Brocade legend

Chapter 332 Wang Zhizhang Kingdom

Chapter 332
"With Mr. Zhu, and we still have Wang Zhi's wife and mother in our hands, we are not afraid that he will be arrested if he does not bow down." Zhang Mo smiled confidently.

"Family..." Zhu Liu looked at the two men who were sure of their chances of winning, thought of something, and laughed.


On September 36th, 27th year of Jiajing, under the plan of Lu Bing, the Criminal Division gave Peng Fan an account of the incident and said: "The law of the Ming Dynasty reveals that officials who have stolen money and violated the law, and those who have killed people because of the prohibition and reconnaissance are all Sin and death. But in recent years, the law and discipline have run wild, and there are officials who are greedy and cruel, and do not fear the law. According to the officials, such as Liu Mingyang, the magistrate of Zunhua County, etc., are cruel officials who are extremely greedy and cruel, and have caused great harm to the people. However, according to recent cases, It is not enough to stop using stoppage as a punishment, which is suitable for the selfishness of greed and wealth, and it is not enough to be a warning. It is better to order the department to be severely punished according to the law, and to do its best, and to regard it as a precept of greed and cruelty. Law, violators, incidents happen repeatedly."

Peng Fan asked the corrupt officials to be severely punished according to the law, but he leapfrogged his superiors and bypassed Yan's father and son's review, and handed it directly to the emperor, causing an uproar in the court.

Everyone knew that if Lu Bing hadn't taken action, how could such a thing have happened? How could there be such a channel in Xiaoxiaoji?
If corruption is punished, it will be aimed at the followers of the Yan family, which is really an act of bright sword.

Peng Fan said in a memorial that if it is found out, it will become a serious incident and sit down... In the end, it is not the "big and small prime ministers" who will sit down together in the end?
It was also reported from the palace that some eunuchs and maids saw that Yan's father and son and Lu Bing met in the palace, they passed by without saying a word, and they passed each other without saying a word, which made all the officials in the court feel uneasy. The two power ministers in the court are about to turn their faces.

Unexpectedly, Emperor Jiajing finally proclaimed the decree: "In recent years, there have been officials who have been greedy and cruel, and many of them have not followed the truth to rectify their actions, so that people's hearts have been playing around and the people have suffered. Liu Mingyang and others have ordered the censors to strictly hear about it. From now on, corruption Ku Yousi, the inspector will immediately interrogate, and the Ministry of Officials is not allowed to plan to stay idle."

All officials in the court were in an uproar!The strict party, which holds the leadership of the court, actually gave in!

Although the officials who read the decree, they all saw that although the decree of Emperor Jiajing agreed with Peng Fan's performance, it was just a general statement, and it was taken lightly.

However, this still marks that the strict party has avoided Lu Bing!
Lu Bing's limelight was unmatched for a while, and he turned out to be the one that severely suppressed Yan Dang.

And when Zhu Liu, who was far away in the south of the Yangtze River, got these information, he didn't say a word.

But no one saw the hatred in his eyes.

This hatred is aimed at the Yan father and son!
"It's so ruthless..." Zhu Liu scratched the solid wood railing, gritted his teeth and said to himself, "So ruthless...a soft knife...."

Today's Zhu Liu can naturally understand what Yan's father and son are going to do. Yan Song used this trick on Xia Yan and Qiu Luan, and now it is even more severe on Lu Bing.

The strict party's concession is to arch Lu Bing up, and arch it closer to the sharp knife in Emperor Jiajing's hand.

The higher you hold, the harder you fall.

If this continues, Emperor Jiajing, who originally only wanted to cut power, will probably want Lu Bing's life!
They just want to make Lu Bing's family dominate, make Emperor Jiajing even more afraid, and use the emperor's hand to get rid of Lu Bing!
The angry look on Zhu Liu's face suddenly turned into a trace of bitterness.

Because, no matter what Yan's father and son did, the emperor's actions had already started.

And on the same day that Peng Fan played, Wang Zhi arrived at Cengang, Zhoushan with several huge ships, thousands of pirates, and more than forty people sent by the Japanese lord Yuanyizhen, including Shanmiao and others. .

Hu Zongxian has also rushed to Ningbo City. At the same time, he secretly dispatched General Lu Ting, General Qi Jiguang, Zhang Siwei and other generals to ambush in the harbor outside Ningbo City, waiting for Wang Zhi to land.


"Father!" Wang Fu strode into the cabin, and said to Wang Zhi, who was wearing armor under the service of a Japanese maid, "The boat is ready, and Master Hu's envoy has also come, saying that Master Hu is waiting for his foster father at Ningbo Port." .”

Wang Fu was originally named Mao Haifeng and Mao Lie. His father Mao Xiang and his brother Mao Ming were both scholars.

Mao Ming secretly smuggled arms and had contacts with pirates and Japanese pirates. Wang Fu learned weapons such as Franz machines since he was a child, and was very skilled. Later, he worshiped Wang Zhi as his father.Because Wang Zhi was aliased as Wang Zhi in Shanghai, Mao Haifeng changed his name to Wang Fu.

Hu Zongxian sent Jiang Zhou and Chen Keyuan to Japan several times to negotiate with Wang Zhi through Wang Fu.

At the beginning of March in the 35th year of Jiajing, Wang Fu returned to China on a Dafu boat as Wang Zhi's representative.

Today, he specially came to welcome Wang Zhi to Ningbo.

Wang Zhi was fully dressed, took the old knife without a sheath, and put it in the copper ring on his belt.

Wang Zhi hesitated for a moment, and said, "Is there... someone from the capital?"

Because Wang Fu had read some books and had some resourcefulness, Wang Zhi relied heavily on him. He knew that Wang Zhi had connections in the capital and was a high-ranking official, but he didn't know who it was.He also knew that the lord would sometimes send someone to secretly discuss things with his adoptive father.Listening to the foster father's question now, he naturally knew what the foster father meant.

"Father, no one is here." Wang Fu said respectfully.

"..." Wang Zhi was a little hesitant. In fact, he didn't really want to come back.

After the meeting with Lu Bing that time, Lu Bing once said that one day he would recruit and the brothers would meet.

Originally, Wang Zhi didn't take this sentence too seriously, but the older a person is, the more he misses his homeland.

This time Hu Zongxian asked someone to lobby again, and Wang Zhi was annoyed by the talk, and this time Hu Zongxian also talked to his friend Yuan Yizhen.

Yuanyizhen has always wanted to make friends with Daming, and win the current national war in Japan.Now it is rare for Daming to let go, he has been urging Wang Zhi to come back.After all, Wang Zhi's foundation is in Japan, so it's not good to be too shameless.

Yuan Yizhen asked for all of this, and his adopted son Wang Fu also repeatedly assured that Hu Zongxian's invitation was sincere and there would be no problem.In addition, Wang Zhi also knew that now the elder brother Lu Bing's status in Daming was over tens of millions, and no one would dare to do anything to him, so he finally boarded the big ship back to China with half push.

But when he really returned to Daming, he suddenly felt uneasy again.

This anxiety has saved his life more than once in the past 20 years.

But he really couldn't figure out what the problem was.

He wanted to get some information through "word of mouth", but no one came.

Wang Zhi didn't know that Zhu Liu was in the south of the Yangtze River, how could the "word of mouth" surpass him?
"Father, many high officials are waiting for you..." Wang Fu reminded cautiously.

For this adoptive father, Wang Fu was afraid from the bottom of his heart.

It was this man who, in just a few years, ruled a large area of ​​sea from Daming, to Japan, to Siam and other places.

In the past 20 years, in front of this man, those Japanese princes have also bowed their heads and bowed their heads.

(End of this chapter)

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