Brocade legend

Chapter 346 Lu Bing Leaves Beijing

Chapter 346 Lu Bing Leaves Beijing
Zhu Liu nodded, Zhang Mo turned his face to Hu Zongxian again and said, "Master Hu can publicize the achievement of capturing Wang Zhi, and at the same time organize an army to wipe out Wang Zhi's troops in Zhoushan!"

Hu Zongxian also nodded in agreement, and Zhang Mo began to speak out the overall plan he had pondered over: "I've thought about it for a long time. We had no chance to deal with Lu Bing. Now that Lu Bing is acting stupid, we can't stand the world. Master Zhu gave us a first chance. We must seize this opportunity and never give Lu Bing a chance to react. Therefore, I thought hard for a few days and came up with a plan of attacking both inside and outside. Drop Lu Bing!"

"You still want to kill Lu Bing?" Zhu Liu sneered, "That's impossible."

Zhang Mo ignored Zhu Liu's words and continued: "We must first make a time difference. In order not to expose Master Zhu's current identity, Master Zhu must take the initiative to report to Lu Bing to remove the suspicion. But before that , we need to transfer Lu Bing away from the capital, so as to give Master Zhu a chance to return to the capital. If Lu Bing leaves the capital, we will have a chance to kill him."

After hearing this, Zhu Liu was a little dignified and didn't open his mouth to sneer.

"After Lu Bing leaves Beijing, whether we can kill him or not depends on the ability of my White Lotus Sect. And your task, Mr. Zhu, is to hold Jin Yiwei in your hands before Lu Bing returns to Beijing. In this way, even if we kill Lu Bing, we will not be able to kill him." Success, when he returns to Beijing, he will have already suffered a crushing defeat." Zhang Mo said to Zhu Liu.

Zhu Liu was making his own plan in his mind. After weighing it for a long time, he found that if he wanted to achieve his plan, this method was unavoidable, and it was also very helpful to his plan.Therefore, Zhu Liu nodded and agreed to Zhang Mo's arrangement.

"Lord Hu, your task is to see Wang Zhi dead, and you must not let Wang Zhi escape from your grasp." Zhang Mo said: "If we fail, Wang Zhi is our lifeline. If we succeed, It’s not too late to kill Wang Zhi! As long as Wang Zhi cannot contact the fleet, the people in the fleet will not know his relationship with Lu Bing, and there will be no help for Lu Bing.”

When Hu Zongxian heard that he only wanted to keep an eye on Wang Zhi instead of confronting Lu Bing head-on, he quickly nodded in agreement.

For him, he would rather deal with tens of thousands of pirates under Wang Zhi's subordinates than fight Lu Bing head-on.

"It's not too late, let's act now!" Zhang Mo said with a serious face: "This is our only chance, and it is also the best chance, so we must seize the opportunity!"


On the other hand, Wang Qingxi escaped with several arrows in his body and returned to the boat.

"What! My adoptive father was imprisoned by them!" Wang Fu was furious: "Bring that Xia Zheng up!"

Xia Zheng walked over with airs, Wang Fu grabbed Xia Zheng by the collar angrily, and said viciously: "They actually locked up my adoptive father! You dog officials! You really broke your promise!"

Xia Zheng was not in a hurry, neither surprised nor angry.

Looking at Xia Zheng's expression, Wang Fu immediately understood: "So, you already knew..."

"That's right!" Xia Zhenglang said in a loud voice, "I know your adoptive father will be arrested as soon as he lands."

"Then you still dare to come!" Wang Fu gritted his teeth and said, "You are not afraid of death!"

"No one in life has died since ancient times, and keep his loyal heart to reflect the history!" Xia Zheng looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "Exchange my life for the life of the king of the sea, it is worth it, it is worth it! Hahahahahaha!"

"Okay, okay, you treacherous villain!" Wang Fu was furious: "You'd better protect my adoptive father from dying, or I'll chop off your hands and feet piece by piece! Throw them into the sea fish!"

"I'll show you the fate of breaking faith!" Wang Fu kicked Xia Zheng down, and the equally angry pirates dragged down Xia Zheng who was laughing like crying.

Amid Xia Zheng's screams, Wang Fu loudly announced to the pirates: "The imperial court has betrayed its trust and lied to my father. We will go ashore, rescue King Jinghai, and avenge King Jinghai! Kill!!!!"



Just when Wang Zhi and other Wang Zhi's subordinates announced that they would rescue Wang Zhi and wash Jiangnan with blood, Hu Zongxian, who was proficient in the art of war, had already mobilized the Jiangnan navy and ordered Lu Tong, Yu Dayou, and Qi Jiguang to send Cen before Wang Fu left Hong Kong. Hong Kong was surrounded in anticipation of any eventuality.

When the two armies met, they immediately went to war, but after several days of naval battle, Wang Fu was outnumbered and was forced into Cengang.
Wang Fu led the crowd to occupy Cengang, blocking all roads, and only one path passed through, which was difficult to walk through.

Hu Zongxian changed his strategy and encircled without fighting. He cut off both Cen Gang's backup and Cen Gang's supply.

However, Wang Zhi had many subordinates overseas, and they came to help one after another. Although it was difficult to make contributions due to the lack of a unified command, it still brought great pressure to Hu Zongxian's navy.

Beginning in the spring of the 37th year of Jiajing, the Japanese pirates regrouped their forces and invaded the prefectures of Wenzhou and Taizhou in Zhejiang Province, among which Yueqing, Linhai, Xiangshan and other places suffered the most serious damage.Afterwards, Japanese pirates fled from Wenzhou, Taizhou and other prefectures in Zhejiang into Fuzhou, Xinghua, and Quanzhou in Fujian, and they all landed, burned and looted.On April [-]th, Japanese pirates captured Fuqing County, captured Ye Zongwen, the county magistrate, robbed warehouses and prisons, killed more than a thousand men and women, and burned countless official and civilian houses.

There is no one on one side to command and fight on their own, and the other is struggling to fight fires everywhere, so the two armies are at a stalemate.

Hu Zongxian worried that Wang Zhi would be robbed if he stayed in Ningbo.On the 37th of the first month of the 25th year of Jiajing, Wang Zhi was arrested and sent to Zhejiang Anchasi Prison.


At the same time, everywhere in Daming suddenly raised rebellious flags one after another, and some even directly raised the banner of the White Lotus Sect.

Emperor Jiajing ordered Lu Bing, who had been monitoring the White Lotus Sect, to immediately encircle and suppress the White Lotus Sect.

At this moment, a secret agent desperately sent out a piece of information.

The base camp of the White Lotus Sect that Lu Bing has been looking for, but can't find, is in Nujiang!

After multiple investigations, it was confirmed that this information was true.

No wonder the old lair of the White Lotus Sect could not be found. It turned out that they traveled through mountains and rivers to build their lair in such a deserted, poisonous miasma, and poisonous insects.

After Lu Bing reported to Emperor Jiajing, Emperor Jiajing ordered Lu Bing to take Jin Yiwei to exterminate immediately.

Lu Bing, who had been entangled with the White Lotus Sect for decades, without hesitation, immediately led the Jinyi Cavalry, as well as Zhang Ju, Shitou, Yang Sen, Dong Hai, and Sun Quan and Huang Lian'er who controlled the "belief in the mouth" and "the needle in the tail" The couple went to Yunnan to cut off the roots of the White Lotus Sect.

This time Jinyiwei can be said to come out in full force, the most powerful Tiqi Jinyi Cavalry, plus the two secret agencies of "Trust in the Word" and "Tail on the Tail", as well as the six masters of Jinyiwei.

As soon as this force came out of Beijing, it immediately shocked the world.

At this time, Mr. Li, who was by the Nu River, and Zhang Mo, who was following Zhu Liu on the road back to Beijing, were lamenting in their hearts, hoping that the price they paid was worth it...


(End of this chapter)

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