Brocade legend

Chapter 345 Wang Qingxi

Chapter 345 Wang Qingxi

Lu Bing naturally realized it, but since Lu Bing had already made up his mind to fight to the death, he would not be concerned about these things.

He wants to re-establish the Qingming kingly way for Emperor Jiajing, and then he plans to take the initiative to become an official.

Lu Bing's thinking, of course, no one knows, even if they know, no one will believe it.

And when the results of these two cases came into the hands of Hu Zongxian one by one, Hu Zongxian was furious and became more determined to fight Lu Bing.


These days, Wang Zhi, Ye Zongman and Wang Qingxi have been entertained by Hu Zongxian with delicious food and drinks, and they are overwhelmed by the daily entertainment.

And Wang Zhi did realize that something was wrong.

Wang Zhi and Ye Zongman discussed: "It's a bit weird! Before they invited us here with all their talk, but after we came, they didn't mention the matter of recruiting security at all. They just drank and listened to the theater every day... Why do I feel that we are like He was placed under house arrest.

Ye Zongman frowned and said: "There has been no news from the ship for several days, and I am also a little worried. Today we will find a way to go out.

Wang Zhi nodded in agreement, and after noon, the three of them walked to the gate of the yard together.

But as soon as they arrived at the gate of the courtyard, the three of them were stopped politely.

Ye Zongman talked about it, but the guard servant just politely told Wang Zhi and the others to wait a while, saying that he had reported to the lord and invited the lord to accompany them before they went out.

As the saying goes, "reach out and never hit a smiling face."

Wang Zhi and the three saw that he was being polite, so they had no choice but to force their way out, so they had to wait for Hu Zongxian to come.

But after waiting for a long time, the person who answered only said that the adults are busy, please wait for a while.

As the sun gradually turned to the west, an official came in a hurry, saying that your excellency could not come, and then said that a certain official came to see Wang Zhi and set up a banquet.

Wang Zhi and Ye Zongman looked at each other, they stopped talking about going out, and happily went to the banquet.

After the banquet, the Jade Rabbit Zhongtian Fangsan was eaten again, Wang Zhi and Ye Zongman returned to the room drunk, Wang Qingxi handed over a piece of ointment, put it in the tea, and gave Wang Zhi and Ye Zongman to drink.

This is the medicine for dizziness on board, and it can also relieve alcohol.

After Wang Zhi and Ye Zongman regained consciousness a little bit, the faces of the three of them were a little dignified.

"It seems... that we are really under house arrest." Ye Zongman said coldly, "It's been so many days and we haven't heard from Zhu Liu... I'm afraid we were deceived."

"En." Wang Zhi nodded and said, "It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, we have to leave as soon as possible."

"I'm afraid it's not that easy to leave." Ye Zongman shook his head and said, "It seems that only those two servants are guarding the door, but I'm sure that we must be under strict supervision, and we might not be able to get out with just the three of us. Even if we rush out and there is no one to respond, we will not be able to go out to sea."

Wang Zhi smiled slightly, turned to Wang Qingxi who was full of smiles and said, "Old Wang, it's up to you."

Wang Qingxi nodded without changing his smile.

Ye Zongman looked at Wang Qingxi with some surprise, Wang Zhi continued to say to Wang Qingxi: "You go back to the boat tonight, let Wang Fu lead enough people, go ashore quietly, come here to save me, and then we will go back to the boat together!"

Wang Qingxi nodded.


In the middle of the night, Wang Zhi and Ye Zongman pretended to be nonchalant, and went back to their rooms to sleep.

And Wang Qingxi's room was also dark and quiet...

Suddenly, as if a breeze had blown by, Wang Qingxi's rear window was lifted.

A shadow, like black lightning, flashed out from the half-open window at that moment, and landed lightly.

The window was closed naturally, and under the quilt on Wang Qingxi's bed, there were only pillows and clothes disguised as human figures.

Wang Qingxi is like an old ape, walking lightly and nimbly among the eaves, rockeries and trees.

He even passed close to the secret whistle holding a crossbow and steel knife in his hand, without alarming anyone.

Obviously, although Hu Zongxian dispatched additional manpower under Zhu Liu's reminder, he still ignored Wang Qingxi's strength.

However, thanks to Zhu Liu's reminder, although Hu Zongxian doesn't know much about the stunts of people in the world, he knows that hard work can make up for one's weakness, and that more wins less.

Wang Qingxi jumped lightly, hooked his hands on the hospital wall, and fell into the shadow of the wall.

He stretched out his head and looked outside, with a smile on his face all the time, he was instantly numb.

The wall is stuck to the root of the wall, surrounded by officers and soldiers...

Wang Qingxi is worthy of being an old Jianghu, so he can naturally see that under such circumstances, it is impossible to go out without knowing it.

But if he goes back again, he will just sit and wait to die with the captain.

Thinking of this, Wang Qingxi couldn't care less about maintaining a smile. He gritted his teeth, took out a dagger from his bosom, and bit it in his mouth.

He stretched his hands like bowstrings.

He pushed his feet against the wall like springs!

He took a deep breath, then inhaled slowly...


He jumped onto the top of the wall, and before the guards could react, he kicked his feet on the top of the wall and jumped out from afar!
As soon as he landed, he immediately used his hands and feet, like a ferocious cheetah, and like a swift civet cat.

The unique body technique and steps he practiced on the boat, and the running technique with both hands and feet simultaneously practiced by jumping back and forth between the masts on the boat, made him already three feet away in an instant!
No one can catch up with him when he runs three feet first!
He has such confidence!
"Who is it!" Only then did the guarding officers and soldiers realize: "Let the arrows go!"

Yes, no one can catch up to Wang Qingxi, but the short arrows of the crossbow can!
Behind Wang Qingxi was a group of flying arrows!

Wang Qingxi snorted, gritted his teeth without slowing down, and disappeared into the night in an instant...


"Trash, rubbish!" Hu Zongxian was furious. It's a shame that so many guards let people break out!

"Block the city gates! Search from house to house!" Hu Zongxian ordered loudly.

"No need..." A sigh came, and Zhang Mo walked in.

"He ran away for less than half an hour, and it's still too late to seal the door and search!" Hu Zongxian said.

"As long as he gets out of that courtyard, the news can no longer be blocked." Zhang Mo sighed: "In this city of Ningbo, how can there be no common people who cooperate with bandits?"

"This..." Hu Zongxian was tongue-tied.

That's right... In this land of the south of the Yangtze River, where are there no common people related to pirates?

"What should we do now?" Hu Zongxian asked Zhang Modao.

"Didn't we expect that the delay would not be long?" Zhang Mo felt a little relaxed: "Now we don't have to look forward and backward, and be careful. Let's let it go!"

Hu Zongxian thought of Lu Bing's suppression of him recently, and his resentment rose. He gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I will fight it out!"

At this time, Zhu Liu also arrived, and Zhang Mo said to Zhu Liu: "Master Zhu, you can write a letter and secretly report to Lu Bing that Wang Zhi was caught by Master Hu, so as to cover up your current position."

(End of this chapter)

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