Brocade legend

Chapter 310

Chapter 310

Later, Yan Song simply handed over all the government affairs to his son, and Yan Shifan exercised the imperial power for a while, and the power was all over the world.

At this time, Yan's father and son controlled the selection and promotion of officials in the court.No matter how big or small an official is, there is a fixed price, regardless of the official's reputation and ability, everything is based on the official's bribe.Yan Shifan used various methods to plunder, and his family's wealth was comparable to that of the country.It is said that Yan Shifan and his wife wanted to bury the gold and silver in the cellar, but within a year, they dug three times in a row to hold the bribe money.

Once, Yan Song's adoptive son Zhao Wenhua came back from Jiangnan and gave Yan Shifan a priceless gold silk tent as a meeting gift, and gave each of Yan Shifan's 27 concubines a jewel bun.As far as these gifts are concerned, Yan Shifan still feels that they are too few, and he is very dissatisfied, which shows the extent of his greed.

Wealthy country, power over the world, Yan Shifan's character is flamboyant and domineering, he is naturally dissatisfied with Lu Bing, who is about the same age as himself in the court, but is more relied on by the emperor, and feared by his father. Some eager to try.

Emperor Jiajing appreciated Yan Shifan's ability to handle state affairs in an orderly manner, and was relied on by his father Yan Song. Naturally, he is not a fool.

In the past few years, after Lu Bing returned to Beijing from Jiangnan, he kept a very low profile.Although no one dares to ignore his colossal figure, he is no more popular than Yan Shifan in terms of limelight.

But now, Yan Shifan's growing confidence made him decide to give Lu Bing a try.

Naturally, Yan Shifan would not be so stupid as to confront Lu Bing head-on. He remembered something he had noticed by accident, so he followed suit and made an unsolvable situation.


The 36th year of Jiajing came quietly, and Lu Bing is now nearly 47 years old.

The once black hair was mixed with silver threads, and the short beard was also a little gray, but the resolute face did not show many traces of time, but became more majestic.

Just after the Spring Festival, it was rare for the court to be free for a while, and it was rare that everyone was in Beijing today, so they came to Lu's mansion to have a happy gathering.

Living Yan Luo Zhu Liu, Laughing Judge Yang Lin, Dumb Dog Xue Yang, Jiang Menshen Stone, Shadowless Sword Yang Sen, Fat and Thin Maitreya Dong Hai, Sun Quan, Cold Face Liu Biao, Sai Zhebie Zhang Ju, Ghost Confucian Zhou Bin, Divine Soldier Blacksmith head.

The thirteen Taibao under Lu Bing's command have reached twelve today, which is rare and complete.

Over the years, they have been alone for Lu Bing, running around, getting together less and leaving more.It's rare for everyone to gather together today, let go of the burden in their hearts, and drink together freely.

Everyone recalled the past years and felt that these years really flew by.

It has been 12 years since Jiajing 24 years ago.

It seems that when Lu Bing took Shitou, Zhu Liu, Yang Sen, Dong Hai, Sun Quan, Liu Biao, seven people went to Jiangnan together...

It will be difficult for them to have leisure time.

I have been busy all day, but I haven't noticed that everyone is nearly half a hundred years old.

Now, each has a family and children. Looking back on most of his life, he can be regarded as successful.

The wine was drunk from one jar after another, some people laughed foolishly, some cried bitterly, and some were happy and sad at times.

For a while, ghosts and wolves were howling in the hall, and it was a mess.

In the courtyard, women with women, old people with old people, children with children.

Xiuying, who is already married, also returned to her natal home, and was chatting with Mrs. Xueyan and Mrs. Meng with a smile.

Xueyan held Xiuying's hand and chatted, while looking at the little daughter who was playing.

Miss Meng... The current Mrs. Meng has integrated into the Lu family, and it is difficult to separate them from each other.

Lu Bing's eldest son, Lu Yi, was playing and chatting with Xue Yansheng's younger sister and the children from those families.

Lu Yi, Yang Lin, and the children of Yang Sen's family are cousins, and they are close friends.The children of Huang Lian'er and Sun Quan grew up with them, and they are even more close.Children from Dong Hai, Xue Yang, Liu Biao, Zhang Ju, Zhou Bin, and Tietou's family often come to play in Lu's house on weekdays, so there is no strange feeling between them.

Huang Duxian and his wife, as well as Mrs. Lu, looked at the group of children, smiling and chatting with each other.

Today's Huang Duxian, it is difficult to see his demeanor in the past, full of gorgeous hair, he is actually old.

Mrs. Lu really lived a long life, although her hair was all gray, her face was full of red.

Shitou has always had the greatest capacity for alcohol, so he was attacked by a group of people, and he was drunk first and climbed down. He climbed to the door by himself, leaned against the door, tilted his head, and fell asleep.

The others laughed, and Yang Sen laughed and said, "This guy is addicted to being a door god, and he will block the door even when he is drunk."

"He was afraid that we would run away before we drank under the table!" Dong Hai joked, and everyone laughed in unison.

Lu Bing smiled, feeling a touch of emotion in his heart.

These years, Shitou has been alone. Lu Bing asked Xueyan to find a marriage for him, but he just smiled silly and did not agree.

Every day before he goes to bed, he has to go to the yard to patrol around, so that he can rest in peace.Whenever the situation between North Korea and China was tense, he would stay up all night to guard the door for Lu Bing.

Everyone said that the name Jiang Menshen was well chosen!

Thinking of not getting married, Lu Bing looked at Zhu Liu and Liu Biao again.

The two of them were not married either, the difference was that Zhu Liu lingered in brothels, surrounded by beauties.But Liu Biao was pure-hearted and ascetic, and he was alone.

Just as Lu Bing was thinking, he suddenly saw his brothers surrounding him with ill intentions—Lu Bing was their second target after Shitou...

The moon is in the sky, the wind is singing, how much sorrow, how much worry, how many people are rich and honored...


The next day, Lu Bing got up shaking his painful head, drank a bowl of clear porridge, and ate some vegetables and vegetables before feeling better. At this moment, Sun Quan walked in.

Sun Quan sat down naturally, and the maid at the side brought the bowls and chopsticks. Sun Quan served the bowl of porridge himself, and said with a smile, "My lord, there is a fat sheep that can be slaughtered."

"What kind of fat sheep?" Lu Bing scolded with a smile while peeling a boiled egg, "You are a robber! Are you still a fat sheep?"

Sun Quan chuckled, and said, "Isn't it a long time since I got so excited?"

Why is Jin Yiwei so powerful?What is supporting such a huge system in operation?

Over the past 20 years of development, Jinyiwei has nearly 13 officers and soldiers on the register, not counting the "words of mouth", "needles on the tail" and many spies.

Jinyiwei not only spread all over the country, but also went deep into the grasslands of Mongolia, and even overseas island countries such as Japan and Siam.

With so many people's food, drink, weapons, clothing, activity funds, etc., how can they afford it with those poor salaries and appropriations from the court?
Jin Yiwei is able to be what it is today, not only because of Lu Bing and the Thirteen Taibao, but also because of the astronomical amount of gold and silver!

And these gold and silver are squeezed from the hands of those corrupt officials, rich men and bullies, and pirates!
(End of this chapter)

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