Brocade legend

Chapter 309

Chapter 309
In February of the 35th year of Jiajing, after Li Mo, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, was dismissed from office, Emperor Jiajing ordered Li Ben, a scholar, to take charge of the affairs of the Ministry of Officials temporarily, according to the intention of Yan Song, the chief assistant of the cabinet.

On the fourth day of March of the same year, Li Ben benefited secretly from Yan Song, and took charge of the inspection of the Ministry of Officials. Shangshu Feng said: "The way to employ people is to repudiate unworthy people, and to get rid of unworthy people, you must first start with ministers."

Li Ben's plan is to use the Ministry of Officials to inspect officials as an excuse to eradicate dissidents for Yan Song's party.

When Li Benshu presented it, Emperor Jiajing praised his loyalty and ordered him to distinguish between loyal and traitorous, and decide whether to stay or stay among the ministers.

Therefore, Li Ben followed Yan Song's instructions, ostracized dissidents, and inspected ministers such as Shangshu, Shilang, Jiuqing, governor, and Du Yushi.

Fifteen people, including Yang Xingzhong, Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, Ge Shouli, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, Tao Shangde, Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, Ai Xichun, the right servant of the Ministry of Housing, Zheng Datong, the right servant of the Ministry of Punishment, and Guo Jun, the left servant of the Ministry of Industry, were dismissed from office or ordered Become an official, or be transferred to use outside.

On the seventh day of March, Li Ben dismissed another 38 officials from the Ministry of Science and Technology.The censors who were retained had forty sticks each.


During this inspection, Li Ben colluded with Yan Song to pursue his own interests, and reversed punishment and reward.

For each other, anyone who does not attach to Yan Song will be completely rejected, so the public opinion is unfair.

This incident has become a big issue, and the public opinion of scholars all over the world is raging.

Nowadays, all the high-ranking ministers have been put to death by the strict party, and there are fewer and fewer loyal and daring people in the court.However, Emperor Jiajing lived deep in the palace and devoted himself to alchemy and Taoism, so he didn't care about these at all.

On August 35, the [-]th year of Jiajing, Emperor Jiajing asked the Minister of Rites Wu Shan and others about the fact that the ancients used Ganoderma lucidum as medicine.

Wu Shan and others replied: "Eating for a long time is beneficial to the body, but the method of taking food has not been passed down in the world."

Emperor Jiajing ordered Yousi to go to Yuanyue, Longhu, Sanmao, Qiyun and Wuyue to collect Ganoderma lucidum and visit the folks.

At this time, Zhang Juyou, a resident of Wanping County, collected five copies of Ganoderma lucidum and presented them. Emperor Jiajing was overjoyed and rewarded them with silver coins.

So far, there has been an endless stream of people offering sesame seeds.On October 37th, 28th year of Jiajing, the Ministry of Rites reported that four copies of Ganoderma lucidum were presented in 860 copies.

Such a cost of money was too high, and Emperor Jiajing later ordered that the diameter be more than one foot long.

In the 35th year of Jiajing, Emperor Jiajing was his father, Emperor Rui.
The title of her mother is "The Three-Day Golden Que Supreme Jade Hall Chief Immortal Dharma Master Xuanyuan Daode Zhehui Holy Mother Queen".

Emperor Jiajing called himself "Lingxiao Shangqing Lei Yuanyang Miaoyi Feixuan Zhenjun."

Later, it was added with the title "Nine Heavens Hongjiao Puji Shengling Palm Yinyang Gonggu Daosiren Ziji Immortal Weng Yiyang Zhenren Yuanxuxuan should open up and subdue demons Loyal and filial emperor",
This is not enough, add the title "Taishang Daluo Tianxian Ziji Longevity Sage Zhizhao Lingtong Sanyuan Zheng Ying Yuxu Chief Palm Wulei Dazhen Xuandu Realm Wanshou Emperor".

All the knowledgeable people in the world feel that they can't laugh or cry.

Chao Gang is so chaotic, and those who are worried hope to meet the emperor and remonstrate directly.

However, Emperor Jiajing lived deep in the palace and ignored the government affairs. There were only three or two people who could meet Emperor Jiajing, and these three or two people, except Yan Song, were Yan Song's sons or henchmen.

Xu Jie, another important minister in the court, was humble and weak to Yan Song, which was even worse than Yan Song's treatment of Xia Yan at the beginning.


In this way, only Lu Bing holds the power in the court, and the favor is not fading, and Yan Song and his son dare not offend.

In March of the 35th year of Jiajing, the palace held a Sirong Banquet for Jinshi. According to the convention, guards in brocade clothes should stand and line up on the west side.

But because of Lu Bing, Emperor Jiajing specially ordered him to sit on the top, and the class was behind the second rank.

Seeing this, some ministers in the DPRK knew that the only one in the DPRK that could be safe was the Lu Mansion, so they took refuge with Lu Bing's subordinates one after another. Yan Song felt a little unhappy, but he dared not speak out.

And Lu Bing has the right to go directly to Xiyuan, so some people who are loyal to the emperor and serve the country hope that Lu Bing can face the emperor and overthrow Yan Song.

But besides living in the mansion, Lu Bing was a guard beside Emperor Jiajing every day, so it was rare to see him.

At this time, Lu Bing didn't have the time to care about these things. His Jinyiwei spies discovered the traces of the White Lotus Sect.

Between Xinning, Xinhui, Xinxing, and Enping in Guangdong, there are high mountains and dangerous paths, which are the places where Yao people live.

At that time, more than [-] people gathered, pushing Chen Yiming as the leader, nicknamed "Chengtian Overlord", and exiled Gaoyao, Yangjiang and other places.

Lu Bing's subordinates "heard the letter" and discovered that Chen Yiming was supported by the White Lotus Sect.

Lu Bing planned secretly to put it out, so as not to cause a catastrophe.

Lu Bing these years, because of Zhang Mo, has always regarded the White Lotus Sect as the most important thing, and did not dare to relax his vigilance at all.

The deeper the White Lotus Sect is hidden, the more worried Lu Bing becomes.Every time Zhang Mo and the White Lotus Sect appear, something big will happen, which shows that their plans are not small.

The more discreet he is now, the more likely it will be as shocking as a stone breaking out.

In the spring of the 35th year of Jiajing, Lu Bing sent people to assist Tan Kai, the governor of Guangdong, and conscripted many local soldiers to attack, beheaded Chen Yiming and his "Flying Tiger General" Wu Tingzhang, and commanded Bai Deyuan and others.By November 22 of the same year, everything was settled.A total of more than 550 people were captured before and after, and more than [-] people were cared for.


Lu Bing has Jin Yiwei in his hands, and the thirteen imperial guards under his command are all powerful figures in the world. He has always been successful in doing business for the emperor. Feng Bao and the two eunuchs had a close relationship. If Emperor Jiajing was a favorite of Yan Song, then he was a kind of dependence on Lu Bing.

Yan Song is naturally aware of this, so he is also unwilling, but there is nothing he can do.

But Yan Shifan, who is young and energetic, has many dissatisfaction.

Yan Shifan and Lu Bing were not much different in age. At this time, in the court and the public, they privately called Yan Song the "big prime minister" and Yan Shifan the "little prime minister."

Although Yan Song had great power in the Jiajing Dynasty, he was a high-ranking and powerful man, and he was also insidious and cunning, but he was a good husband in family life. He had a very good relationship with his first wife, Ouyang Shi. Two daughters and one son.That son is Yan Shifan, Yan Donglou.

In the 27th year of Jiajing, when Yan Song was appointed as the chief assistant again, he was nearly seventy years old, and gradually became old and frail and mentally exhausted.At this time, he had to accompany the emperor day and night, and he had no time and energy to deal with government affairs.If there is a need for adjudication, he relies more on his son Yan Shifan.

Yan Song always said: "I will make a decision after I discuss it with the children in the East Building." Even in private, Yan Shifan directly put in the value and drafted the ticket on his behalf.

Drafting a ticket means that the cabinet makes a reply after receiving the memorial, and then it is approved by the emperor, which is an important manifestation of the power of the cabinet ministers.Most of Yan Shifan's votes can cater to Emperor Jiajing's wishes, so he has been awarded by Emperor Jiajing many times.

(End of this chapter)

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