Brocade legend

Chapter 331 Betrayed

Chapter 331 Betrayed
After hearing this, Zhang Mo could only smile wryly with the two of them.

Hearing what Zhu Liu said today, Jin Yiwei's strength finally showed some edges...but these edges and corners are really scary.

The three of them were a little discouraged as they spoke.

"Know yourself and the enemy, and you can fight a hundred battles without danger." Zhang Mo sighed, and said, "Please continue, my lord."

Zhu Liu took a deep breath, these are Jin Yiwei's secrets, and he wouldn't think too much about them on weekdays, but Zhu Liu himself was startled when he said it today, he calmed down, and continued: "Sun Quan and Huang Lian'er were passed on by Huang Duxian personally, and they are also one of the best in the world. Waiting for a master, and he is very proficient in lightness kungfu, disguise, breaking levels, unlocking, etc. If it is a face-to-face, one-on-one, I am still sure to win. If he and his wife fight together, I will go all out. It can be tied. But if their husband and wife try to assassinate me, I will die... If they know that I have betrayed, they will join hands to kill me... For so many years, except for Lu Bing who saw through it once 20 years ago, no one has ever seen through their disguise Techniques...including Lu Bing. If his husband and wife turned into passers-by, gave me a knife, and then floated away, who would catch up? Or lurking in the mansion to poison me, or setting up some traps for me...their endless assassination methods, I How many times can I escape?... If I die... all our calculations will be in vain."

Zhang Mo remained silent, and Zhu Liu stopped talking about Sun Quan and Huang Lian'er, but looked at him and said, "Then it's Liu should know him very well."

"Yes, more than 30 years ago, he was the best killer under my command. He became the best killer not because of force, but because of his calmness and strong observation and deduction." Zhang Mo nodded, muffled road.

"He is better now than he was back then." Zhu Liu shook his head and sighed, "Beizhen Fusi is in charge of detectives... Think about it, in the past few decades, is there any case that Beiyamen can't solve?"

Zhang Mo and Hu Zongxian looked at each other, both shook their heads and smiled wryly.

Seeing the low morale of the two, Zhu Liu felt that going on like this would be detrimental to his plan. After thinking for a while, he said, "However, if anyone can be pulled over by us, it must be Liu Biao."

Zhang Mo and Hu Zongxian turned their heads to look at Zhu Liu, and Zhu Liu continued: "In fact, he and Lu Bing don't have much contact with each other, they just work in silence, and..." Zhu Liu looked at Zhang Mo and said, "He is an old man from Dongchang. , and the background of the White Lotus Sect. Apart from the brotherhood between him and Lu Bing, there is also a difference between top and bottom. In recent years, although he has been very law-abiding, he has not been so close to Lu Bing and other brothers. Other brothers I also think he is boring, cold, and always rejects people thousands of miles away, so I don’t have much contact with him. Among the Thirteen Taibao, if anyone can instigate rebellion, only he may have a loophole to take advantage of.”

Zhang Mo listened, thought for a while, nodded and said: "I have an old relationship with him, you can try this, if he is willing to join, we will be even more powerful!"

Hu Zongxian thought for a while, and said: "This can also be done by the palace. If the emperor speaks, it may be possible to transfer him back to the East Factory and give him a high salary."

After the three reached a consensus on Liu Biao, Zhu Liu continued to talk about the other Taibao in Jinyiwei.

"Needless to say, Yang Sen regards Lu Bing as a god. Jiang Shitou and Yang Sen are the two with the best relationship among the Thirteen Taibao. Jiang Menshen hardly leaves Lu Bing's side, and also lives in Lu Bing's house, so don't think too much about it. Yes." Zhu Liu said affirmatively: "Yang Sen's melee skill is mediocre, but his concealed weapon kung fu can be called the best in the world, especially after getting Huang Duxian's true biography, his body skills and techniques have improved to a higher level. He also got Huang Duxian His unique weapon 'Silver Meteor', almost no one can get close to him, five steps away, within a hundred steps, is his world!"

"So, if you want to kill him, you have to use human life to pay for it, or use a hard bow and crossbow!" Hu Zongxian thought.

Zhang Mo glanced at Hu Zongxian, and before he could say anything, Zhu Liu's sarcasm had already arrived: "I just said that he was personally taught by Huang Duxian. How bad can it be? If you want to kill him, won't he run away?"

Hu Zongxian was a little embarrassed, and Zhu Liu continued: "Besides, he and Jiang Menshen have always entered and exited together, serving as Lu Bing's guards. Even if you have broken through Yang Sen's hidden weapon, who can break through Jiang Menshen's high-quality steel?" A large shield and a machete? His iron club of demons can smash boulders, which of you wants to try?"

Zhang Mo was thoughtful, if he couldn't kill Yang Sen and Jiang Menshen, then he couldn't kill Lu Bing... So how can he kill those two top experts?

This... requires a dangerous place... Zhang Mo has some ideas.

After Zhu Liu finished talking about Yang Sen and Shi Shi, he talked about his first subordinate, Dong Hai.

"Dong Hai is a person who is smiling on weekdays. He is called fat and thin Maitreya together with Sun Quan, but he actually has a lot of ideas. Although I am the governor of Nanzhen, he handles big and small matters. Yes. Although the two of us have been together for the longest time these years, I can't understand him, let alone deduce how he will react if I tell him my plan. If you don't want me to lose my respect for Fusi Nanzhen If you want to control it, then you have to hide it from him first..." Zhu Liu came back after talking here: "But if you want to use the power of Nanzhen Fusi, you can't hide it from him."

"That is to say, only when Dong Hai is dead can you control Nanzhen Fusi?" Zhang Mo was thinking about how to kill Yang Sen and Shitou, and after hearing Zhu Liu's words, he simply wanted to kill Dong Hai together, so he asked .

Zhu Liu thought for a while and said, "There is another person I'm not sure about, that is Chen Hong's brother-in-law, Aunt Honglian's younger brother Zhou Bin. He was imprisoned by Lu Bing for several years, but he followed Lu Bingnan after he came out. Zhengbei Zhan is also a person who makes people puzzled. Although this person is strong in martial arts, he is not much better than Yang Lin and me, but in the year of the palace chaos, in order to kill Meng Zhong, the number one master of the Imperial Horse Supervisor, he One arm was shot off at the shoulder, and after that, he can only use the knife with his left hand, and I haven't seen him fight with anyone since then, so he should be half useless, so don't worry too much."

"We can find an opportunity to test it in the name of the palace." Hu Zongxian thought for a while and said: "His sister has an old relationship with the palace, and he and Lu Bing also have a grudge, so maybe he can talk it out."

Zhu Liu nodded, noncommittal, and continued: "Zhang Ju, another Qianhu of Nanzhen Fusi, is also a member of Nanzhen Fusi, but he leads the army alone, with the most powerful Jinyiwei and the only Jinyi cavalry in the army. Army. The Jinyi Cavalry Army is the real army of Jinyiwei, the real Tiqi. You should have heard of the name Sai Zhebe Zhangju. His arrow skills are unparalleled in the world, even the Mongolian Zhebe The arrow pierces the heart. This person is a veteran soldier who is good at fighting, but he doesn't care much about the affairs of Nanzhen Fusi. The iron head, known as the master of weapons, is only obsessed with weapons and armor, and he doesn't care much. So as long as Dong Hai is not around, I can probably control Nanzhen Fusi."

Zhang Mo nodded and said, "That is to say, with these people around, even you may find it difficult to split Jin Yiwei."

Zhu Liu nodded in agreement.

"After listening to your lord's analysis, we can draw a conclusion. If you want to control the governor of Nanzhen, you must get rid of Dong Hai; if you want to fight against the governor of Beizhen, you must first get rid of Yang Lin and Xue Yang; To get rid of Lu Bing, we must first get rid of Yang Sen and Jiang Menshen." Zhang Mo said thoughtfully: "We must find a way to win Liu Biao and Zhou Bin...that is to say, our strength alone is not enough, so... We need the power of the palace!"

Hu Zongxian continued the conversation and continued: "Yes, we need a name given to us by the palace."

"You can't represent the emperor?" Zhu Liu asked Hu Zongxian with a half-smile.

Hu Zongxian shook his head and said, "I can represent the emperor on my behalf, but I cannot represent you."

Zhu Liu understood: "That is to say, the emperor might not believe me?"

"Yes." Zhang Mo stood up and said, "We need to do something to make the emperor trust you."

"It seems that you have all thought about it." Zhu Liu smiled and said, "How to do it?"

"What is our mission here?" Hu Zongxian said with a smile: "As long as Lord Zhu helps us complete this mission, the emperor will naturally trust you."

Zhu Liu lowered his head, thought for a while, raised his head, and suddenly smiled: "Wang Zhi?"

Zhu Liu understood that he wanted to use Wang Zhi's head as a vote certificate in exchange for the trust of the emperor's camp.

Zhang Mo stared at Zhu Liudao closely: "What are your plans, sir?"

Zhu Liu and Zhang Mo looked at each other for a moment, and they both smiled.

"What are your plans?" Zhu Liu asked with a smile.

"Lord Hu sent people to Japan long ago, and announced that the king of Japan banned the islands. The messenger Jiang Zhou will go to the five islands of Japan, meet Wang Zhi with a heavy bribe and a letter from Wang Zhi's family, persuade him to submit to the imperial court, and agree to pay tribute to Japan Mutual market." Zhang Mo replied with a smile.

"Even if he doesn't care about his family and doesn't want to come back, the Japanese lord Yuanyi Town who Wang Zhi has a good relationship with has long wanted to do business with me, Daming. If he hears about my Daming Xugong City, he will definitely persuade Wang Zhi to come back." Hu Zongxian continued. : "Moreover, we have received definite news that Yuanyi Town has persuaded Wang Zhi, and dispatched more than forty people including Shanmiao and his subordinates to load a huge boat and come to Daming."

"As long as he goes ashore..." Zhang Mo was confident.

When Zhu Liu heard what they said, he didn't deny it, but said: "Since you have all planned, what do you need me to do?"

"Wang Zhi is known as the King of the Sea, and he commands tens of thousands of pirates. Such a person is not so easy to deal with even if he goes ashore..." Hu Zongxian twisted his beard and smiled: "But with Mr. Zhu... then it will be much easier to deal with." .And your joining can also help us delay some time, try to let Lu Bing know about it later, so as to avoid any extra troubles before getting the evidence against Lu Bing."

(End of this chapter)

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