Brocade legend

Chapter 316

Chapter 316
Lu Bing captured these Taoists with evidence, and Emperor Jiajing did not make any gestures.

But the undercurrent has already surged.

Lu Bing found Yan Song again, and after secretly discussing with Yan Song and his son, Yan Song and his son finally agreed to Lu Bing's request in the face of many obstacles.

The strict party sacrificed one person to make an explanation for this matter.

Zhao Wenhua, Ziyuan Zhi, was born in Cixi County, Zhejiang.In the eighth year of Jiajing, Jinshi was awarded the head of the Ministry of Punishment, and he was judged for investigation.

Zhao Wenhua was insidious and flattering. When he was studying at Guozixue, Yan Song offered wine to the Guozijian, so he held him in high esteem.And Zhao Wenhua was an official, and Yan Song became more and more famous, so they became father and son together.

Yan Song wanted to get a private official to take charge of the administration, so that he could give the emperor's chapter first and plan countermeasures in advance, so he ordered Zhao Wenhua to be the envoy of the administration. Later, he intercepted the memorial of impeachment of Yan Song many times, and informed Yan Song in advance. This time he turned the crisis into safety and gained Yan Song's trust.

Later, Yan Song asked to build the outer city of the capital, and added Zhao Wenhua, the right servant of the Ministry of Industry.

Japanese pirates invaded the southeast, and Zhao Wenhua supervised Jiangnan twice.During his stay in the south of the Yangtze River, Zhao Wenhua relied on Yan Song to control the military power, reversed his merits and crimes, killed Zhang Jing, the governor of Zhejiang Province, and Li Tianchong, the governor of Zhejiang Province, and discussed the removal of Zhou Liu and Yang Yi, the governors of Zhejiang and Zhizhi.

At the same time, in the name of conscription and payment, they raised corvees, distributed additional taxes and grains, withheld grain, deducted the local capital and the bank, and coerced rich people in Jiangsu and Zhejiang to contribute funds and salaries, arbitrarily searched for millions of public and private treasures and pictures, and used The needs of the military are only one-twelfth.More than [-] taels of silver have been stolen from the army.

In February of the 35th year of Jiajing, Zhao Wenhua falsely played Li Mo, the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, to slander the emperor. Emperor Jiajing thought that Zhao Wenhua was a loyal emperor, and appointed him as the Minister of the Ministry of Industry, and added the Prince and Taibao.

Since then, Zhao Wenhua has become an important figure in the strict party.

However, Zhao Wenhua's pampering and nobleness made him become more and more arrogant, and his service to Yan Song and others was not as good as before.

At this time, Lu Bing found Yan Song, and privately produced some evidence against the strict party, demanding that he pay one person as a scapegoat, and pointed out that Zhao Wenhua had committed a heinous crime.

Yan Song was originally dissatisfied with Zhao Wenhua, so he pushed the boat along the way, but Yan Shifan felt displeased, aggrieved, and resentful.

Yan Song persuaded: "Zhao Wenhua is too popular now, and it is getting difficult to control. Sooner or later, it will drag us down. This is a good opportunity, and we can also show our loyalty to the emperor."

Emperor Jiajing wanted to build the Zhengyang Gate Tower, but under Yan Song's instigation, he entrusted Zhao Wenhua to handle it.

With the cooperation of Yan Song and his son, Emperor Jiajing gradually became disrespectful to Zhao Wenhua.

On August 36, the 21th year of Jiajing, Emperor Jiajing ordered him to dismiss him from office.

As soon as the edict came out, the court congratulated each other, and the hearts of the people were very happy.

Later, when Jin Yiwei pursued the account, it was discovered that Zhao Wenhua embezzled more than one hundred and four thousand shi of the military salary.

On the first day of September, the emperor issued an edict and dismissed Zhao Wenhua as a civilian.

Zhao Wenhua was frustrated, but Lu Bing did not let him go.

Lu Bing dispatched a "needle on the tail" killer, and Zhao Wenhua died suddenly in the boat overnight of gastroparesis.

Lu Bing's methods severely frightened some corrupt officials, and the trend of corruption in ink was slightly weakened.

At this time, Lu Bing was determined to seize the day and night, but he ignored the backlash caused by his series of actions.

The stronger Lu Bing was, the more Emperor Jiajing feared him. Therefore, the plan to weaken Lu Bing was slowly and secretly launched.

While Lu Bing was actively engaging in political corruption, the campaign against Wang Zhi was about to start in the south.


"So it is! Wang Zhi's backer is indeed Lu Bing!" Zhejiang Governor and Governor Hu Zongxian was surprised and delighted when he received the secret order from the palace!

No wonder!No wonder!
Thinking of the aggressive and strange things since the Japanese system was established, Hu Zongxian suddenly realized it at this time!
No wonder Wang Zhi can always get out of the way!No wonder the mainstream in the DPRK secretly cooperates with Wang Zhi!
Hu Zongxian had doubts before, but now he finally understands!It really was Lu Bing!

No wonder, if it wasn't for Lu Bing, who would have this energy!

But... just relying on Lu Bing is not enough, the emperor and Lu Bing must also have a tacit understanding...

Now... the emperor wants to attack Lu Bing!

Hu Zongxian thought about it in his heart, and then he had a calculation.

At this time, Lu Bing didn't know what was going to happen.

He is also working hard to clean up corruption in the DPRK.

When Lu Bing met with the criminal department, he gave Peng Fan a detailed arrangement for the next thing. While Lu Bing was waiting for the plan to proceed, there was a quack warlock known as Master Ma who lived in Wuzhen, Huzhou, Zhejiang... …


My name is Yu Lian, a small banner officer of Jinyiwei.

My hometown is Tianjin Wei, a peasant family, not originally a member of the Jinyiwei army.

17 years ago, I was a young Ren Xiaer in Beizhili.

That year, I was only in my early twenties, and I learned some boxing skills from the old people in the village. When I had no money, I would go to fight as a cameo thug to stand up for others and exchange for some money.

That year, Master Lu who had just taken over Jinyiwei, who is now the commander in chief of Jinyi, ordered the recruitment of the Jinyi school lieutenant, saying that there was no restriction on background, but only on ability.

At that time, it happened to be the time when I was tired of messing around on the street, and felt that it was not an option in the long run, and I felt that there was no future.At that time, I was thinking about finding a way to marry a wife and have children in the future.

Originally, he didn't want to join the Jinyiwei. Everyone knew that the Jinyiwei was worthless and was notorious for being a dog of Dongchang.

But with our family background, it is not easy to get an official position. Even if you spend a few hundred taels of silver, you can at most be a waiter in that Qingshui Yamen.

Hundreds of taels of silver... Hehe, even if I don't eat or drink, I won't be able to get it until I die.

Later, I heard that Lord Lu, who took over Jinyiwei, was a powerful man. He had repelled the Mongols, wiped out pirates and Japanese pirates, and even stunned the former Dongchang Changgong.

I also heard that the current Dongchang no longer dared to bully Jin Yiwei, and looked at Jin Yiwei and walked around.

And... I heard that Mr. Lu is related to the emperor!It is said that he grew up on a mother's milk, he is the emperor's brother, and no one in the Ming Dynasty would dare to mess with him.

Those who hang out in the rivers and lakes all pay attention to being with a good big brother, and if they join Jinyiwei, they are hanging out with Master Lu!Lord Lu's elder brother is the emperor, so let's stop shaking?
With this in mind, I went to Nanzhen Fusi Yamen to sign up.

Unexpectedly, hey, our two punches and kicks really earned us all, and we actually entered the second round of selection and walked into the Nan Yamen!
What's more, we had to keep our faces that day, and caught a glimpse of Mr. Lu from a distance.

Hey, Mr. Lu looks extraordinary, and looks like a formidable person.

And the people who followed him looked like masters at first glance, with the bloody smell billowing from their bodies, they couldn't be fought, they had to be killed!Kill a lot of people!
Especially that giant, only then did I know that it was the famous Jiang Menshen!

It turns out that there really is a big guy with a head above the sky!I originally thought that there would be such a character only in the novels!
There are a few others, they are all legends in the Jianghu!
It's a pity that they were too far away at that time, and they followed Lord Lu into the inner hall before they could take a closer look at the others.

But it doesn't matter, we entered Jinyiwei's door, we will have a lot of opportunities to see you in the future!

It would be even better if I could learn one and a half moves from them, hehe...

As I was thinking about it, I saw an official in brocade clothes walking out.

I saw a scar on his face, which seemed to have cut his face in half. It looked hideous and terrifying, but the aura around him made people feel gentle and elegant.

Others introduced that he was Zhou Bin, an adult from a hundred households in the Nan Yamen.

It was only later that I found out that he was the brother-in-law of Chen Hong, the former governor of the East Factory, a thousand households in the North Yamen, and he once opposed Mr. Lu. Later, he was imprisoned in prison for several years. It's only been a few years since I killed pirates and Japanese pirates, and I don't know how many heads have been beheaded before I was promoted from a school captain to a hundred households.

Zhou Baihu announced the rules for the second round of the competition. Those who are in the yard now, scuffle each other and pick their opponents. The ten who stand at the end can become the school captain, and the rest will be the assistants of the Jinyiwei first.

The combination of Zhou Baihu's terrifying face and gentle tone made me shiver.

Just before I could react, a strong wind came from behind!
I took advantage of the situation and turned around, and at the same time I turned around and swung my legs outward, knocking that person down to the ground...

After a scuffle, I stood at the end with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

From that day on, I became a captain of Jinyiwei in Nanzhen Fusi.

After that, I met Dong Qianhu, the legendary fat Maitreya, and Zhang Qianhu, who shot and killed Mongol Zhe from the front.

And, our Nanzhen Fusi's Zhen Fu Shi, the world's first-class master, the murderous Lord Yan Luozhu.

It's a pity that I'm just a little school captain, at most I can take a look at him from a distance, never speak a word, or even pass him by in a hurry.

However, Zhou Baihu still remembered me, and sometimes he would nod and smile at me when he met me in the yamen.

Later, I got married and had a son. Ten years ago, I was promoted to a small banner official, earning three or five taels of silver every month, and I had more than a dozen brothers under my command.

Ti Shuai's officials are getting bigger and bigger, the Thirteenth Taibao's name is getting more and more famous, the major events we are doing are getting bigger and bigger, and the prestige of Jin Yiwei is getting more and more powerful...

I am very satisfied and content with this kind of life.

The longer I stayed in Jinyiwei, the more stories I heard about Ti Shuai and those grown-ups, the more I admired Ti Shuai, the more I admired the Thirteen Taibao... However, I only met Eleven Tai Bao, I don’t know who the other two Tai Baos are...

I was very lucky to be born in the era of Master You Ti Shuai Lu, and became a Jin Yiwei.

At the beginning of the year, the town governor ordered us to take dozens of small flags to take our brothers to the south of the Yangtze River on business. My destination was Wuzhen.

This is just an ordinary inspection mission.

Jin Yiwei's Tiqi's footprints are all over Daming. Besides those who are stationed there, they will also send people out on business from time to time, sometimes to arrest them, and sometimes to inspect them.

(End of this chapter)

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