Brocade legend

Chapter 311

Chapter 311
Every year, a large amount of money flows into the Lu Mansion from all over the world, even from the sea, and then flows from the Lu Mansion to the hands of all Jin Yiwei in the world.

However, since Yan Song came to power, those corrupt officials have been tied to Yan Song. Lu Bing didn't want to conflict with Yan Song, so he could only strictly prohibit people from the Yan Party.

Lu Bing was no longer that young boy. Now Emperor Jiajing is obsessed with cultivating Taoism and alchemy, and ignores the government. Even if there is no Yan Shoufu, other ministers will join the cabinet.

Lu Bing looked at the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, and there was only one Xu Jie who was capable, but unfortunately he was scared out of his courage, and he was really a bit cowardly, and it was difficult to support the country of the Ming Dynasty.

Although Yan Song is still good at power, at least his ability is extraordinary, and the operation of Ming Dynasty is quite smooth, even if he is greedy for money... Officials are greedy for money in all likelihood, who can guarantee that the next one will not be greedy?
As a result, Yan Song's subordinates gathered more and more moths, and it was difficult for Jin Yiwei to find a suitable target to attack.

This also caused Wang Zhi, who is far away overseas, to experience increasing financial pressure.

The arrival of Sun Quan today did bring good news.

Liu Bin, the eunuch who is in charge of ceremonies... has grown fat and can be killed.

The Supervisor of Rituals is in charge of the Neifu Labor Office, so he is naturally very generous.

However, there is little contact between Yan Song and the eunuch...

"Is the offender... related to Huang Jin and Feng Bao?" Lu Bing asked after thinking about it.

"We've been watching him for a long time, and we're waiting for him to be fattened up so that he can be killed. Based on our observations, he and Feng Bao are definitely not related, but Huang Jin...should have some kind of friendship with him," Sun Quan said.

"You mean, he gave Huang Jin a share?" Lu Bing asked.

"Yes." Sun Quan nodded.

Lu Bing thought for a while, hesitated, but when he thought about the pressure from Wang Zhi, and the money and food consumed by Jin Yiwei every day, and then thought about the friendship between himself and Huang Jin, he finally decided, "Catch! But don't start from money." Let’s start in the direction of him and find other problems with him.”

The "words of mouth" held by Sun Quan soon presented more criminal evidence to Lu Bing.

Lu Bing took a look, picked two of them, and went into the palace.

Lu Bing originally wanted to see Huang Jin first, but he didn't think that it was a coincidence that Emperor Jiajing was not busy cultivating Taoism or making alchemy today.

Lu Bing thought for a while, and felt that he and Huang Jin had such a good relationship, it didn't matter if he explained later.But why don't you meet the emperor right now? Maybe Emperor Jiajing won't have time to see him in a while. Thinking of this, Lu Bing decided to meet the emperor first.

Things in the world are sometimes so coincidental, a little bit of carelessness, a little bit of coincidence, may cause irreversible things.


At this moment, Yan Shifan was drinking with Li Bin and Du Tai, the eunuchs of the Sili Supervisor.

Yan Shifan poured a glass of wine for Li Bin and Du Tai.

One of the two eunuchs was apprehensive, the other flattering, holding the wine in both hands, they all toasted Yan Shifan a glass, the first to do the respect.

The three drank three rounds, and the atmosphere gradually became warmer.

Yan Shifan seemed to have suddenly remembered something, and said in a low voice: "You two father-in-laws, I suddenly remembered something."

"Master Yan, do you have anything to say?"

The two eunuchs stopped their cups and drank their cups and listened attentively.

"I just heard about it!" Yan Shifan said kindly: "I heard that Lu Bing has sent Jin Yiwei to check on the two father-in-laws."

The two father-in-laws were startled, and said, "Master Lu, why are you checking our house?"

"It seems that he has taken a fancy to the wealth of the two father-in-laws." Yan Shifan seemed to be indifferent, and said: "You also know that Lu Bing has blackmailed all his ministers and workers in recent years."

When Li Bin heard this, he relaxed instead, and said with a smile, "No way, Mr. Lu has such a good relationship with our father-in-laws Huang and Feng, how could he deal with his family?"

"That's true." Yan Shifan said with a smile: "However, in front of money, some things are hard to say."

Du Tai also relaxed, and said: "That's okay, the people in our palace are not easy to bully."

"It's just... besides, those benefits we got are only a few... most of them have entered..." Liu Bin said confidently: "Lu Bing...Master Lu will not be so disrespectful."

"That's right, that's right," Du Tai repeatedly echoed: "If he really checked... when it's time to stop, he will naturally stop, otherwise...he will be embarrassed."

Yan Shifan understood, and said with a smile: "I just remind you kindly, since the two father-in-laws are confident, then I won't say much, drink and drink!"

The three of them put the matter aside for the time being and exchanged cups and cups, the atmosphere was very good.

It's just that whether it's Yan Shifan, Li Bin, or Du Tai, there are still some things in their hearts.


At this moment, Lu Bing is telling Emperor Jiajing a story of loyalty and heroism...

On April 35th in the [-]th year of Jiajing, the Japanese pirates robbed Wuwei Prefecture. Qi En, a fellow acquaintance of Wuwei Prefecture, led the navy to fight bravely and killed more than [-] Japanese pirates.

Qi En's eldest son Qi Shangwen, second son Qi Song, uncle Qi Zhongshi, younger brother Qi Baorong, nephews Qi Shen, Qi Yin, Qi Youliang, grandson Qi Tong, and family member Qian Feng and more than [-] people, the whole family joined the army to fight against the Japanese .

Qi Song was only young, but he was brave and good at shooting. He took the lead in chasing down the Japanese pirates to Angang.

"According to the investigation, only Qi Song, Qi Shen, and Qi Yin escaped in the end." After Lu Bing finished speaking, he looked solemn.

Emperor Jiajing said with emotion: "It's really a loyal family! Compared with the previous Chaotianbo Mansion's Yang family, it doesn't give way much."

Emperor Jiajing immediately issued an edict: "Give Qi En Guanglu Cheng a gift, record a son, sympathize with his family, and build a shrine to worship."

Lu Bing bowed his hands to Emperor Jiajing to thank him, and then said: "My Ming Dynasty has such a loyal thing, why worry about the Japanese pirates and foreign troubles?"

"Yes, this matter must be greatly praised!" Emperor Jiajing was naturally very happy when he heard that he had such a courtier.

However, Lu Bing changed the subject and said, "Therefore, external aggression is not something to be afraid of, but internal ones are the most frightening."

Emperor Jiajing frowned, but immediately smiled and said: "It seems that what I said earlier is just a foreshadowing...Wen Fu has something to say, so you might as well say it directly."

Lu Bing cupped his hands again and said, "Outside the palace, there are people who are throwing away their families and careers for the emperor, throwing their heads and spilling blood. But inside the palace, there are people who are like mice, stealing the bottom of the royal family's chest and taking the national wealth as their own." I have it, I think it over and over again, I still want to tell the emperor, and ask the emperor to make up his mind."

Emperor Jiajing's expression turned cold, and he said, "Speak."

"Li Bin, the eunuch of the Licensing Supervisor, stole the materials from the factory, returned the private soldiers, built the tomb, surpassed the regulations, and prepared to build the emperor's mountain mausoleum. This is a deceitful crime. Please investigate and deal with it!" Lu Bingzou said. .

Jiajing's expression changed when he heard this, but his anger covered it up.

Emperor Jiajing was really furious, and as before, let Lu Bing handle it at his own discretion.

Lu Bing asked for the order, and also helped the Qi family to ask for credit. Naturally, he was in a happy mood and left.

However, as soon as he returned to the mansion, Lu Bing received a secret report from a secret agent who was in charge of monitoring the ministers of the DPRK and China.

After Lu Bing finished watching, he couldn't help but sneer in his heart when he talked about the secret security.

In this world, there is always no shortage of people who forget the pain when their scars are healed.


(End of this chapter)

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