Brocade legend

Chapter 326

Chapter 326
Zhu Liu's order to Yu Lian was: "Wait!"

And the letter is to wait for the person who wants to wait, and then give it to the person who wants to wait.

Zhu Liu is going to Jiaxing, because Hu Zongxian is there.

And the day he arrived in Jiaxing was the early morning of September [-]th.


In the capital, Lu Bing just woke up, watching the birds jumping in the treetops and the cicadas chirping under the leaves outside the window, he suddenly felt a little irritable.

"What's the date today?" Lu Bing asked Mrs. Meng, who was barefoot and combing her hair at the dressing table.

"Today is September [-]th." Mrs. Meng turned her head and looked at Lu Bing, feeling a little strange.

The girl Meng who was back then has now become a wife. That delicate and beautiful face has added a bit of mature charm, so that her appearance has not weakened in the slightest, but has become more interesting.

That round and smooth figure made the young green girls feel ashamed.

She has a quiet personality, but she has the same heart with Lu Bing. Seeing Lu Bing like this, she knows that he is worried.

Mrs. Meng tiptoed, walked to Lu Bing and sat down, gently took Lu Bing's hand, and smiled, "What's the matter?"

"Jiangnan came to report the day before yesterday, saying that the White Lotus Sect had agreed to make a riot today. I don't know if it has been launched." Lu Bing was a little worried.

"Hasn't Master Zhu passed away?" Mrs. Meng comforted, "With him here, there will be no chaos in the south of the Yangtze River."

After hearing this, Lu Bing couldn't help laughing when he thought of Zhu Liu, and said, "That's true...I don't know what's wrong, but I always feel uneasy."

Lu Bing held Mrs. Meng's hand, forced himself to calm down, and let out a long breath.

I don't know how many small rebellions like this have been quelled over the years.

Jin Yiwei monitors the world, and after receiving similar information, Jin Yiwei will immediately send people there to kill him before he wakes up.

This time Zhu Liu went in person, so there shouldn't be anything wrong.

But in Lu Bing's heart, there was a faint uneasiness.

Lu Bing stabilized his mind and said in his heart: "With Zhu Liu here, there must be no problem."


"How is it?" Emperor Jiajing asked Huang Jin worriedly: "I heard that Zhu Liu has gone to the south of the Yangtze River, will there be any problems?"

"Don't worry, Your Majesty." Huang Jin said with a smile: "Zhu Liu is not a man with three heads and six arms, and Mr. Li has also figured it out. This matter will definitely come true."

"I'm always a little worried." Emperor Jiajing sighed, "Wenfu is a man with a meticulous mind, and Zhu Liu is not an idler. If they see signs of it, I'm afraid it will be bad for me!"

"Your Majesty, don't worry!" Huang Jin clasped his hands, and said firmly: "With the old slave and Dongchang here, we will never let such a thing happen."

Huang Jin saw that Emperor Jiajing was still a little worried, so he continued to comfort him: "This matter is in accordance with the wishes of the public. Even if Lu Bing has three heads and six arms, it is difficult to do anything. Even if he really has three heads and six arms, if this matter is successful, he will be able to lose one of his arms. Besides, that thief is the biggest traitor in the world, so Lu Bing can't cover it up, right? Even if he knows something, he can only smash his teeth and swallow it in his stomach. Otherwise, if he spreads it out, he will have nothing good to eat .”

"You said, he would notice that I was among them?" Emperor Jiajing asked Huang Jin.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty!" Huang Jin smiled and comforted him: "The matter in Wuzhen was arranged by Mr. Li's disciples, and no matter what, he couldn't get in touch with the Emperor. And the one who captured the thief was Mr. Hu, and he acted according to the law. Acting, even if Lu Bing is aware of it, he has nothing to say."

Emperor Jiajing was a little relieved, and then sighed: "Wenfu has indeed been a little arrogant in recent years... It's all my fault for being too lenient to him. This time, I just want him to retire early and enjoy happiness. I hope he can understand My heart, don't blame me!"

"Your Majesty is kind, Mr. Lu will definitely understand his good intentions." Huang Jin agreed.

At this time, a gentle voice sounded from outside the door, saying: "Your Majesty, the golden elixir is ready."

"Is it Mr. Li?" Emperor Jiajing was overjoyed and said loudly, "Come in!"

The door opened, and a young man, wearing a green shirt and holding a jade box, walked in.

This man looks to be 27 or [-] years old, his complexion is like jade, warm and transparent, and his appearance is extraordinary.

The smile on his face seems to be all-knowing, everything is under control, and he is extremely confident.

He offered the jade box with both hands, and Huang Jin opened the lid, only to see that inside there was a white and not white, gold and not gold elixir, the size of shelled longan, exuding a tangy medicinal fragrance.

Emperor Jiajing's eyes lit up.

Mr. Li smiled and said: "After taking this golden elixir, one's consciousness will be clear, the soul will be crystal clear, and the communication with heaven and earth will be smoother. The emperor can take it early, so as to avoid the power of the medicine from being released and affecting the effect."

"Okay, okay!" When Emperor Jiajing heard this, he didn't have time to ask for water to take it, so he picked it up with his fingers and swallowed it in one gulp.

Huang Jin had good eyesight and had already brought tea, but Emperor Jiajing had already swallowed it.

Emperor Jiajing breathed a sigh of relief, only felt a burst of fragrance, and couldn't help saying happily: "It's really extraordinary!"

"It will take seven to seven days for the medicinal power to spread throughout the body from the inside out, and cleanse the soul, the emperor will see the effect!" Mr. Li laughed.

"Good, good!" Emperor Jiajing praised: "It's no wonder that Guo Xun respected your father so much back then, and even hid it from me to let me know. He only recommended a Duan Chaoyong to me. If you come to my side soon, I will I'm afraid I've become a fairy long ago."

"Your Majesty is lying." Mr. Li said seriously: "Although Mr. Duan's character is bad, his alchemy skills have already become a master. If he hadn't laid the foundation for the Emperor, my golden elixir is so powerful that I wouldn't dare to do it." For the emperor to enjoy. Although his red pill alchemy is contrary to the two points of harmony, it is very reasonable, and even I admire it.

Emperor Jiajing heard that Mr. Li's words were upright, impartial, and he praised and criticized properly, neither belittling others nor elevating himself, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart that he was a man of morality.

Emperor Jiajing thought that today was the beginning of the plan, so he hurriedly asked Mr. Li, "Mr. Li, can the affairs in the south of the Yangtze River be properly arranged?"

"There should be no problem." Mr. Li said with a smile: "However, next time I come here, I will not only deliver medicine to the emperor, but also ask the emperor to resign."

Emperor Jiajing turned pale in shock, and said, "Why is this? I still need to rely on my husband to refine the elixir, why should I leave?"

"Alas," Mr. Li sighed: "Although the matter in the south of the Yangtze River is to relieve the emperor's worries, remove the powerful officials in the court, and seek peace in the world. But... if you take this risky move, the people will still suffer in the end... feel uneasy!"

"Everything in the south of the Yangtze River is my will. The sir is just invited by me. Don't worry too much." Emperor Jiajing advised: "If you make a big deal, you don't care about the small things. Now the world is in Lu Bing's hands. He is still fighting with the great pirate Wang Zhi." If there is collusion, if there is a disagreement, there will be chaos in the world, and more people will suffer at that time... This is your great virtue, I hope you don't take it to heart, stay by my side, and refine the elixir for me."

"Your Majesty, the golden elixir has been completed. I will continue to stay in the palace. I have nothing to do for the time being. I wish to go to the south of the Yangtze River, do more good deeds, pray for the emperor, and cleanse myself of my sins." Mr. Li insisted on leaving, Emperor Jiajing Seeing that he was determined, and that he had just taken the elixir, and that Mr. Li was not that important recently, he reluctantly agreed.

"Okay! Now that the master has made up his mind, I can't stop it." Emperor Jiajing sighed: "But since the master has gone to the south of the Yangtze River, please help me to watch more, and return more things if I need them. Come back to the palace again, sir."

"The emperor calls, and he will come to serve." Mr. Li cupped his hands and said: "The emperor has just taken the medicine, you can exercise and meditate to help the medicine absorb."

"Okay, okay!" Emperor Jiajing hurriedly sat cross-legged, and said to Huang Jin, "You send Mr. out of the palace for me."

Huang Jin hurriedly agreed, Mr. Li left, and Huang Jin gently closed the palace door for Emperor Jiajing.

Walking out of Xiyuan, Huang Jin suddenly said to Mr. Li: "Why are you so anxious to leave, sir!"

"It's over here, it's useless for me to stay here." Mr. Li smiled.

"Mr., don't forget about our family." Huang Jin said with a smile, which meant a lot.

Mr. Li stood still, cupped his hands and said, "Thank you Governor Huang for your help this time. If the Governor hadn't helped cover it up, I wouldn't have been able to get in touch with the Emperor so smoothly. I will never forget it."

"Others don't know your bottom line, but our family knows it all." Huang Jin looked at Mr. Li and said, "Nowadays, Dongchang doesn't have the reputation of Jinyiwei, but if you want to know something, no one can hide it. .”

"I know it well, the governor doesn't need to remind me." Mr. Li said calmly: "If this matter is accomplished, the governor will benefit the most. I think the governor will seize the opportunity."

"I don't need you to worry about our family's affairs." Huang Jin said coldly: "The affairs of your grandfather and your father and uncle will have some influence, and the Jiangnan affairs are even more dangerous moves, although I don't believe you have No matter how capable you are, you can use this opportunity to disturb the world, but conspiracy is a big matter after all, even if the emperor acquiesces, you can't escape the crime... You go now, don't come back."

Mr. Li smiled lightly, but did not respond.

Thinking of crossing the river and demolishing the bridge, unloading the mill and killing the donkey, hehe, anyway, this matter is over, let's go!If you want to come back in the future, you can't stop it.

Without Lu Bing, without the Thirteen Taibao, without the present Jinyiwei, what else in the world can stop the white lotus from blooming!

After decades of silent operation, I finally reached the final step!
The world is in chaos, and the heroes are vying for the top. The final winner must be us!

For me, I just wait for you to lose your life!

Hu Zongxian received the news from Zhu Liu early on. A few days ago, he had been in Jiaxing, preparing to deal with the Ma Zushi rebellion in Wuzhen.

Never thought that NO.14 would be broken into by Zhu Liu early in the morning.

Hu Zongxian was taken aback, and quickly got up to greet him. Zhu Liu had strode into the hall, sat down at the dining table, and began to eat and drink unceremoniously.

Seeing this, Hu Zongxian had no choice but to sit down too, watching the dusty Zhu Liu eat happily, and said with a wry smile: "Isn't Mr. Zhu sitting in Wuzhen? Why did you come to Jiaxing suddenly?"

"During this period of time, I have been caught and killed. On the ground in Wuzhen, there is probably not much power to rebel." After drinking a bowl of clear porridge in one breath, Zhu Liu said: "I left a hundred brocade guards in Wuzhen, which should be enough use."

(End of this chapter)

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