Brocade legend

Chapter 315

Chapter 315
But Zhongguan Liang Dong and others went up to play, saying that the creation of missing jewels used the money of the user department.

Qingliu Shangzuo said: "There is not enough internal treasury, so take the department of planning; if the department of planning is not enough, take it from the small people in the county. Will the small people in the county be safe? Today, there is hunger in the southeast, and the people are eating each other, but the order to search Frequency..."?
It can be seen that this incident has shaken Daming's financial foundation, and Lu Bing was even more angry with those Taoists.

Emperor Jiajing became wary of Lu Bing, and even more fond of Yan Song, and entrusted the matter to Yan Song.

Yan Song took the opportunity to amass a lot of money for personal gain. Knowing that the job to build the palace was "fat", Yan Song sold the official and sold the title.

The officials who got the fat and vacancies searched desperately, used them to bribe Yan Song, and at the same time made a lot of money for themselves.

Zhao Wenhua, Yan Song's minion and minister of the Ministry of Industry, not only embezzled a lot of money, but also used building materials for the construction of the palace, privately transferred military and migrant workers to build his own private residence. ?
On May 36th of the [-]th year of Jiajing, in order to speed up the restoration of the three halls of Fengtian, Huagai, and Jinshen that were destroyed by fire on April [-]th of the same year, Emperor Jiajing ordered Shenmu, Shanxi No. [-] Factory, Tongzhou Zhiyizhen, Longjiang Pass, The big trees left in Wuhu and other places, besides solving the construction in Beijing, also ordered Liu Boyue, the right servant of the Ministry of Industry, and the governor of Sichuan, Huguang, and Guizhou to purchase big trees from Sichuan, Huguang, and Guizhou according to the words of Yan Song, a university scholar, and stationed in Jingzhou, Huguang. At that time, he visited three provinces and discussed with the governors about the purchase.

At the same time, two doctors and two deputy envoys were added to deal with the purchase of large wooden affairs in different provinces.

Until August 23rd of the same year, Liu Boyue played four matters concerning the invitation of Dagong: [-]. Discretionary wood prices.In the case of opening and receiving by the Ministry of Households and the Ministry of Industry, the order is to be transported to the timber mining province at the price of the timber; [-]. Division of responsibilities.The number of trees will be distributed, and the manager will be ordered to report the shipment on time; [-]. State the old rules.Kaitu officials offer wood grace; four, allow Namu to make atonement.Native officials committed crimes according to their severity, and Namu was allowed to be exonerated, reinstated, and replaced.This example can be used in Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, and Guizhou.

If you are sparse, you will be allowed to do it.

The servant Liu Boyue used the excuse of picking wood to arbitrarily embezzle people's wealth and counties and counties' stolen goods, and sent the property to Yan Song's house in a car, continuously.Other companies tried their best to collect money, and those who contributed to Yan Song were even more innumerable.For a while, Yan Song's family kept it privately, rich in public funds...

Corrupt officials engaged in unrestricted self-interest and fraud, and even the bureaucratic memorials said that the common people "are dying and moaning, and the sound of moaning and sighing, your Majesty cannot see or hear."Then the real situation is more serious.

As a result, a fire in the imperial palace spread to the entire Ming Dynasty, causing a nationwide disaster.


Lu Bing showed these one by one in front of Tao Zhongwen, the head teacher of Taoism.

Tao Zhongwen was silent for a while, raised his hand, and poured a cup of tea for Lu Bing.

Lu Bing sneered and said, "Does the Taoist know that Daming will not be able to supply this cup of clear tea?"

Tao Zhongwen frowned, and said: "Master Lu, we have known each other for a long time. Over the years, you have always had a slight dislike for my Taoist school, and the poor Taoist knows it too. It's just that you insist on adding such a heinous disaster to my Taoist school." On the head, Pindao really can't bear it."

"You also know that this is a terrible disaster?" Lu Bing said coldly: "You told the emperor that it was caused by thunder, but what my Jin Yiwei found was not the case! Although the emperor didn't say much now, you think you can hide it when?"

"..." Tao Zhongwen just drank tea.

Lu Bing continued: "The Taoist priests under you are becoming more and more unscrupulous now. As the leader of the Taoist sect, don't you have any responsibility?"

"So what can I do if I'm poor?" Tao Zhongwen looked into Lu Bing's eyes and said, "As the saying goes, when the forest is big, there are all kinds of birds. Although I am the head teacher of Taoism, it is not the emperor who favors Taoists and alchemists." Calculate?"

"Then why didn't you severely punish the perpetrator when such a big incident happened this time?" Lu Bing said angrily, "You should at least show a rule and attitude! Instead of trying to deceive the emperor!"

"..." Tao Zhongwen sighed: "Today's Daoist sect is already hard to get off. If the emperor is to start a thunderous wrath at this time... the poor Daoist should think about the tens of thousands of Daoist sects inside and outside the imperial city!"

"Stubborn and ignorant." Lu Bing's face was gloomy: "So, are you determined to let it go?"

Tao Zhongwen frowned. As the head teacher of Taoism, even Emperor Jiajing respected him. Yan Song would be courteous when he saw him. Lu Bing was so aggressive, which made him a little displeased.

Lu Bing stood up and said, "I'm going to salute first and then go to war. Since you don't eat or drink fine wine after toasting, don't blame me for being rude."

"Master Lu is interested in me, why don't you go and see your in-laws?" Tao Zhongwen said in a deep voice, "Even if the fire was caused by my Taoist school, if there is no strict party behind, the tense will not develop to this point."

"Things have to be done one by one." Lu Bing also said in a deep voice: "No matter what the emperor thinks, the culprit this time must pay the price..."

"Master Lu is threatening the poor?" Tao Zhongwen changed his face.

"You're right, it's a threat." Lu Bing stood with his hands behind his back, and said resolutely, "You should also know that I have the confidence and means to threaten. Don't let yourself be fooled." Lu Bing looked at Tao Zhongwen Said: "I don't have much patience anymore, I hope you can take care of yourself, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

Seeing Lu Bing striding out, Tao Zhongwen sighed, and said: "Pindao has long wanted to go back to the mountain. Once this happened, Pindao didn't want to stay. It's just... Master Lu, even if you kill all the people in the palace Taoist, forcing the poor Taoist to leave the capital is ultimately useless, the culprit... Hehe, as long as the emperor is the Taoist one day, your original intention will be difficult to achieve... Look, see this clearly?"

"That's what I'm going to say, and things have to be done one by one." Lu Bing stopped and said without turning his head: "At least your departure, and the lives of those people, can make other people restrain themselves." Be a little more obedient."

"Killing chickens to scare monkeys?" Tao Zhongwen drank the tea in his cup with gusto, and said, "Do it one by one... Hehe... It's hard to support a single tree...Master Lu, I'm so poor, I hope Master Lu will do the same. Can do it well.”

"Hmph." Lu Bing recognized the meaning of Tao Zhongwen's words, but he was not afraid at all, snorted coldly, and strode away.

Can't stand alone?I have thirteen pillars of the sky, how can I last until I wipe you all out and leave a peaceful world behind!

Tao Zhongwen, originally named Dianzhen, was born in Huanggang County, Huguang.Shaohao immortal alchemy, taught talismans from Wanyu Mountain in Luotian, and was good friends with Shao Yuanjie, a native of Guixi County, Jiangxi Province, a former Taoist priest of the Qing Palace on Longhu Mountain, and the Minister of Rites.

In Jiajingzhong, he was promoted from Huangmei county official to Liaodong library ambassador, and he was promoted to the capital, and was recommended by Shao Yuanjie to eliminate demons in the palace.

In the 18th year of Jiajing's Emperor Shizong's southern tour, Shao Yuanjie fell ill, and Tao Zhongwen acted on his behalf. With his merits of prayer and sacrifice, he was awarded the gods to protect the country and preach the masters, and he was given a seal to find and seal Bingyi.Soon, he added Shaobao, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, and Taifu, with a first-class salary.

In the 20th year of Jiajing, Emperor Jiajing moved to Xiyuan, seeking longevity every day, the imperial court was completely abolished, and the monarch and his ministers did not meet each other. Only Tao Zhongwen was able to see him from time to time.

In October of the 23rd year of Jiajing, Jia Shaoshi was added.One person leads the three orphans at the same time, and Tao Zhongwen is the only one in the Ming Dynasty.For a long time, he was awarded a special scholarship to Zhu Guo, a doctor of Guanglu, and a bachelor's salary.

In the spring of the 29th year of Jiajing, he was granted the title of Bo Gongcheng, with a yearly salary of [-] shi.

In June of the 36th year of Jiajing, Tao Zhongwen called the emperor sick and asked the emperor to return to the mountain.

Emperor Jiajing repeatedly asked him to stay, but Tao Zhongwen insisted on leaving, but Emperor Jiajing couldn't keep him, so he had to let him go back to Luotian Wanyu Mountain.


"How dare he do that!" In Xiyuan, Emperor Jiajing was losing his temper, Huang Jin waited on him, bowed his head and remained silent.

"He dared to force Master Tao to leave me! Who did he think he was! How dare he act recklessly! Deceive the emperor!" Emperor Jiajing finally sat on the couch after throwing a pair of blue and white porcelain, panting: "He will let him go Let's go, I personally persuaded him to stay again and again, Tao Zhenren didn't dare to stay, this Lu Bing's words are actually more effective than mine!?"

Emperor Jiajing's words were heartbreaking, but Huang Jin was indifferent after hearing them.

"Fortunately, I have you." Emperor Jiajing looked at Huang Jin and sighed, "You are the only one who followed me from Xingwang's mansion to Beijing."

"Your Majesty, Lord Lu didn't do this on purpose." Huang Jin pretended to persuade: "The old slave's Dongchang also found out that the fire in the third hall was indeed related to the Taoist priests..."

"So what about it!" Emperor Jiajing became even more excited: "I have already stated that I don't mind, don't investigate, don't pursue it! He still insists on it! Do you think my words are deaf!"

Huang Jin lowered his head and showed a slight smile. This was the effect he wanted.He knew that the emperor's anger was not because of Lu Bing's investigation, but because of Lu Bing's power, which made Emperor Jiajing wary. What made Emperor Jiajing angry was that Lu Bing was hard to control!
Even if one is dedicated to the king and the country, but the Jinyiwei is the emperor's pro-army, the emperor can't even control the Jinyiwei, isn't it dangerous?
In the past few years, Emperor Jiajing may not have cared about government affairs, but he valued the right to speak more, so there is a lesson from Xia Yan and Qiu Luan.And the reason why Yan's father and son are so corrupt and perverted the law that the emperor still favors him is precisely because they are superficially obedient to the emperor and serve the emperor with all their heart. As long as the emperor proposes, their father and son will try their best to do it.

The emperor... only likes obedient dogs...

Huang Jin sneered, Lu Bing just forgot this, or, his self-esteem made him forget that he was actually just a dog of the emperor... really thought he and the emperor were brothers?Pooh!In front of imperial power, how could there be any brothers!

"Huang Jin... this matter cannot go on like this..." Emperor Jiajing looked at Huang Jin and said, "We need to think of a way..."

"It's... Your Majesty..."

Huang Jin sneered, Feng Bao at the door... was sweating...


Lu Bing expelled Tao Zhongwen, but did not stop there. He imprisoned 130 or eight Taoist priests supported by Emperor Jiajing on the grounds that he confiscated the precious gold and silver medicinal materials used by the emperor for alchemy. In the end, only a dozen of them left the prison alive. , and even if they got out of the imperial prison, and finally escaped from the capital, there were only two people...

(End of this chapter)

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