Brocade legend

Chapter 330 Guilty of Rebellion

Chapter 330 Guilty of Rebellion
Zhu Liu looked into Zhang Mo's eyes and said, "It's not easy for me to come here, so I can't just return empty-handed, right?...Those it my last gift to my elder brother!"

"What!" Zhang Mo tried to persuade him again, but seeing Zhu Liu's murderous eyes, he finally closed his mouth and sighed secretly.

"Holy Lord, don't blame me." Zhang Mo sighed secretly.

Ma Zushi is a member of the White Lotus Sect, and has nothing to do with Hu Zongxian. Hu Zongxian stopped talking when he saw Zhang Mo, so naturally he could only shut up.

The two exchanged glances again, thinking that Wuzhen only had those one hundred Jinyiwei guards, and they would not be able to stop the uprising... Thinking of this, the two of them felt at ease.

The two secretly decided to send more people to eat Zhu Liu's 100 people!Teach Zhu Liu a lesson, tell him not to underestimate us!

Zhu Liu cast a glance at the two of them, and when he saw their flirtatious eyes, he knew it well, and said with a sneer in his heart, "Then I will give you a surprise...a warning."

That night in Wuzhen, Ma Zushi suddenly appeared, led hundreds of men with knives, set up two green and white flags, and set fire to looting.

The people in the city responded so many times that Yu Lian couldn't resist, so he had to retreat to the west gate with orders, and guard the west gate tenaciously.

Yu Lian and a hundred Jinyiwei fought against more than a thousand rebels in a bloody battle at Ximen.

Jin Yiwei's methods are naturally much more powerful than those ordinary people who have just picked up weapons.

But among this group of rebels, half of them are obviously not ordinary people, but have experience in fighting.

Yu Lian and the others couldn't hold back the rebels, who were so numerous and powerful, they retreated steadily.

At this critical moment, a large army suddenly appeared in the west of Wuzhen and entered from Ximen.

Yu Lian was overjoyed, the two armies fought together, repelled the rebels, most of them were captured, and within three o'clock, the whole city was under control.

Ma Zushi led the remnants of the troops and fled to the south.

The officers and soldiers took advantage of the victory to pursue...

This night was spent in this pursuit.

That night, more than a thousand people died, and more lonely old people and widows appeared in the world.

On the second day, with a zip, he rushed to the capital.

In the 36th year of Emperor Jiajing, September [-]th.Ma Zushi, a white lotus monster, rebelled, set up the green, white, and two banners, burned, killed, and looted.Fortunately, Liu Xi was prepared to participate in politics. Even if he led the army to arrive, the supervising soldiers killed him.

Ma Zushi led the crowd to fled to Nanxun, and the officers and soldiers pursued to Shuanglin, wiped out all of them, only Ma Zushi was able to escape.


The news quickly spread to Jiaxing, and reached the ears of Zhang Mo and Hu Zongxian.

Looking at Zhu Liu who was eating the fruit, the two were a little angry, but dripping with cold sweat.

Liu Xi, who is preparing for military affairs and participating in politics...Where is this guy from?
Jin Yiwei, can mobilize thousands of troops without making a sound? !

Zhu Liu looked at those two people, smiled contemptuously in his heart, but said loudly: "It's just that a few rioters died, do you think it scares you? Is this the foundation of your White Lotus Sect? Oh! Also, Mr. Hu, don't forget I want to ask the court and the emperor for a reward."

Hu Zongxian kept silent, he really couldn't figure out Zhu Liu... people are always afraid of the unknown.

"My lord!" Zhang Mo was a little annoyed, and said with a stiff face, "Since your lord has already prepared, why don't you say so, so that they don't attack me, why let them... die in vain? Most of them are just ordinary people! "

"What did you say?" Zhu Liu gave Zhang Mo a strange look, and said, "Oh! It was too late to say that day! Besides, if you rebel, you are no longer a commoner."

"My lord! I'm not a fool! The army must have arrived long ago, but they were just lying in ambush. If they entered the city earlier, they would not dare to fight back!" Zhang Mo couldn't help but shouted.

"Your White Lotus Sect also has compassion?" Zhu Liu laughed out loud.

"We believe in Maitreya. Maitreya is the future Buddha. Why is there no mercy?" Zhang Mo said coldly, "We will not waste our lives for nothing!"

Zhu Liumeng sat up straight, looked at Zhang Mo coldly and said, "Since this is the case, don't instigate rebellion! Since you dare to rebel, don't be afraid of death...their death will be blamed on you!"

"You!" What else did Zhang Mo say.

But Zhu Liu stood up "swish" and looked at Zhang Mo with an imposing manner.

"I just want to remind you... Jin Yiwei's power is not only in Jin Yiwei, but also in the civil and military officials and Jianghu forces under the control of Jin Yiwei!" Zhu Liu's eyes pierced Zhang Mo's eyes, and Zhang Mo couldn't help dodging a little , Zhu Liu continued to sneer and said: "Don't underestimate my lord, let alone Lu Bing... otherwise, you will die."

Zhang Mo took a step back with a pale complexion, he was a little shocked, Zhu Liu, who was faintly weaker than him more than 20 years ago, has grown up like this now!

What a good method, so domineering!
Zhu Liu snorted coldly and said: "Since you follow me, you must listen to me and don't exceed the range I set for you. I only deal with Lu Bing, you don't want to use my hand to help the White Lotus Sect rebel ! This matter... is just a warning!"

Zhang Mo was overshadowed. Regarding his original plan, Zhang Mo was a little unsure at this time... The matter of instigating rebellion seems to have started to get out of control at the very beginning...

Master Ma Zushi alone may be nothing, but he is the disciple of the Holy Master's grandfather after all, and he is the uncle of the Holy Master... The Holy Master personally arranged for Master Ma to carry out this matter, just to take advantage of the internal struggle between the court and the court to serve Intended to rebel, in an attempt to set off a big wave.

Now that it has just started, it has been annihilated by Zhu Liu... This matter must always be explained to the Holy Master...

Zhang Mo has a headache, but at this moment, he still wants to keep Zhu Liu as a helper.

Over the years, Lu Bing has been keeping a close eye on every corner of Daming, using Jin Yiwei to suppress the actions of the White Lotus Sect.

This also made the plan of the Buddha Kingdom on Earth established by the White Lotus Sect infinitely postponed.

It has been more than 20 years since Zhang Mo left the capital after Chen Hong was imprisoned.But because of Lu Bing, and the increasingly powerful Jinyiwei, Zhang Mo has been unable to carry out his plan to change the day.

Now the emperor wants to deal with Lu Bing, and the whole world has to deal with Lu Bing. This is an absolutely good opportunity!
If you can provoke the relationship between Lu Bing and Zhu Liu, make Zhu Liu and Lu Bing fight against each other, or even turn their faces, you can avoid conflict with the entire Jinyiwei.In this way, you can only deal with Lu Bing.

In any case, this is the best chance to weaken Jin Yiwei and kill Lu Bing!
And what Zhu Liu said was right, Zhu Liu alone was not enough to split Jinyi and fight against Lu Bing.I must stay by Zhu Liu's side, advise him, contact the palace, and use some of the power of the White Lotus Sect to fight against Lu Bing with Zhu Liu... At the same time, I must make some appropriate provocations, so that I can ensure that my ideas go smoothly and nothing goes wrong!
"My are talking about...." Zhang Mo lowered his head helplessly, but he was more cautious in his heart.

"Let's talk about how to fight against Lu...Lu Bing!" Zhu Liufu sat down again and said casually.

Zhang Mo took a deep breath, and he and Hu Zongxian exchanged glances. The two had already discussed it, and this was the right time.

Seeing the two flirting with each other again, Zhu Liu couldn't help laughing and said, "You two old men, aren't you afraid of being disgusted by flirting here?"

Zhang Mo and Hu Zongxian sat down without embarrassment.

Zhang Mo thought about it for a while, organized his words, and then opened his mouth and said, "Master Hu and I alone may not be enough. Jinyiwei is under your management, and it is difficult to infiltrate. Besides you, there are other people in Jinyiwei Ten people, if you want to leave Lu Bing, which of the ten will go with you?"

Zhu Liu thought for a while, shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "The two brothers of the Yang family and Lu Bingnai are in-laws, so they will definitely not support me...Yang Lin seems to be indifferent, but his martial arts He is not inferior to me, and his talent and ability are faintly surpassing me. I am not sure about just dealing with him..."

Zhang Mo and Hu Zongxian were shocked when they heard this. They thought that Zhu Liu was the No. Sure enough, hidden dragons and crouching tigers... From this point of view, they thought it was too easy to split Jinyiwei.

Naturally, Zhu Liu didn't know what those two people were thinking at this moment, so he just continued: "In the Beizhen Fusi under Yang Lin's control, there is also Xue Yang, Lu Bing's loyal dog. Xue Yang always only listens to Lu Bing. Bing is alone, and the prison he is in charge of is in Beizhen Fusi, which is also an independent kingdom, and Yang Lin can't get involved, only Lu Bing can speak."

"I've heard of this a little bit." Zhang Mo nodded.Hu Zongxian smiled wryly. Zhang Mo was not an official in the court, so naturally he didn't know about Xue Yang's deeds.But Hu Zongxian has a deep understanding. This mad dog who can't bark has guarded the imperial prison for more than 25 years. From Xia Yan to Qiu Luan to Yan Song, he has experienced many times when powerful officials were in power, and he has bitten many high officials.Those who have been bitten by him have almost no good end.As a result, the prison has completely become an independent institution under Lu Bing, and no one can get involved in the sand.

Zhu Liu and Hu Zongxian felt sorry for each other at this time, and continued with a wry smile: "The other two Fusi in Beizhen, Sun Quan is Huang Duxian's son-in-law and apprentice, and their Huang family and Lu family have lived under the same roof for dozens of years. In [-], Sun Quan had long been inseparable from each other. Sun Quan was nominally a member of Beizhen Fusi, but in fact he walked alone and followed Lu Bing. He was the leader of the largest spy organization "Kou Zhong Xin" in Jin Yiwei, and there was almost nothing in the world. Things can escape his eyes and ears, he controls most of the officials and Jianghu forces that Jinyiwei can control. And his woman, Huang Lianer, is the leader of the most powerful killer organization in Jinyiwei, the "needle on the tail", who hunted and killed Ha Zhouer It was Huang Lian'er who made the move herself, and Zhao Wenhua, who had just died, was also the one who got the 'stitch in the tail'."

Zhu Liu took a look at Zhang Mo and said, "I have dealt with the Dongchang killer you trained, and Liu Biao was trained by you yourself. I can tell you that the killer trained by Huang Duxian himself, plus Liu Biao His training is definitely better than those of your subordinates back then..."

(End of this chapter)

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