Brocade legend

Chapter 328

Chapter 328
A seemingly impossible idea suddenly popped up in Zhang Mo's mind... But why not try?
Lu Bing and his [-]th Taibao are very difficult to defeat, but... no matter what, it is often easier to destroy it from the inside than from the outside.

If Zhu Liu who can be said is shaken...

Zhang Mo felt slightly sarcastic, he himself did not believe that Zhu Liu would betray Lu Bing.

But why not try?
If Zhu Liu is willing to lean towards his side... no, lean towards the emperor's side!This must be of decisive help to the disintegration of Jin Yiwei, who was like a dark cloud hanging over his head.At that time, his life will naturally be saved.

But... is there such a possibility?Zhang Mo didn't feel confident.

However, since I thought about it, no matter whether Zhu Liu will rebel or not, I have to give it a try before I am reconciled.

Since you want to try it, you need to find the angle and reason that can convince him the most.

Who is Zhang Mo?If he thought of a possibility, he must try it.

Moreover, it strives for success.

Zhang Mo, who once single-handedly laid the foundation for the White Lotus Sect, laid the foundation for the whole world, how many conspiracies and tricks came from his heart?
He started to think, and quickly thought of the first one.

Zhang Mo wants to tell Zhu Liu what he will face.

Zhang Mo tapped the palm of his hand lightly with an iron fan, and said to Zhu Liu: "You must have guessed it, Mr. Hu did not come to Jiaxing because of the information you passed on...he had already received news from the palace. , there will be this turmoil."

Zhu Liu walked into the hall, sat on a chair, and listened to Zhang Mo's words blankly.

"The source of this turmoil started in the palace, and the one who built the bridge was the Yellow Governor of Dongchang, and Yan's father and son, who were called "prime ministers big and small", although they didn't know the specific situation, But I think you and I are very clear that they control the affairs of the court, not to mention outside the capital, any troubles in the court can't hide from their eyes. The reason why they don't do anything is because they acquiesce Yes." Zhang Mo continued: "The emperor knows that Lu Bing has been paying attention to the White Lotus Sect and regards the White Lotus Sect as the top priority, and this turmoil is to attract Lu Bing's attention to the small place of Wuzhen. Think about it, if there is no emperor behind him, who can persuade more than a dozen Jinyiwei in Wuzhen to rebel at the same time, even imprisoning the boss?...Although Lu Bing held Jinyiwei firmly, Jinyiwei is the emperor's pro-army after all. The truth, for the lower-level Jin Yiwei who can't see through the court, it is obvious who should be chosen between the emperor and Ti Shuai."

Zhu Liu was expressionless, and Zhang Mo didn't know what to do, but he had already spoken, so he could only continue according to his previous assumption: "I just didn't expect that Jinyiwei Xiaoqi, who came here for a routine business, would have a few tricks and see something... But It doesn't matter, even if he can't see it, we will try to reveal the news from Beijing and let Lu Bing know, but that is after September No. 14, when the anti-flag was erected and Jiaxing was conquered. Although the sickle was unexpected, it was still expected. The only thing we didn't expect was that you would come in person, and you would come so quickly."

"You are so confident that you can conquer Jiaxing because you are in the city?" Zhu Liu asked suddenly.

Seeing Zhu Liu speak, Zhang Mo was overjoyed, and thought, "As long as you are willing to speak."

"That's right, I'm the internal response in Jiaxing City. When Ma Zushi's army arrives outside Jiaxing City, someone will set fire to it, and someone will support him and put Ma Zushi in the city... But these are just illusions." Zhang Mo did not hide anything, Because at this time, honesty is more important.Zhu Liu is not a fool, if he hides anything from Zhu Liu at this time, it will make Zhu Liu feel disgusted, and then this matter becomes his own stupidity... No one will cooperate with stupid and liars.

Zhu Liu sneered, he and Zhang Mo actually understood, false appearance?It is true that Jiaxing was conquered, and when necessary, the false is true!At that time, it will not be so easy for the imperial court to take Jiaxing back.

Seeing that Zhu Liu didn't speak again, Zhang Mo was not discouraged, but continued: "Your arrival has added too many variables, so Mr. Hu is here, I think... other than to control and monitor Master Ma's rebellion. In addition to making too much trouble, there is one more thing, which is to monitor your movement at any time and control the situation."

Zhu Liu glanced at Hu Zongxian, and Hu Zongxian's heart trembled. He saw the strong death in Zhu Liu's eyes.

Hu Zongxian is also a dignified frontier official, and the scheming city is full of people. He naturally heard Zhang Mo's plan, but he didn't know whether Zhang Mo was right or wrong in doing so.

"Hey, no matter whether it's right or not, let him try it." Hu Zongxian sighed in his heart: "If you lose your life like this, it's really not worth it!"

"The words have come to this point, and I am not afraid to tell you." Zhang Mo simply confessed: "The emperor... no, the plan of all of us is to take down Wang Zhi first, cut off Lu Bing's arm, and then find a way Get specific evidence of Lu Bing's collusion with pirates and pirates, such as the confession of Wang Zhi or Wang Zhi's subordinates... At that time, the emperor can justifiably ask Mr. Lu to abdicate on his own initiative. His reputation has been discredited, and he has no face left in the court, and the emperor has enough excuses to dismiss Mr. Lu from office, and even..."

Zhang Mo didn't continue talking, but Zhu Liu knew it in his heart.

"You talk so much...what exactly do you want to say?" Zhu Liu tilted his head and asked, tapping his fingers lightly on the scabbard.

"Master Zhu." Zhang Mo suddenly straightened his face, and said, "Master Zhu, have you ever thought about it, what should you do if Lu Bing... retreats sadly?"

Zhu Liu smiled but said, "What advice do you have?"

"I don't dare to teach you." Zhang Mo clasped his fists and said, "It's just that your lord is famous and everyone knows it, but for more than 20 years, he has never moved from the position of Zhenfusi. Has your lord never thought about the reason?"

Zhu Liu still just smiled and didn't speak.

Zhang Mo continued: "When Lu Bing was the commander, he was in charge of the Jinyiwei. Over the years, he has been promoted by one level, but he is still in charge of the Jinyiwei... With him, I am afraid that he will hold the Jinyiwei in his hands. Master Zhu's ability He Weiren is not weaker than him in the slightest, but he stops here and has no further promotion... Is Master Zhu really willing?"

Zhang Mo took a deep breath and continued: "Now Lu Bing has reached the time when everyone is betraying his relatives. If the emperor wants to take him, he will lose. If he loses, will Mr. Zhu lose his official position with him? Mr. Zhu will spend the rest of his life, Is it worth it to be tied to him like this?"

The smile on Zhu Liu's face disappeared, and he remained silent.

"The so-called good bird chooses a tree to live in. If Master Zhu is willing to kill his relatives righteously and turn to the light, I think the emperor will be very happy and entrust him with a heavy responsibility. When Lu Bing leaves, won't his position be yours?" Zhang Mo finished speaking in one breath, carefully watching Zhu Liu's expression.

After a breath, Zhang Mo secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Zhu Liu didn't get angry, so he must have thought about it!
Just when Zhang Mo let out this breath, Zhu Liu suddenly said, "If one day, the emperor wants to treat me like he does now... Lord Lu, what should I do?"

"Lord Zhu, you can rest assured..." Hu Zongxian was overjoyed when he heard Zhu Liu's words. If Zhu Liu could be brought here, it would be easier to cut Lu Bing's rights, and Jin Yiwei would be less turbulent.The emperor will be very happy, this is a great credit!
Hu Zongxian hurriedly said: "As long as Master Zhu is willing to abandon the dark and turn to the bright, the emperor will definitely let the past go! As for the future..." Hu Zongxian paused for a moment, thinking about his words, Zhang Mo went on to say: "As long as Master Zhu takes over, don't let go It's too long, the emperor doesn't have the time to trouble you." Zhang Mo followed Hu Zongxian's words and said.

"That's right!" Hu Zongxian hurriedly echoed: "Our emperor...hehe, my lord understands too...."

These two people saw that Zhu Liu seemed to be a little shaken, and they talked about it one by one, even bringing out the matter of the emperor's single-minded cultivation of immortals to reassure Zhu Liu.

"Hahahahahaha!" Zhu Liu suddenly laughed.

Zhang Mo frowned, knowing that Zhu Liu would not be so easy, so he was not discouraged, and asked Zhu Liu, "What is Master Zhu laughing at?"

"I laugh at you for being so naive!" Zhu Liu looked at Zhang Mo and Hu Zongxian jokingly and said, "Do you think our brotherhood is fake? With this trick, you want to separate my brothers? Hahahahahahaha! Really! so funny."

Seeing this, Zhang Mo went through Zhu Liu's character quickly in his mind again. The future cannot be seduced, intimidated, or alienated, so... only...

Zhang Mo gritted his teeth in secret, and sneered loudly: "You treat him as a brother, it's hard to say whether he is like that! If he really treats you as a brother, how can you be allowed to sit in the position of governor for more than 20 years?"

Zhu Liu snorted coldly, and before he could speak, Zhang Mo suddenly said, "If you don't care about these things! Okay! Then I'll see if you really have such a deep brotherhood with Lu Bing!"

Zhu Liu frowned slightly, and Zhang Mo continued to speak loudly: "Lu Bing is surrounded by enemies now. The root cause is that he shouldn't stretch his hands too far, shouldn't fight against the emperor, and dare not... have no enemies! A country , Under the emperor, all are in the hands of one person! How can the emperor feel at ease? How can he not kill him? Throughout history, is there such a monarch and minister?!"

Zhu Liu frowned and didn't say anything to refute, because...that's where his worries lie.

Seeing Zhang Mo and Hu Zongxian today, he surrounded them with swords and forced them to death, just to know whether the undercurrent in the court is as he thought!
The result... as expected...

He came in alone because he didn't want others to hear this, even his most loyal subordinates.

He came in alone, just to let himself hear this, and he did hear things that shouldn't be heard.

(End of this chapter)

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