Brocade legend

Chapter 325 Zhu Lu's Judgment

Chapter 325 Zhu Liu's Judgment

Sun Quan was amazed when he heard the story. Thinking about it carefully, he found that it was so ingenious and miraculous that it surpassed that of Taoist Zhongli. He couldn't help asking: "This story has never been heard by the officials. Is there really such a magical method in the world?"

Lu Bing shook his head, and said: "You, you clearly know that there is no such thing as immortality or Taoism, but it's all deception, illusion, and blindness, so why do you feel confused now?

Sun Quan was stunned, and couldn't help feeling a little ashamed. Thinking of Lu Bing's previous words, he hurriedly asked, "Where did this story come from?"

The expression on Lu Bing's face gradually disappeared, and he said coldly: "This story is a record in the secret volume left by the previous dynasty's investigation into the affairs of the White Lotus Sect. I remember it here, it is planting pears."

Sun Quan understood.

Lu Bing said coldly: "Planting pears and stealing peaches are all illusions used by the White Lotus Sect to confuse all living beings. Taoists know how to grow pears, hum..."

Sun Quan listened and knew that Mr. Lu had confirmed that what happened in Wuzhen must have something to do with the White Lotus Sect.

"Immediately send an order to Zhu Liu! Grab this tail, and we must bring out the Bailian Sect!" Lu Bing ordered.

For these years, the White Lotus Sect has been hiding in the mist, hard to catch, but the heroic soul lingers on.

Lu Bing never forgot about Zhang Mo, and what he kept saying about the Buddhist kingdom on earth, the ultimate bliss on earth!
For 25 years, he appeared once during Weihui's fire, and then disappeared before Lu Bing's eyes, but his shadow often appeared behind major events.

Lu Bingnian is nearly half a century old, and there is not much time left for him. This time, he must find Zhang Mo out!

The tacit understanding between Lu Bing and Zhu Liu is beyond doubt.

Zhu Liu also keenly sensed the shadow of the White Lotus Sect.

September [-]th is getting closer day by day.

After these days of control and search, Zhu Liu was confident that Ma Zushi would not be able to overcome the big waves, but there was no trace of Ma Zushi, which gave Zhu Liu some headaches.

What made him even more troublesome was that he felt a little strange in Zhejiang.

This thread is very subtle, just like a needle made of ox hair. Although it is so thin that it cannot be heard, Zhu Liu can feel the sharpness of the needle tip keenly.

This sharp feeling made Zhu Liu a little uneasy, because he felt that this sharpness seemed to be aimed at Jin Yiwei, or the ruler of Jin Yiwei——Lu Bing.

This made Zhu Liu helplessly shift some of his strength and energy to this matter.

This is also one of the reasons why Ma Zushi was able to escape and was not brought to justice for a long time.

However, this needle sometimes disappears, which makes Zhu Liu feel on guard, but there is no way to find out, it is really aggrieved.

Zhu Liu read and read the information from all over Zhejiang, desperately suppressing the guards below to investigate more carefully, and then more carefully.

Some seemingly reasonable, but somewhat abnormal situations gradually reveal their texture.

Hu Zongxian, governor and governor of Zhejiang Province, appealed to the court, hoping to send envoys to Japan to discuss joint settlement of Japanese pirates and tribute matters.

In the southeast provinces and counties of the Ming Dynasty, the Japanese pirates caused serious disasters. On April 170th of this year, the Japanese pirates also invaded Rugao and landed on the shore to burn and rob.On the [-]th, the Japanese pirates robbed Haimen County, about [-] people, landed and looted.On the [-]th, the Japanese attacked Tongzhou, but failed, so they divided into two routes and went westward, re-offending Rugao and Taixing.On the first day of May, the Japanese turned to plunder Yangzhou and Xuzhou, and entered Shandong in the north.On the [-]th, they invaded Tianchang County in the west and killed more than [-] Ming soldiers.He also plundered Xuyi, attacked Sizhou, entered Gaoyou and Baoying, violated Huai'an, and fell into Andong.

On the fourth day of June, the Ming army attacked by land and water and beheaded more than a hundred Japanese pirates in Andong County. Many of the Japanese pirates were burned and drowned to death.

Although the Xinwanan had tens of thousands of momentum after Wang Zhi was stationed in Japan these years, it still brought some pressure to Daming.

As the governor and governor of Zhejiang and the most important frontier official in the southeast of the Ming Dynasty, Hu Zongxian made a proposal to solve the Japanese pirates problem, which seemed reasonable and reasonable. He had made the same proposal several times before.

However, Zhu Liu did not forget that Hu Zongxian was an iron gate placed in the south of the Yangtze River intentionally or unintentionally by Emperor Jiajing to curb Lu Binghai Road.

What's even more strange is that Hu Zongxian didn't request to send officials from the Ministry of Rites as envoys, but sent two Ningbo students Jiang Zhou and Chen Ke as envoys.

And the news from the capital, the emperor was right!
According to the information from the "Kouzhongxin" spy, the relationship between the two students and Hu Zongxian was unusual.

Reminiscent of Lu Bing's actions getting bigger and bigger recently, the strings of various forces in the palace and Beijing are getting tighter and tighter...

Zhu Liu never believed in human nature, he only believed in himself, and only cared about Lu Bing.

He has no wife or children, Lu Bing is his only relative, and the Lu family is his home.

His heart is dark, so he doesn't believe anyone's heart is red.

You Qi couldn't believe it, that idiot who was sitting on the dragon chair, high above, but extremely stupid, who believed in immortality.

The most ruthless imperial family.

In the early years when Emperor Jiajing was still wise and powerful, Zhu Liu could feel a little more at ease. In the past few years, in Zhu Liu's eyes, Emperor Jiajing has long gone crazy.

Normal people, who would disregard their family and country, do not seek people's desires, and let the country and society be ruined?

Zhu Liu may not understand politics, but he is smart, and he likes to listen to books.

I have heard too many stories about the meritorious deeds, the birds are exhausted and the bows are hidden, Yue Fei died unjustly in the Fengbo Pavilion... and so on and so on.

Emperors, generals and ministers are the ones who fight endlessly.

Zhu Liu may not be as good as Lu Bing in many aspects, but he has one more important characteristic than Lu Bing, that is... without the slightest innocence.

Lu Bing also understood this, but he didn't like it, didn't want to, and didn't believe it.

Zhu Liu has no scruples.

He remembered what he had said to Lu Bing when he went out to the city with the Lu family in the spring...

He felt that his heart was getting tighter and tighter... The more he doubted, the more he looked for evidence to prove it.

He thinks, he racks his brains, and he adds up what he knows bit by bit.

In the end, he believed that his judgment... was correct!

The emperor, I'm afraid he's going to treat Lu Bing...

Zhu Liu may be very capable, but this kind of thing has always been taken care of by Lu Bing.

At this time, asking Zhu Liu to solve such a problem, Zhu Liujue was at a loss and a little bit at a loss.

Zhu Liu felt even more tired...

However, he must save Lu Bing's life!He always has to do something!
Zhu Liu's habitual thinking is straightforward.

If the hemp is messy, he either cuts it off, or just looks in front of him.

He began to think about what he could do in front of him...


Zhu Liu suddenly decided to leave Wuzhen.

Yu Lian was very strange, but still obeyed Zhu Liu's order, and was promoted to a higher rank with his last old brother and second son, stayed in Wuzhen, and continued to investigate the case of Ma Zushi's treason.

Zhu Liu left him a hundred Jinyiwei, as well as an order and a letter.

(End of this chapter)

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