Brocade legend

Chapter 321 Planting Pears

Chapter 321 Planting Pears
I stood up abruptly, and said loudly: "What is conveying the secret of heaven? It's nothing more than using human milk, or grinding it with white sand and clear water, and writing on plain paper. When it dries, the handwriting will not be seen. After burning it with smoke, characters will appear. What's so rare about it?"

The audience was silent, everyone was looking at me, my brothers had already put their hands into their bosoms, where they were holding short knives and sharp blades.

I looked at Ma Zushi, but I didn't see any panic.

I frowned and looked at Ma Zushi who was still smiling.

A middle-aged man suddenly jumped out and shouted: "You said it wasn't a secret, what happened to that cow?"

"This..." I couldn't help being speechless, but I still insisted: "Whether it's the melon seedlings or the painting, it must be a trick or a trick, and it must not be a fairy trick!"

"This layman." The big man was still yelling at me, but Ma Zushi suddenly opened his mouth and said, "You said it's not a fairy method, but have you heard the story of the fairy planting pears?"

I was stunned for a moment, then Master Ma didn't wait for my answer, and followed the Tao as if preaching:
"It is said that there was a countryman who sold pears in the market. The taste was very delicious, but the price was extremely high.

Just happened to meet a Taoist priest, dressed in rags and hats, in front of the begging cart, unable to drive away repeatedly, wanting to beg for a pear to quench his thirst.

The villagers were angry and scolded them, attracting many onlookers.

The Taoist said: "There are hundreds of pears in a cart, and the poor only ask for one, and it will not hurt the layman, so why get angry." '

Others persuaded them, and they also said, "You have a car of pears, just pick the worst one and send him away." '

The villagers refused, saying: "My car is all good, which one is not worth three or five yuan, how can I give it away so easily?" '

A waiter in the hotel by the road got impatient with the noise, bought one for the Taoist with money, and said: "Everyone should leave, don't stand here and delay the business." '

The Taoist thanked him and said: "Being a monk should not be stingy. There are hundreds of good pears, and I would like to share them with you." '

Everyone laughed, and one asked: "Since you have pears, you can eat your own. Why bother to scold you here?" '

The Taoist said: "The laymen don't know something, and the poor Taoists especially need this core as a seed." '

After the Taoist finished speaking, he ate the pear three times, took off the small shovel on his shoulder, dug a small hole to bury the pear, and asked others for hot water.Everyone laughed when they heard it, thinking that the Taoist priest was crazy.

A good-natured person actually found a bowl of hot water in a roadside shop.

The Taoist took it, bowed to thank him, and then poured it on the soil.

Everyone just thought it was interesting, and they all gathered around to watch, and the pear sellers also stood among them. They stretched their necks as if it was some strange event, focused their attention, and almost forgot about their business.

Suddenly, the buds burst out of the ground, getting taller and bigger, which is really miraculous. In a blink of an eye, they bloom and bear fruit, and excellent pears hang on a tree.

Everyone exclaimed.The Taoist said with a smile: "The pears on the branches can be picked at will." '

Everyone only said that it was a fairy pear, which would give you immortality if you ate it. They rushed up and snatched it up, and the pear sellers also rushed to pick it, saying that it was his seed that he should have, but he was pushed down several times. I haven't touched it yet, and I am embarrassed and annoyed.

The people divided the pears and asked Taoist priests to plant them again.

The Taoist laughed and said, "When the pears are eaten, they will be gone, so they can't be planted again." '

As he spoke, he chopped down the tree with a small shovel, tinkling and rattling for a long time, and then carried the branches and leaves on his shoulders and walked away.

The Taoist priest had already left, and everyone was holding pears, some had already eaten, some were eating, some were reluctant to eat, and carefully holding them to take them home, they all scattered one after another.

The pear sellers thought that the fairy pears were their own seeds, but they didn't get any points. They felt it was unfair, but they had no choice but to give up.However, when he turned around and saw that his cart of pears had disappeared, he panicked for a moment, and rushed over to take a closer look, only to find that one of the handlebars was gone!
At this moment, the villager who sells pears suddenly understood.

The fairy pears that the Taoist asked everyone to pick were actually his own. Looking at the broken part of the handlebar, it was also freshly cut.

The villagers were furious, and hurried to catch up, turned the corner, and saw the broken handle thrown under the wall. It was undoubtedly the handlebar that the Taoist cut down the pear tree.

The villagers picked it up and continued to chase, but the Taoist priest had long since disappeared, and there was no way to chase after him.

The people of the city laughed brightly at it. "

After Ma Zushi finished speaking, some people heard the way, and they all burst into laughter.

Master Ma Zu said to me: "The Taoist playing in the world is Lu Zu. Tell me, is he an immortal? Does he use immortal methods?"

Before I could return, the people nearby had already said in unison: "Lu Zu is naturally an immortal, and he used immortal methods!"

"Lu Zu planted pears and I planted melons. He took them from the mortal world, and I took them from the sky. His method is an immortal method, but you say mine is not an immortal method. What's the reason?" Master Ma twirled his beard and laughed.Everyone also laughed to themselves.

I was a little embarrassed, but I retorted: "I think that Taoist must not be Lu Zu. The pear seller worked hard to grow pears, harvest pears, and sell pears. The pears are so sweet. , can produce such good pears. Even if the price is higher, it is the value of his hard work. Even if he is stingy and refuses to eat pears, it is his freedom. Maybe he just needs the three to five yuan to support his family. Such a countryman, just because If he doesn’t give the Taoist pears to eat, the Taoist will give away all his pears for nothing, and that’s all. He also has to cut off the handlebars and destroy the car. How can such a petty Taoist with no morals and conscience be a fairy? Lu Zu?"

Ma Zushi was stunned, then smiled and said: "What a sharp-tongued layman, regardless of whether it is appropriate for him to do so, just talk about you, do you want to be that stupid pear seller?"

The people sometimes burst into laughter, and some of them just thought that what I said made sense, and put the truth behind them...

Ma Zushi shook his head and said: "I see that you have a ferocious complexion and a hostile air all over your body, I'm afraid you came from a wrong path."

"Nonsense! You are the one who deceives the public!" I shouted angrily, and ordered to take it down.

"Who is a demon and who is a fairy, after you are taken down, you will know once you try it." Master Ma Zu laughed, and suddenly shouted: "Friends! Take him down and let me take a photo with the three-flavored real fire , see if he is a man or a ghost!"

Those people, when they heard that I was a ghost, some backed away in a hurry, and some actually rushed up!
"Take down Yaodao first!" I ordered loudly, and the six brothers under me immediately drew out their short knives.

Master Ma Zu pointed at my six brothers, and said loudly: "There are a few over there with short knives in their pockets, and they are really plotting something wrong!"

And the people flocked to my brother again.

There are only seven of us, but there are a hundred of these people, being squeezed in by them, and it's not easy to hurt people directly, it's really hard for me to use it.

I didn't care about hiding my identity anymore, so I said loudly: "I am the Imperial Guard of the Ming Dynasty! Who dares to be presumptuous!"

The people were taken aback, and more people withdrew.

The name of Jin Yiwei is still very intimidating.

I just felt relieved, then Ma Zushi snorted coldly again: "There are so many ghosts and monsters in the court, who knows whether you are human or ghost! Everyone! Take them down first, let me try it with the three-flavored real fire, and then I will know. It's not too late to let them go, if they are monsters, we will take them down first, as a congratulatory gift to the Lord of Heaven and the Son of Heaven!"

Those people were still a little timid, but at this moment, I noticed Master Ma made a look.

I saw a dozen strong and strong men who took the lead and rushed forward and surrounded us. When the common people saw someone coming up, they also rushed forward.

I found that those dozen strong men were not ordinary people, their fists and feet were much harder!
I wanted to resist, but I was outnumbered by two fists and four hands. I was pinched left and right, besieged up and down, and finally I was knocked down to the ground.

Then someone brought ropes and tied us up.

I yelled loudly, hoping the brothers around me could hear me.

But it's very strange, our side is so violent, not only did the man of Xiaoqi not appear, even my remaining ten brothers did not see any movement!

We were tied tightly, Master Ma commanded us to be placed in a circle, and then said: "Everyone back down, lest when I use Sanwei Zhenhuo, they will explode and hurt people!"

The people retreated one after another, and I noticed that the dozen or so strong men were obviously maintaining order!
They came prepared!

Did they already know our identities?Did you know we'd be here?

I feel bad in my heart!
That Ma Zushi was holding a strange glass bottle with red liquid in it, I saw him chanting words, and when he combined the bottle with the candle, it turned out to be like a strange lamp.

Then, Master Mazu waved a lamp among us!
"Ah!" The people around looked at us and exclaimed.

I looked around, and when I saw the faces of my brothers, I couldn't help but also change color.

I saw that the faces of the brothers are dark and unclear, red and blue are like ghosts, red and indigo are indistinguishable, like ghosts with blue faces and red hair, wide mouths and long fangs!
The lamp in Master Ma Zu's hand flickered by.

Looking at the eyes of the people looking at us, it has turned into fear, disgust and even hatred.

I screamed in my heart that it was not good!
Ma Zushi sneered and said: "Sure enough they are not good people." He turned to the people and shouted: "Lock them up! On September [-]th, we will sacrifice them to the flag!"

The people suddenly should be...

My brothers and I were thrown into a broken house.

After we communicated, we discovered a situation, that is, those few big men were actually distributed in the place closest to us, and they were the ones who attacked us the most.

That is to say, we have been discovered long ago!

They surround us, just to control us at the right time!
Why do they know that we are from the government? It's too late to think about it.

Because the truth can be cruel.

The most important thing now is that we must go out and report the news!

On September [-]th, they want to rebel!
But those guys seem to be very familiar with our methods. They dismantled the collars and cuffs of our blades and letter arrows, and took away the gadgets inside.

However, of course, this can't help our Daming Jinyiwei!

We suffered for two days, they never opened the door to come in, nor did they deliver food or water, but there were two people guarding the door all the time, and they did not talk to us, which made many tricks I thought of come to nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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