Brocade legend

Chapter 324

Chapter 324
Lu Bing looked at the dossier, then handed the dossier to Sun Quan, and said with a smile, "Do you understand the mystery?"

Sun Quan took it, looked at the file, and said dismissively: "It's been all these years, and this method has not improved at all."

What Sun Quan was talking about was naturally Ma Zushi and the people behind him.

Sun Quan pointed to the dossier, and broke down those so-called immortal arts and Taoism one by one.

Draw a circle to collect mosquitoes, take a gnat, fill its mouth with cinnabar, prick its beak and hang it upside down, put a cup under it, and after a while there is a drop of liquid in the cup, moisten it with a brush and ink, and draw a picture on the wall with the brush dipped in ink Make a circle, and all the mosquitoes will enter the circle.

Boiling Tang Li Leng Jie said: Take the water foam from the stream, dry it in the shade as the end, add a little to the boiling soup, and the boiling soup will be cold immediately.

However, there is indeed a wonderful way to stay drunk in a thousand cups. The method is: use ten milliliters of camphor tincture, soak in a cup of cold water, and drink it before drinking to prevent drunkenness.

Although drinking a thousand cups without getting drunk, camphor is poisonous and should not be used by ordinary people.

And the old cow walks, it uses an old goose gall, no water can be seen, pours a penny of alum powder into the gall, hangs it in a cool place to dry in the shade, and then uses this gall to grind the juice to adjust the color to paint, it will disappear when it is bright, and it will be dark when it is dark obvious.Therefore, those who don't know the inside story think that the old cow in the painting is walking.

As for why Yu Lian and the others looked like ghosts and goblins when illuminated by the lamp, it was nothing unusual. If those foolish people were not deceived by Ma Zushi, even ordinary people would not believe in such tricks.

This is the so-called method of "turning thousands of people into ghosts".

Why do people look like ghosts under the lamp?It's just a matter of color.

It is common in rivers and lakes to take a bottle of sorghum wine and stew it hot, and light the mouth of the bottle with fire.

Ma Zushi's methods are just the same, just the same but with the same effect.

The more complicated one is the so-called "you grow melons and you grow".

Use one egg, open a small hole to remove the white and keep the yellow, and stir the watermelon seeds into it to fill it up.

Then seal its mouth with paper and make the chicken lie down.

When the chicken comes out, take it out and pour out the watermelon seeds.Use Guangui and licorice for one qian each, grind them into powder, mix them well and put them in the shell, seal them and bury them beside the wet wall, and don't let them dry.

When planting, take a bowl of pine soil, bury a watermelon seed in the cotton in the pine soil, spray water several times, and the vines will germinate in a few moments, and the vines will grow leaves, and the flowers will bloom in a short while, and the results will be as big as copper coins. Not for a while.

Sun Quan has followed his master Huang Duxian for a long time, how can he hide these quack tricks from him?

What's more, in recent years, because of Lu Bing's vigilance against the White Lotus Sect, Sun Quan deliberately found some seniors in the world to learn about these methods.From today's point of view, it's nothing more than normal.

Lu Bing pointed to the story of "immortals planting pears" on the file, and asked Sun Quan, "Do you know the source of this story?"

Sun Quan shook his head, Lu Bing said, "This story has the same source as another story."

"Where did it come from?" Sun Quan asked Lu Bingdao.

Lu Bingdao: "This story is called planting pears, and there is another story called stealing peaches."

Lu Bing picked up the tea bowl on the table, took a sip of tea, and said:
"There is a story that says that at the beginning of spring, as usual, the day before is the 'Spring Festival', merchants from all walks of life, set up colorful buildings, play and beat, and go to the feudal officials to celebrate with each other.

When the people assembled, they saw four officials in the hall, all dressed in red, sitting facing each other.

Suddenly a person carrying a bamboo basket and a child came forward and said something.The hall laughed loudly, and a small official loudly ordered him to play.It turned out to be a magician.

After a while, the sorcerer stepped forward and asked, "I don't know what play my lord wants to watch?" '

After talking with the four officials for a while, he ordered the little official to ask his director.

The sorcerer replied: "The villain can reverse the seasons, so it can be said that the plum blossoms in summer, and the peach endures the winter cold."As long as the adults say a word, there is nothing that cannot be changed by the villain. '

When the little official reported back, the four officials all smiled, doubtful, and with a mentality of giving it a try, they discussed it and ordered the sorcerer to take the peaches.

The sorcerer promised, took off his clothes and covered the bamboo basket, pretended to be embarrassed, and complained to the boy: "The hall officials are too ignorant, the ice is still hard to break, and the peach blossoms just bloom. Where can there be peaches?"However, if you don't take it, you will be punished, so what can you do! '

The little boy replied: "Father has already promised, and it is absolutely impossible to refuse." '

The sorcerer was melancholy for a long time, and said: "In the early spring, there is snow accumulation, which is absolutely unavailable in the world, but in the Queen Mother's garden, it does not wither all the time, so you have to steal it from the sky to be exonerated." '

The little boy replied: "The sky is so high, how can we climb it?" '

The warlock said: "Don't worry, Daddy has spells." '

After finishing speaking, he took out a ball of rope from the bamboo basket, about tens of feet, untied one end, and threw it into the air.The rope hangs in the air like a ladder, which is really magical.

The sorcerer handed the other end to the boy and said, "Daddy is tired and weak, so you have to steal the peach." '

The little boy complained: "Father is really confused. How can such a thin thread reach the sky? If it breaks halfway, the child will be smashed to pieces!" '

The sorcerer coaxed the little boy and said, "Daddy has slipped his tongue and regretted it. Wouldn't it be great if you stole the peaches and used your adult's bounty to marry a good wife when you go back?" '

The little boy smiled when he heard the words, no longer refused, and climbed up by pulling the rope tightly, dangling, gradually climbing into the sky.

The surrounding audience were all amazed. They were looking up when a peach fell and there was an uproar. The practitioner was overjoyed and picked it up and presented it to the hall.

The four officials in the hall happily passed it on, but they didn't know whether it was true or false.

While joking and joking, the rope suddenly fell down, and the warlock exclaimed: "No, someone cuts the rope, how can my son get down!" '

Suddenly something fell from the sky, picked it up and looked closely, it was the head of a little boy.

The warlock held it in his arms, utterly mournful.

Another hand, one foot, limbs fell one after another, blood spilled all over the ground, it was horrible.

The crowd around the audience was terrified.

The sorcerer beat his chest and stomped his feet, screaming for heaven and earth, in extreme pain.

After crying like this, he gradually calmed down, picked up the stumps one by one, put them in bamboo baskets, and knelt down to the four officials in the hall: "This villain is only one son, and he has been running around with me since he was a child. Today, he is the official Yan Ming, to fetch peaches from the sky, unfortunately encountered such a catastrophe!For the rest of my life, how can I rely on him? ——If you pity the misery of a villain, if you dare to beg for a little silver from an adult, you will be a ring in life and grass in death, in return for your kindness. '

The four officials were very happy when they got the peaches before, but they were all stunned by this sudden change, so they ordered the little officials to help them up, and each gave money and felt uneasy.

The sorcerer took the bounty, wrapped it around his waist, turned around and knocked on the bamboo basket, and shouted, "Babaer, come out soon and thank you for the reward." '

Suddenly a boy with a disheveled head opened the cover and looked north to thank him. It was his son. "

After Lu Bing finished speaking, Sun Quan was very surprised!
(End of this chapter)

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