Brocade legend

Chapter 317 Eggs

Chapter 317 Eggs
Jiangnan is rich and prosperous, and it is of course much better to go to Jiangnan for inspection than to go to Yunnan and Northwest.

What's more, it's Wuzhen...

For us, this is a beautiful job.

Under the envious eyes of our colleagues, we accepted the task.

Then go home to say goodbye to his wife, ask his son to take good care of his mother and sister, then pick up his daughter and give her a hard kiss, rubbing her face and neck with a mouth full of stubble, and after making her giggle, we wear Wearing a red brocade robe, riding a steed, carrying an embroidered spring knife, and with a triangular brocade flag that reads "Jinyi Pro-Army Commander" stuck on his back, he made a majestic tour of Beijing and the south.

There are many beautiful scenery in the south of the Yangtze River, and the beauty of mountains and rivers is even more beautiful.

These years, Daming has been a bit chaotic, but no one dares to provoke Jin Yiwei!
I took my brothers as if traveling, and traveled all the way to Splendid Jiangnan with ease.

In July, we came to Wuzhen, and after communicating with the local Jinyiwei, we began to sort out the materials, including previous years' money receipts, account books, secret files of knowledge and so on.

When I was sorting out, I accidentally found a record of experience.

The one mentioned above is a Taoist surnamed Ma.

I asked the local Jinyi guards to learn more about this man, and they said that this Taoist only does fortune-telling and critiques every day, and sometimes heals people, so there is nothing strange about it.

I am an old Jinyiwei for almost 20 years, and I have a keen enough sense of touch to feel that there is something behind it.

This Taoist came to Wuzhen and often wandered the streets, but no one knew his whereabouts.

Fortune telling?Approved words?cure?

Very familiar process... hum...

I have been rolling in the streets since I was young, and I am very familiar with the process of this set of charlatans.

However, the general scammers who travel around will go to the next place when they get some money.

What is the purpose of this Taoist lingering here and doing these tricks?
It occurred to me that Master Ti Shuai has been very vigilant against an organization—the White Lotus Sect. At the same time, I heard that Master Ti Shuai has just established a Taoist priest in the palace.

If... this Ma Taoist has a problem, then wouldn't I have made a great contribution!
The official position that has not been moved for ten years should be able to move!

I told the local Jinyi guard what I thought.

I'm going to stay a little longer and check this guy out.

The next day, I changed into plain clothes and took my four brothers to the street.

I want to see what tricks that Taoist priest can play.

We wandered around the street, but we didn’t get anything all morning. At noon, we entered a small tavern, and each of us ordered a bowl of rice noodles, and then a plate of fried fish, a plate of salted soybeans, and a stack of dried tofu. And a jug of rice wine.

While eating and drinking, I suddenly heard a passer-by shouting: "Master Ma Zu is here!"

We hastily dropped the money and followed the crowd.

I saw a Taoist in a Taoist robe and with three long beards, who was quite immortal, talking to a middle-aged man who was kneeling on the ground.

I brought my four brothers to the side, and there were already crowds of people watching.

The man begged bitterly, with tears like rain, and said: "Patriarch, my wife suddenly became seriously ill and was about to look for Patriarch, but I saw Patriarch without thinking, and begged Patriarch for help!"

People around were friendly, the kneeling man was the owner of a small restaurant next to him, he and his wife opened a husband and wife shop, they bought some noodles and side dishes on weekdays.

Today the woman suddenly fainted on the street, her body was heavy and stiff, she couldn't move, she invited a doctor to see her, she didn't know why, she looked like a person with gradual freezing, but it was different, she couldn't move for a while.

Their neighbors may be bewitched or have a strange disease, but no one knows where he lives when they think of Ma Zushi. They were worried when they heard someone yelling that Ma Zushi had appeared, and the man rushed to ask for help.

Master Ma Zu helped the man up, and said with a pleasant face, "The poor Taoist is here because of your wife. The day before yesterday, I ate a bowl of noodles cooked by your wife herself, and I didn't get any money from the poor Taoist. Today, the poor Taoist is here." Pay the bill."

"Patriarch!" The man was terrified and wanted to kneel down again, but Master Ma held his wrist, which looked gentle but like steel. Patriarch saved my wife's life!"

Ma Zushi shook his head with a smile, and said: "Pindao has no money to pay back. By chance, I got an egg. You take it and give it to your wife. It can be regarded as the money for the medicine!"

The man also asked, and the clever man on the side had already heard what Ma Zushi meant, and pulled the man from behind. Before the man recovered, he saw Ma Zushi turned his palm, revealing an egg.

Everyone's eyes were suddenly attracted by the egg that was different from the past, and the man was stunned. Seeing the egg, he slapped his head and finally understood, overjoyed!

The man stretched out his hands and carefully picked up the egg.

Master Ma Zu's words are hinting that this egg can save his wife!

There is nothing rare about an egg, but this egg is a bit strange.

Ordinary eggs, no matter big or small, red or white, have spots, stripes and patterns on them, and I have seen them before.

But this egg is very different, because whether it is big or small, red or white, or with spots, stripes or patterns on it, even whether it is a duck egg, a bird egg or a snake egg, they all have to be round. .

But this egg is not round.

but square...

Yes, the man held it carefully in the palm of his hand, like a baby, the thing called an egg was square.

Square and square, exactly square.

Everyone's eyes were attracted by the egg.

The man held the egg, cracked it carefully, and with the help of neighbors, opened the lady's mouth and poured the egg into it.

The woman ate the eggs, everyone looked at her nervously, only the Ma Zushi was stroking his beard with a smile, not saying a word.

Half a moment later, the woman suddenly took a deep breath, her eyes opened wide, and she turned over and lay down on the ground, coughing loudly, the spray was full of egg white and egg yolk, saliva and mucus.

"Wake up, wake up!" The others didn't care about this, they cheered loudly and called out loudly.

The man hurriedly thanked Ma Zushi, but Ma Zushi restrained the smile that had been hanging on his face, frowned slightly, shook his head and sighed softly: "It's a pity, it's a pity."

Seeing this, others quickly asked: "The woman has already been rescued, so what a pity?"

Master Ma Zu sighed, and said: "It's a pity that she didn't eat that fairy egg completely, it just cured her disease, but didn't... well, that fairy egg is only effective for curing all diseases? One out of ten Its effects are useless!... From this point of view, she has nothing to do with my immortal family!"

"Ah!" Everyone exclaimed in unison, looking at the egg whites and yolks on the ground with regret, shaking their heads and sighing.

(End of this chapter)

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