Brocade legend

Chapter 327 Zhang Mo Appears

Chapter 327 Zhang Mo Appears
"Then Master Zhu is here?" Hu Zongxian asked tentatively.

"Since Mr. Hu asked, then I won't make any detours." Zhu Liu put down the bowl, wiped his mouth, and said, "Nowadays, I don't understand the ground in the south of the Yangtze River, so I came here to ask Mr. Hu for advice."

"This..." Hu Zongxian paused, and said, "How do you say that?"

"I don't know, that's why I came to ask Master Hu." Zhu Liu looked directly at Hu Zongxian, but unconsciously put his finger on the handle of the knife: "Master Hu, what do you want to do?"

Hu Zongxian noticed Zhu Liu's fingers, his eyes tightened, his body leaned back slightly, and said: "Master Zhu has something to say."

"Okay, then I'll be blunt." Zhu Liu suddenly smiled, and the evil smile of his youth hung on the corner of his mouth again: "Is someone trying to deal with me, Jin Yiwei?"

"This... why did Lord Zhu say such a thing?" Hu Zongxian heard, his eyes wandered.

"I'm just here to ask, Mr. Hu, don't be nervous." Zhu Liu smiled, but his hand was already on the handle of the knife.

Murderous aura permeated the dining room, Hu Zongxian also had some kung fu in his body, but at this moment, he was almost suffocated by the bloody aura emanating from Zhu Liu's body.

He looked at Zhu Liu's eyes that were getting more and more energetic, and he could clearly feel that Zhu Liu wanted to kill himself... It's over!
If you die like this, it's not worth it!
hit?Hu Zongxian smiled can't beat him...

Call someone?It's been so long and no one has come out to take a look. I'm afraid the mansion has been controlled by Zhu Liu's people...

Just when Hu Zongxian was in extreme entanglement, the sound of an inaudible footstep landed in Zhu Liu's ears.

Zhu Liu's momentum suddenly withdrew, he turned around, and saw a person standing in the yard outside the hall, looking at him and smiling at him.

"Master Zhu, stop forcing Master Hu." The man smiled slightly and said, "If you have any questions, you might as well ask me."

"Ask you?" Zhu Liu also smiled: "It's okay."

Zhu Liu turned to face the visitor, stepped out with his left foot, and continued: "However, I'm not used to chatting with you like this..."

Zhu Liumeng drew his saber, and at the same time exerted force with his right leg, he flew out and rushed towards the person who came, at the same time he laughed and said, "If you don't die, I'll ask you again!"

The visitor saw Zhu Liu rushing towards him, but he didn't panic, he quickly opened the chi-long folding fan in his hand, and blocked Zhu Liuyi's saber obliquely.

Zhu Liu's knife slid down the fan, and when it reached the edge of the fan, it cut vertically and then cut horizontally, and slashed towards the man's waist.

The man was like a spinning top, and spun around three times, very unrestrained, dodged the knife, and said with a smile: "What? I haven't seen you for so long, are you just saying hello to your old friend?"

Zhu Liu stepped to catch up, stabbed straight there, and responded at the same time: "I haven't seen you for so long, and I won't come to see you? Our brother...but I miss you very much!"

"When we should see each other, we will see each other naturally." The visitor quickly closed the fan, and opened Zhu Liu's knife with a "snap", and there was a sound of gold and iron!
That chi-long folding fan turned out to be an iron fan.

"Have you changed your weapon?" Zhu Liu did not relax at all, "Why don't you use a knife?"

"Ever since I was defeated by Lu Bing." The man didn't show any weakness, and took the moves one by one: "I don't use knives anymore."

"Because you will never be able to defeat him!" Zhu Liu became ruthless, pushing harder and harder.

"I admit that I'm not as good as him with a knife!" The man seemed weak, but he didn't give in at all. Feng: "But if you change your fighting style, it's not necessarily so."


There was a sound of clothes being ripped.

The two jumped away at the same time, only to see that the clothes on Zhu Liu's waist were cut open by the fan.

Half of the crown of the visitor's head was also cut off.

The visitor unhurriedly threw away the broken hair crown, which did not reduce his demeanor at all, and made him a little more chic and coquettish.

"Lu Bing is going to kill himself, I think it's hard not to win." The visitor said with a smile.

"You'll never win..." Zhu Liu looked at the ripped clothes, looked at the visitor with some annoyance, and said, "... Zhang Mo."

Zhang Mo... Yes, this person is Zhang Mo who has disappeared for more than 20 years!

I saw that he still looks the same, not aging at all.

The steel knife at his waist has become a folding fan in his hand, but it adds a bit of sophistication and calmness.

Zhang Mo looked at Zhu Liu, shook his head, and said with a smile, "Even if Lu Bing is a fierce tiger, no one would dare to provoke him, but if he insists on provoking all other fierce beasts, it's no wonder he doesn't die."

"The others are also beasts?" Zhu Liu asked contemptuously.

"Even if they are just wolves, foxes, and embarrassing, they can't stand much!" Zhang Mohao said with a smile without giving in. "What's more, there are things more powerful than tigers staring at them. The tiger is dead this time!"

"With me here, even if the dragon wants to kill the tiger, he can't do it." Zhu Liu said firmly.

"You? Oh, yes, and your so-called Thirteen Taibao!" Zhang Mo laughed: "So, the dragon and other beasts decided to kill your thirteen dogs one by one first."

"Sure enough..." Zhu Liu turned his head, looked at Hu Zongxian who had regained his composure, and said, "You really want to deal with us Jinyiwei!"

"We are going to deal with Jin Yiwei and Lu Bing." Zhang Mo said frankly without hiding anything.

"We" Zhu Liu glanced at Zhang Mo, then looked at Hu Zongxian and said, "There are you...and the emperor...who else?"

Seeing Zhu Liu nodding their heads one by one, Zhang Mo smiled and said, "There are everyone else, you can't kill them all."

Zhu Liu was suddenly discouraged. Yes, the best solution he could think of was to kill someone.

Kill Zhang Mo, wipe out the White Lotus Sect, kill Hu Zongxian, if that doesn't work, then...kill the emperor.

However, Zhu Liu can't kill everyone...

But...but never let the person in front of you go.

Zhu Liu looked directly into Zhang Mo's eyes, and suddenly smiled: "Maybe I can't finish killing, but killing one is always one less. Now this mansion is full of my people, you... can't leave."

"I am the official ordered by the imperial court, you dare to kill me?" Hu Zongxian shouted sternly with a sudden heart.

"Zhang Mo is an important criminal wanted by the court, but now he appears with you. Even if I kill you, the emperor will have to admit it." Zhu Liu laughed and said, "You will be dead by then, so what can I do?" ?”

Zhu Liu's insolent attitude made Hu Zongxian look ashen.

Zhang Mo is well aware of Zhu Liu's madness, and sees that Zhu Liu is really desperate, and he doesn't want to risk his life here...

However, Zhang Mo knew Zhu Liu's character and methods well, so he was probably surrounded by groups at this time, and with Zhu Liu in front, it might be difficult to escape.

Looking at Zhu Liu, Zhang Mo suddenly saw a look of helplessness and unwillingness on Zhu Liu's face, and his heart skipped a beat.

(End of this chapter)

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