Brocade legend

Chapter 312 3 Males and 3 Solitary

Chapter 312 Three Dukes and Three Orphans

After Li Bin said goodbye to Du Tai and Yan Shifan, after thinking about it, he was still afraid of Lu Bing, so he hurried to find Huang Jin.

But Huang Jin avoided seeing him.

It turned out that Huang Jin already knew that Lu Bing had obtained the order, and at the same time he also knew that it was too late. Although he was a little annoyed, there was nothing he could do.

Although Huang Jin felt sorry for cutting off a fortune, he didn't dare to confront Lu Bing face to face.Therefore, I can only cut off the relationship with Li Bin and Du Tai to protect myself and the people behind me... I think Lu Bing will not chase after him...Of course, even if he does, in this matter , Huang Jin is not afraid.

Although Huang Jin had no intention of confronting Lu Bing, he also knew that Li Bin and Du Tai's lives were in danger, so he felt somewhat resentful.Therefore, intentionally or unintentionally, he did not remind Lu Bing of an important matter.


On the second day, Lu Bing suddenly posted a post, inviting Yan Song and Yan Shifan to Hongyan Tower for dinner.

Yan Shifan's heart skipped a beat, but he smiled again.

Yan Song is a little strange, although Lu Bing and himself are in-laws, but they have had little contact with each other in the past two years, why did they invite their father and son to dinner today?
The two father and son had their own thoughts and went to the banquet.

When Yan Song and Yan Shifan came to Hongyan Tower, Lu Bing had already arrived.

The three of them sat down, and after a while they were on the table.

The three exchanged pleasantries for a while, and after drinking three cups.

Lu Bing picked up his wine glass and said with a sudden smile, "Yan Shoufu didn't eat much last night. That plate of drunk shrimp was a waste of the cook's heart."

Yan Song and Yan Shifan froze at the same time.

Yan Shifan realized something, showing an angry look on his face, and was about to open his mouth, but Yan Song pressed his hand, and smiled first: "When people get older, their appetites will not be good. Although drunk shrimp is refreshing, they can't enjoy it." gone."

Lu Bing also smiled gently and said, "Pay more attention to yourself, don't worry too much."

"Oh, the emperor loves you so much, you can only bow down and die." Yan Song sighed.

"Everyone is for the emperor, we must be considerate of each other!" Lu Bing also said with emotion.

"It's natural, it's natural." Yan Song said with a smile.

The three of them had their own concerns, and the wine ended, and they went back to their homes without mentioning it.

When Yan Song and Yan Shifan returned to the mansion, Yan Song was furious and scolded Yan Shifan: "What did you do! Let Lu Bing threaten you specially!"

"Boy..." Yan Shifan had no choice but to briefly explain the matter, and said, "It's just a small temptation. I didn't expect him to know that I have me behind my back..."

"Confused!" Yan Song said angrily: "What does Lu Bing do? What does Jin Yiwei do? Which of the lords in the court doesn't have Jin Yiwei's spies?"

"But, I didn't talk about it in the mansion! How could he know?" Yan Shifan bumped into Tianqu: "I didn't even do anything. It was Lu Bing who wanted to investigate Li Bin and Du Tai, and it was Li who was greedy for money. Bin, Du Tai, and Huang Jin are responsible for splitting the bill... I even knew who the beneficiary was behind the scenes...I didn't do anything!"

"It's already a mistake for you to entertain the two of them! What's the point? Lu Bing is Jinyiwei! Jinyiwei doesn't need evidence! It's enough to have a guess!" Yan Song shouted: "Why did you invite them two! Useless!"

"I... I just want them to know that Lu Bing is investigating them, so that they can be careful, so that they don't die too soon... It would be the best if I can incite Huang Jin to fight with him." Yan Shifan said about himself My thoughts: "Even if Lu Bing and Huang Jin can't fight, this matter will become a knot between the two of them... In this way, Huang Jin can prevent Lu Bing from mentioning that the person who is the biggest beneficiary is the matter!"

"Haven't you ever thought that Lu Bing would communicate with Huang Jin?" Yan Song said solemnly.

"Father, I could guess that Lu Bing was investigating Li Bin, but I learned about it by accident." Yan Shifan said: "I was walking in the palace, handling political affairs for the emperor, and accidentally discovered that someone had checked the files of the inner government. After careful questioning, it was found that the person who checked the file was directed towards Li Bin... There are not many departments who can access the files of the inner government, and this time the method is clearly the usual method of Jin Yiwei. Coupled with Jin Yiwei's previous style, Also, Lu Bing seldom made a move during this period, presumably because he was concerned about our Yan family, so he didn't act rashly... In this case, he must be short of money to maintain such a huge Jinyiwei... Adding up these judgments, of course I know that Lu Bing Bing is aiming at Li Bin's assets."

Yan Shifan settled his mind and said: "This matter, my boy was just a temporary idea, just pushing the boat along the way... Anyway, it will not touch us anyway, so why not do it? This can also test Lu Bing."

"Now you have tested it." Yan Song said angrily: "I don't even know about your banquet with Li Bin and Du Tai, but Lu Bing got the news immediately... thinking that his father knew him well, he They must have stared at us... In the matter of Qiu Luan back then, Lu Bing had been secretly collecting evidence of Qiu Luan's crime, so he was always able to control Qiu Luan in the palm of his hand... Maybe, our father and son will be the second and third Qiu Luan!"

"He actually knows exactly what we ate for dinner yesterday and how much my father ate... It seems that there are people from their Jinyiwei in the mansion." Yan Shifan frowned and said: "It seems that it is really true how many secrets he has mastered." Hard to say."

Speaking of this, Yan Shifan gritted his teeth and said, "We must investigate strictly! Who in the mansion is Jin Yiwei's spy."

"I think you've been smart all your life, and you've been confused for a while!" Yan Song looked at this smart son with some dissatisfaction. This kid is quite good at handling government affairs, but in terms of political struggles, he still lacks the big picture and lacks experience. He can only play tricks Some cleverness.

Thinking about Lu Bing, Yan Song looked at his son and couldn't help sighing.

"Lu Bing told us straightforwardly today that he knows our every move. Naturally, it is a threat, but at the same time, it also leaves room for us not to offend him." Yan Song said in detail: "Lu Bing holds We don't know how many secrets we have, but with the strength Jin Yiwei displayed in his hands, I'm afraid there must be some... At this time, it is too late to remedy the situation. Checking the secret agents of Jin Yiwei in the mansion will make Lu Bing mistakenly think that we are going to make him an enemy ,this is not good."

"Then... what should I do?" Yan Shifan said helplessly.

"The secret is in Lu Bing's hands, so we just need to hold on to Lu Bing." Yan Song guided his son.

"Father's meaning..." Yan Shifan had a little understanding.

"Our two families are in-laws after all... However, Ouyang Zhen and our Yan family are far away..." Yan Song thought for a while and said, "Lu Bing's daughter is about the same age as Shao Ting, why don't we have another in-law!"

Yan Shaoting is Yan Shifan's second son. He was named Jinyiwei Zhengqianhu when he was five years old, so it would be suitable for him to marry the Lu family.

Yan Shifan knew what his father meant. As long as the Lu family and the Yan family are in-laws, the two families are on the same boat, so naturally Lu Bing can't reveal the secrets of the Yan family, otherwise, he can't get away without reporting, or even be an accomplice charges.

Although Yan Shifan felt a little uncomfortable, he could only nod helplessly, agreeing with his father's decision.

" you want to remind Lu Bing..." Yan Shifan suddenly remembered and asked his father.

"This...not necessary." Yan Song sneered and said, "We can't offend Lu Bing, but don't stop him from committing that taboo. He dared to sweep that face this time, plus we If you make a gesture of standing behind Lu Bing, you won't believe it as a father, who can still be so reassuring about Lu Bing... The emperor's mind will not allow a family to dominate the courtiers. In the past, we and Lu Bing checked and balanced each other, but now When we retreat, we will naturally put Lu Bing in front of that person... At that time, we don't have to do anything, just let nature take its course."

Yan Shifan nodded frequently. Sure enough, Jiang is still old and hot. This is the real killing invisible!
This situation is truly unsolvable.


On the 36th day of February in the [-]th year of Jiajing, Lu Bing, the left governor of Jinyiwei, impeached Li Bin, the eunuch for ceremonies, for stealing materials from the workshop, privately serving soldiers, and building tombs.

According to the investigation, Li Bin and his accomplice Du Tai and others embezzled hundreds of thousands of materials and money from the inner government.

Emperor Jiajing was furious and ordered Li Bin to be imprisoned for death. As a result, he and Du Tai, his accomplice, were all executed, and more than [-] taels of silver and innumerable gold, pearls and treasures were stolen from his family.

Lu Bing's move was another big case, and all the officials were excited, thinking that Lu Bing could be attached.

Yan Song also avoided his sharp edge, and offered to marry the Lu family again, marrying Yan Shifan's second son to Lu Bing's second daughter.

All of a sudden, the eyes of all officials, the awe of Lu Bing and Jin Yiwei increased to a higher level.

However, Lu Bing noticed something strange about this matter, and after in-depth investigation, he found that the money and food approved from the treasury such as the inner government... had some strange whereabouts... as if it had entered... the pocket of Emperor Jiajing.

Move your money from one pocket to another.

The reason for doing such a tangled thing is nothing more than that the other pocket is looser than this pocket, and it is more convenient to spend, and it is also more secretive, which can reduce people's gossip...

And no one who did this kind of stupid thing wanted to be discovered... The emperor was no exception.

For example, at this moment, Emperor Jiajing...muttered to Huang Jin: "His it stretched too long...does he know too much...he is getting more and more powerful... always There must be some restrictions..."

Huang Jin was expressionless, and said in a low voice: "This all belonged to the emperor...."

Standing aside, Feng Bao lowered his head deeply and looked at the ground. Hearing Huang Jin's words, he felt shuddering, but he dared not speak.

If you have fear, you must have suspicion.

You have doubts... Your servant...


In any case, Emperor Jiajing was still very angry at the behavior of Li Bin and other eunuchs who supervised ceremonies for filling their own pockets while doing secret things for him.

And Lu Bing saved more than 40 silver and so many jewels for him, Emperor Jiajing was still happy.

Soon after, Emperor Jiajing issued an edict to add Lu Bing, the Taibao and Shaofu, to still be in charge of the brocade clothes and guards.

All the officials were amazed by this. When discussing the merits of capturing Ha Zhou'er, Lu Bing had already added the Prince's Taibao, and later, because of exposing Qiu Luan's plot, he added the Shaobao and the Prince's Taifu, and gave the earl an annual salary.

Now add Taibao and Shaofu... In addition to the Taishi who can only be given to civil servants, Lu Bing has won the titles of Sangong and Sangu.

Since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, there has been no such thing as three lords and three orphans, only Lu Bing alone...


Volume Five "Power to the Court" - End
The big turning point of the book "Legend of Jin Yi" will start from the next volume. I have been waiting for this moment for a long, long time... Readers, please bless me to write the most critical climax perfectly, without leaving any regrets...

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(End of this chapter)

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