Academy.In February of the 35th year of Jiajing, Zhao Wenhua was reprimanded by Emperor Jiajing for the Japanese incident in the southeast. , and the late business will not end", Shangshu impeached Li Mo for slandering the emperor.

Emperor Jiajing was furious.On the 29th of the same month, Li Mo was dismissed from prison and died in prison.Li Mo is liberal and talented, proud of his spirit, and does not attach himself to Yan Song.There are "Jianning Character Biography" and "Qunyulou Collection".


(End of this chapter)

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