Brocade legend

Chapter 320

Chapter 320
And I went to the small flag officer of the local Jinyiwei and reported my findings, hoping to join forces.

Of course, the little flag officer was also very happy to have such a chance to make meritorious service, and readily agreed.

However, the little banner official reminded me that Ma Zushi's ability to preach in Wuzhen so freely is probably related to the local forces, and I don't know if there are any of them in the government, so it's best not to alarm the government, anyway, the Wuzhen yamen It is of little use to catch the Yamen servants quickly.

I thought about it and found it reasonable. After all, he was in local time for a longer period of time, so I should follow his advice, so I agreed.

Moreover, those ordinary yamen servants have poor skills, so they are really useless.

The dozen or so brothers under me, together with the dozen or so Jinyiwei captains under the local flag officer, and twenty or thirty assistants, should be enough.

However, subconsciously, I didn't tell him that I had sent someone to send the information to the capital.

In this way, after nearly half a month, I have been sending people to secretly search for Ma Zushi's hiding place, but found nothing, which is a bit strange.It seems that what the little banner officer said made sense, this Ma Zushi must have colluded with the local forces, otherwise he would not have hidden it so deeply.

So September is approaching, and I feel anxious, but there is nothing I can do.

Just when I didn't know what to do, there was news that Ma Zushi was going to open the altar again.

Six or seven days later, Ma Zushi really opened the altar again.

I discussed the action plan with the local small flag officer, and the small flag officer generously gave us the great credit for arresting Ma Zushi.They were in charge of the siege, preventing the escape of the accomplices.

I thought so too. After all, it’s the first time we’re working together, each of us is responsible for our own work, so it’s safer, not to mention... After all, I discovered this matter, and I should be given the bulk of the credit.

With that in mind, I didn't delay.

I took my brothers with me, just like last time, except for the second son who returned to Beijing, the other six mixed with me among the common people, pretending to be pious worshipers.

The remaining ten people guarded the surrounding corners, while the local small flag officer, with the largest number of people, controlled the surrounding area and acted together just waiting for my signal.

With such a net, he must be able to catch it easily.

Soon, the altar will open.

Just like last time, the smoke, the tricks of candles passed, it was Master Ma's preaching and incitement.

It's just that it's already September, and he's obviously more eager.

I kept my face the same as last time, and just waited for him to leak out of space, and I would expose him in one fell swoop, so as to prevent the confused crowd from colluding with him, causing confusion and affecting the arrest.

This time, Master Ma has a new trick.

Master Ma Zu shook his fly whisk, spread his palms, and said: "A few days ago, Poor Dao went back to the Heavenly Palace and said that he would clean up the filth of the world for the emperor on earth. The Jade Emperor was very happy and gave a scroll of fairy pictures as a way to convey the secret of heaven. .”

He flicked the whisk, took out a scroll from nowhere, and handed it to the villainous little Taoist priest to hang it up.

I saw that the painting was a cow.

His hand turning into a scroll is just the basic skill in juggling. Presumably, he had hidden the scroll by his side a long time ago. When he swung the whisk to attract everyone's attention, he used the wide Taoist robe sleeve to cover up the movement of the other hand. , took out the scroll, it looked like it was out of thin air, but in fact it was just a cover-up.

I just don't know what the purpose of this scroll is.

After the scroll was hung up, Master Ma continued: "The queen mother was not stingy when she saw the treasures bestowed by the Jade Emperor, and at the same time gave fairy fruits. I hope that when we succeed, we can enjoy the fairy goods together, so that more people can get a glimpse of the fairy road." Together, we will become immortals and achieve the Tao, and enjoy the blessings in the world." After finishing speaking, he asked the little Taoist boy beside him to bring a clay pot, and then he took out a watermelon seed, and buried it in the clay pot in front of everyone. in the soil.

Then he took some water in his mouth and sprayed it several times before the little Taoist priest straightened the crock pot.

"Although this fairy fruit is not as good as flat peaches, it is more suitable for you and other mortals to enjoy." Ma Zushi said with a smile while twisting his beard.

"Ah! It's grown! It's grown!" With good eyesight, he could already see the strangeness, and saw that the watermelon seeds that had been buried in the soil for less than half a moment actually showed a hint of greenness from under the soil!
"Ah! It's moving! It's moving!" That's not all, at the same time someone saw the old cow in the painting, actually moved, raised its mouth, and held a small scroll.

"It must be a secret from heaven!" Ma Zushi said with a smile, got up and went to the painting.

Everyone looked at Ma Zushi's hand intently, and saw Ma Zushi put his hand in front of the old cow's head in the painting, turned his palm over, and a small roll of paper actually appeared.

"Ah! There is really a secret!" Everyone shouted.

This does not confuse me, I firmly believe that the conjuring of the paper is nothing more than a trick of tricks.There should be a note in his hand.

Master Ma and other people naturally didn't know what was going on in my mind. Master Ma spread out the note, but it was blank.

"Ah! Why is it blank?" Someone sighed in disappointment.

Master Ma Zu took his time and swayed over the incense burner.

"Ah! Appeared!" The person who had been staring at the note saw a few lines of words appeared out of thin air.

Ma Zushi said with a smile: "This secret is the completion of the Immortal ink brush. If you don't provide incense, you won't be able to see it."

"Patriarch! What is the will from heaven?" Someone asked respectfully.

Master Ma opened it up to have a look, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he raised his hand and showed the note.

I saw it said: "September [-]th, great things can happen!"

Ma Zushi said loudly: "God foretells! On the fourteenth day of the ninth month, great things will come true! Everyone! It's time to serve the Lord of Heaven and punish evil for the Son of Heaven! The Lord of Heaven will surely send down immortal fate, and the Son of Heaven will surely reward riches and honor. September [-]th Let’s clean up Wuzhen first, then go to Jiaxing Mansion, clean up the south of the Yangtze River, and then go to the capital, ask the emperor for a reward”

Master Ma took up the pot again, raised it above his head, and said loudly: "At that time, we will taste the fairy fruit together, and then offer one to the emperor. The emperor will worship Taoism and cultivate immortality, and he will definitely reward you a lot!"

In this matter, Nake watermelon seeds have grown half an inch seedlings, which are full of greenery.

The people below are all boiling!They actually have the opportunity to contribute to Tian Gong and the Son of Heaven!
As long as you follow the sky, you will be rich and prosperous, live forever, and enjoy endless enjoyment!

Who in the world does not know that the Son of Heaven loves cultivating Taoism and alchemy, as long as he offers fairy fruits, he will not be able to become a fairy, and the glory and wealth in the world are endless!
At this time, I was still thinking hard about what happened to other things except that note.

The written note is called "secret transmission" in Jinyiwei, and it is mostly used to transmit secret information and the like.

But what about the sprouting watermelon and the moving cow in the painting?

However, seeing the enthusiasm of the crowd, I knew that I couldn't wait any longer. If this continues, it will be even more difficult for me to expose it!
(End of this chapter)

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