Brocade legend

Chapter 329 Shaking

Chapter 329 Shaking
Although the doubts in Zhu Liu's heart were resolved, the worries in his heart became deeper and deeper.

Zhang Mo, who has been observing Zhu Liu's expression.He said in a loud voice: "If you really want to keep this brother Lu Bing, you have to find an enemy for him... But in this world, under the trampling of your brothers for 20 years, who else can fight against you?" Jin Yiwei, you can compete with the Thirteen Taibao, you can compete with Lu Bing! In fact, it was you Jinyiwei, your Thirteen Taibao, who drove Lu Bing to the edge of the cliff!"

Zhang Mo's words were like a blow to the head!
Zhu Liu wanted to refute, but there was no way to refute. Thinking about it carefully, he could only smile wryly.

Although Zhang Mo's words are a bit one-sided...but they make sense...

Zhang Mo did not relax, and continued to speak loudly: "The Yan family and his son could have been Lu Bing's opponents and become the other end of the emperor's scale, but...they actually married Lu Bing! This is a soft knife! The two sides are different It's all about being heavy, but they seem to be united together. The emperor's heart is out of balance, so he has to deal with Lu Bing! Therefore, Lu Bing has today, and the second crime is Yan's father and son!"

Zhu Liu gritted his teeth fiercely!

Zhang Mo clearly saw Zhu Liu's subconscious action. His words were to fight against the wall, and his words became more intense: "If you really treat him as a brother and don't want him to die, then find an enemy for him! Since No one in the world can be your enemy, so you have to create enemies for yourself! You have to become your own enemies! You! You have to become Lu Bing’s enemy!"


Before Zhang Mo finished speaking, Zhu Liu's steel knife was on Zhang Mo's throat.

But the strange thing is that Zhang Mo didn't even have the slightest intention of dodging, and looked at Zhu Liu with a frank look.

Zhu Liu looked at Zhang Mo and suddenly smiled.

"you're right……."


At this moment in Wuzhen, Yu Lian looked at the shopkeeper in front of him wearing a "letter in mouth" token, hesitated for a moment, and took out the letter Zhu Liu left for him.

The shopkeeper carried the burden, shook the rattle, and wobbled away, leaving a second order for Yu Lian.

"If chaos breaks out, control Ximen of Wuzhen."

And in the capital, there are countless pairs of eyes, across thousands of miles, looking towards Wuzhen.

Lu Bing was upset when he heard the voices of people and cicadas outside the window, and ordered someone to stick all the cicadas from the trees outside.

In the Longevity Palace in Xiyuan, incense and mist linger, and Emperor Jiajing sits on a futon, seemingly meditating.

But Feng Bao, who was waiting on the sidelines, could see Emperor Jiajing's slight frown, and he could hear Emperor Jiajing's heavy breathing.

"Why is it so hot today!"

There are people in the palace, there are people in the mansion, and there are hawkers or wealthy businessmen in the capital, etc., they are all chanting this sentence involuntarily.

Some are anxious, some are expecting...


Zhu Liu smiled.

Zhu Liu's smile always has a hint of evil.

It seems cynical, it seems absent-minded, it seems that it doesn't care.

Because he really doesn't care.

He can actually give up a lot of things, a lot of people.

However, he still cares about one person, and there is still one person he cannot give up.

That person is Lu Bing.

That big brother who has been protecting and leading him since he was a child.

However, at this moment...

Zhu Liu touched his chest involuntarily, there was a lump there, which seemed to be stuffed in his heart.

He touched his wrist, where there was a faded jade rope.

Hearing Zhang Mo's words, he suddenly had a train of thought, an idea.

Enemy?Hehe, it seems very interesting, why didn't I think of it before?

Being brothers for half a lifetime with big brother, and enemies for half a lifetime... not bad.

This is intertwined with the fate of the eldest brother, and it is even more inseparable...

Zhang Mo, who was born after death, continued to talk without any interruption: "At this point, Lu Bing's power is too great. If the emperor does not weaken him, he will definitely not let him go! If you can fight for him Enemy, divide Jinyiwei into two, the emperor will be happy to see it accomplished."

"You're right." Zhu Liu smiled at Zhang Mo, "I also suddenly felt that being an enemy seemed more interesting."

Zhang Mo was still racking his brains to think of words, thinking of how to persuade Zhu Liu, when he suddenly heard Zhu Liu's words, he froze for a moment, and then he was overjoyed!
Hu Zongxian on the side was also overjoyed, no matter whether Zhu Liu really wanted to turn against Lu Bing, it would not be a bad thing, at least...his life was saved for the time being.

"But...." Zhu Liu's sudden turning point made the two of them feel excited again.

"But... I can't beat him." Zhu Liu thought for a while, and said seriously: "I need your help...whether it is force or strategy."

"Yes." Zhang Mo said firmly, "I can help you..."

"It's not helping me." Zhu Liu said with a smile, his eyes narrowed slightly. This habit before killing people was also learned from Lu Bing...

"Okay..." Looking at Zhu Liu's expression, Zhang Mo thought he understood: "It's cooperation, we join hands...."

"It's not cooperation..." Zhu Liu slowly restrained his smile, and said coldly, "It's not even hand in hand!"

Zhang Mo looked at Zhu Liu and couldn't help smiling wryly. He really understood now that Zhu Liu would not owe him favors, let alone have an equal relationship with him. What Zhu Liu wanted was...

"I will definitely assist Master Zhu..." Zhang Mo cupped his fists and lowered his head: "Fight against Lu Bing!"

"Okay, very good." Zhu Liu smiled, and then laughed heartily: "You were able to take orders from that trash Chen Hong back then, so of course you could also assist me, hahahahaha!"

Looking at the laughing Zhu Liu, Zhang Mo didn't believe that Zhu Liu and Lu Bing just fell out.

He felt that Zhu Liu was more interested in being Lu Bing's fake opponent, so that the emperor could give up the idea of ​​weakening Jin Yiwei and killing Lu Bing.

However, Zhang Mo is not worried, because with him by his side, he will provoke Zhu Liu's heart and make Zhu Liu retreat step by step, regardless of whether it is true or false, he will turn against Lu Bing... even Helpless...

If Zhu Liu killed Lu Bing's brother...can Lu Bing tolerate him?

Zhang Mo looked at the wicked Zhu Liu, and sneered secretly in his heart: "With Zhu Liu's murderous nature, if Lu Bing wants to kill him, he will definitely resist. At that time...the fake show will be real! Humph!"

Zhang Mo suddenly saw Hu Zongxian winking at him, and then he remembered that there is still a big event today!
"My lord..." Zhang Mo clasped his fists together and said, "The matter of the Ma Patriarch... raising the bandits' self-respect is also one of the ways to deal with the emperor's mind..."

"You're right." Zhu Liu smiled.

Zhang Mo was even more delighted to hear that Zhu Liu obeyed his words so much, and exchanged a look with Hu Zongxian who was also secretly delighted.

"However, you have to start well and finish well, right? Now that you're here, you still have to finish what you have to do." Zhu Liu said slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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