Brocade legend

Chapter 333

Chapter 333

Wang Zhi was called the King of Jinghai, and he called himself the King of Hui. He was a man who relied on his own ability to make himself a king.

Wang Fu has seen this man's strong force, he has seen this man's ruthless methods, and he has even seen how this man killed all the vicious pirates in this sea area one by one.

For example, Chen Sipan was feared by everyone at sea back then.

In the 27th year of Jiajing, the Zhejiang Navy under the leadership of Zhu Wan swept across Shuangyu Island. The pirate leader Xu Dong was captured and killed.

Wang Zhi, who was Xu Dong's general at the time, recruited Xu Dong's pirates and Xu Dong's other general, Xiao Xian.

After Wang Zhi left Shuangyu and found a new place of residence, Liegang, the situation stabilized for the time being.At this moment, Xiao Xian suddenly took people away from Liegang.

In order to prevent Xiao Xian from informing the officers and soldiers, Ye Zongman sent people to chase and kill Xiao Xian, but it was too late.Due to Xiao Xian's escape, the hiding place was exposed, and Wang Zhi and others had to leave Liegang and drift on the sea again, looking for a new place of refuge.And Wang Zhi finally targeted Japan in the Warring States Period.

Wang Zhi stayed temporarily in Hirado with everyone, but an accident happened, and Wang Zhi's fleet was attacked by Xiao Xian.At this time, Xiao Xian had already turned to a more powerful backer, that is, the then pirate king Chen Sipan.

Xu Weixue, Wang Zhi's sworn brother, was furious when he learned that the fleet was attacked.So he privately borrowed troops from the Hirado daimyo Matsuura family, intending to defeat Xiao Xian and Chen Sipan for revenge. The two sides fought fiercely on the southeast coast for several days.

When Xu Weixue's victory is in sight, the cunning Chen Sipan has already joined forces with the government and the army.Under the ambush, Xu Weixue was defeated.

In order to take revenge, Wang Zhi and Ye Zongman carefully designed a plan to attack Chen Sipan's lair Henggang.

He sent people to sneak into Henggang, and on Chen Sipan's birthday, he cooperated with the outside world and killed Chen Sipan by surprise. Finally, he killed Chen Sipan and annexed Chen Sipan's pirate team.

After the Battle of Henggang, Wang Zhi seized the Wudao Islands from the Matsuura family and established himself as the "King of Hui".Wang Zhi deployed officials to control key points, and all the barbarians on the 36 islands were under his control.

In addition, Wang Fu is even more afraid of the mysterious background of his adoptive father. He can vaguely feel that behind his adoptive father, there is a mysterious power that can suffocate people just by revealing it.

Today, he wondered why his adoptive father was a little hesitant.

Could it be that the neighbors are timid?
how is this possible! ?
Wang Fu shook his head vigorously, pushing this ridiculous idea aside.

Wang Fu is proud today, proud of his adoptive father, because from ancient times to the present, there was that pirate who could let himself run amok and let the big officials of the Ming Dynasty wait to welcome him?
Wang Zhi didn't notice Yizi's strange smile.

He took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Let's go!"

The well-behaved Japanese maid put a blood-red cloak on Wang Zhi, and Wang Zhi strode out of the luxurious and luxurious cabin.

Wang Zhi walked up to the bow, looked at the coastline, and took a deep breath.

He thought of going to sea that year, he thought of Xu Weixue, Ye Zi, Ye Zongman and so on.

The past seems to be still in front of us, but he is nearly fifty years old.

Setting foot on that land again will be the first time he has set foot on that native land openly in more than 20 years.

Everyone called him "King of Jinghai", and he called himself "King of Hui".

The large Chinese character Huiwang flag floated above his head.

No one knows how he survived the 20 years when he took over the heavy responsibility given by Lu Bing and carried it alone on his shoulders.

Some people call him a pirate, some call him a traitor, as long as someone is killed by a pirate, their family, friends and neighbors will all scold Wang Zhi, the most famous pirate king who still lives in Japan.

No one knows how much sacrifice and contribution he has made for Daming's coastal defense.

No one cared how much money he secretly earned for Daming's ocean trade.

His return is actually a vague hope in his heart. One day, he can be cleared of his crimes, not to mention being praised as a hero, at least he can walk in his hometown with dignity, return to his hometown, and worship his mother...

"Let's go! Get off the boat and go ashore!" Wang Zhi finally made up his mind.

Wang Wei hurriedly asked people to arrange the fast boat. At this moment, a loud shout came from under the boat.

"Huizhou merchant Bichuan, please see King Hui!"

"Who!" The archers and musketeers on board aimed at the boat under the boat.

A tall man with a bamboo hat stood on the boat.

Wang Zhi felt that the voice was so familiar!
"Put it away!" Wang Zhi ordered loudly, "Bring him to my cabin!"

After Wang Zhi finished speaking, he strode back to the cabin.He sat down on the bed and took a deep breath!
The man in the bamboo hat walked into the cabin, Wang Zhi waved his hand to let him go down, Wang Wei hesitated, but seeing the stern gaze of his adoptive father, he didn't dare to slow down, and immediately walked out of the cabin and closed the door.

"Bi Chuan?" Wang Zhi took a deep breath and couldn't help but smile bitterly: "This is your new name? Ye Ma?"

"Yes." The person who came took off the bamboo hat, and it turned out to be Ye Ma, who was escorted to the capital and everyone thought he was dead, no!

...It's Ye Zongman...

"That's right..." Wang Zhi murmured: "You went to the capital, in the his capital, how could you die?"

Wang Zhi looked at Ye Zongman, stood up suddenly, strode up, and hugged Ye Zongman.

Ye Zongman froze for a moment, then put his hands on Wang Zhi's back stiffly.

The two brothers who grew up together and worked hard together, had suspicions, quarreled, parted ways, and finally parted ways... Just when Wang Zhi was most hesitant and faced with a choice, he appeared again.

The two old brothers may not have expressed their emotions like this, but in the end, they still hug each other.

For a moment, the two laughed together, guilt, regret, and resentment all dissipated in the loud laughter.

Life and death have come through, what else is not to be taken lightly?
The two slapped each other's back vigorously, as if it was a game when they were young, and finally let go of everything.

After the two parted, Wang Zhi laughed and said, "You bastard is still alive! What is your name Bi Chuan! This name is beyond your imagination, Lord Tim gave it to you, tell me! Tell me!" Can you enjoy happiness in the capital?"

Hearing Wang Zhi's question, Ye Zongman remembered the purpose of coming today, ignored Wang Zhi's joke, Ye Zongman said seriously: "Let's not talk about these things, I came this time to tell you, don't go ashore!"

"What's wrong?" Wang Zhi turned cold and said, "Is this the warning your lord asked you to give me?"

"No." Ye Zongman shook his head and said, "My lord didn't know that I came to see you today, but the news of your coming to Daming has already been sent back."

"That's...." Wang Zhi thought of the most likely possibility: "Is there a conspiracy?"

"I don't dare to say if there is a conspiracy, but..." Ye Zongman was not sure, but he said with certainty: "But I know that the number of troops in Ningbo City, including the four fields, is several times higher than usual!"

Wang bluntly showed anger: "What are they going to do?"

"I'm not sure yet." Ye Zongman shook his head and said, "However, just be careful." Ye Zongman looked at Wang Zhi, and said with a sneer: "Your old boy is famous now, maybe they dispatched troops to prevent you from borrowing Plan to attack Ningbo?"

Wang Zhi frowned and said nothing.

Ye Zongman said seriously: "Anyway, you don't want to go ashore... Then Hu Zongxian has many tricks. Back then, Xu Hai and Chen Dong, me, Xu Hai and Chen Dong were plotted to kill each other, so he could count us all without any effort. Take it down...Of course, you are also responsible for this!"

As Ye Zongman spoke, he remembered the old grievances again, and his words were somewhat resentful.

Wang Zhi was a little embarrassed. He couldn't deny that at that time, he meant to stand on the sidelines and watch the fire from the other side.

The two were silent for a while, looked at each other, and finally smiled.

"Since we're here, we can't just turn around and go back to Japan." Wang Zhi thought for a while: "Yuanyi Town still wants to take advantage of this opportunity to do business with Daming. It's fine if their talks fail, but if I just turn around and go back like this , he will definitely have complaints in his heart. The person in Yuanyi Town is not bad, so he can't just refute his face like this."

"..." Ye Zongman knew this old brother well, knew that he was a man of determination, and once he had made a decision, he couldn't be shaken.But he still persuaded: "Then you have to be careful, release the boat to patrol around at any time, so as not to be surrounded."

"Well, I know it well." Wang Zhi nodded and said, "I'll wait here. If the adults know that I'm coming, they will definitely send someone to contact them, and then they will know what's going on."

While Hu Zongxian was waiting bitterly, Wang Fu suddenly sent someone to send news that Wang Zhi had suddenly contracted a cold and was not feeling well. He was recuperating in Zhoushan and would not go ashore for the time being.

Hu Zongxian hurriedly sent someone to invite again, saying that he wanted to invite the best doctor in the south of the Yangtze River, but Wang Zhi ignored him and neither entered Hong Kong nor landed.

The situation was so stalemate, Hu Zongxian had no choice but to ask someone to invite Zhu Liulai in a hurry.


When Lu Bing, who was in the capital, got the news that Wang Zhi was returning to China, he said the same thing as Zhu Liu said before: "Family?"

"What kind of family does he have?" Lu Bing was startled and angry, but in the end he laughed angrily: "His old mother died long ago, and Ye Zi also died, and the people who stayed on the land were only his son. A fake lady, a fake old lady, what kind of relative would he come back for?"

Sun Quan, who was standing by the side, naturally knew about it, and he also said strangely: "I just confirmed the news some time ago, his son should not be in Hu Zongxian's hands. His old mother and family members on the shore were all arranged by me later, it was just a cover-up , It’s not really related to him, why did he come back.”

Wang Zhi's mother died early, and Ye Zi also died of illness, leaving him only one son.Wang Zhi didn't dare to take his son to the sea and put him among the pirates, so he stayed on the shore to raise him, but he was under the secret protection of Jin Yiwei.

Under Hu Zongxian's secret control, the so-called Wang Zhi's family in Jinhua was just an old woman and a nanny arranged by Sun Quan. When Wang Zhi's son was young, they pretended to be Wang Zhi's old mother and wife, and took care of Wang Zhi's son. .

As long as Wang Zhi didn't come back, Hu Zongxian naturally wouldn't dare to touch them.What's more, Jin Yiwei is secretly taking care of him,
(End of this chapter)

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