Brocade legend

Chapter 349

Chapter 349
Lu Bing smiled wryly, of course he knew that it would not be so easy to rescue Wang Zhi.

He actually knows better than anyone else... If the emperor hadn't nodded, how would Hu Zongxian and the others know to attack Wang Zhi?

Even if the emperor is not the main messenger, he is also an insider...

Onlookers thought that Lu Bing seemed to be blind to the brotherhood between the emperor and him, but in fact, who else in this world could understand Jiajing better than Lu Bing?I don't know, I don't want to...

Lu Bing couldn't help feeling a little heartbroken when he thought of his loyal brother treating him like this.

"Oh, that's all! Just wait for this matter, I will go back to Beijing, and use my glory and wealth in exchange for Wang Zhi's freedom!" Lu Bing had already made up his mind. A good story through the ages... so and so, but a little disheartened...

At this moment, a person suddenly jumped down from the tree above the forest like a big bird, and landed lightly a foot in front of Lu Bing.

"There is a way!" That person was Sun Quan.


During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Zhuang Yu, a general of Chu State, entered the Dian Lake area and established the Dian Kingdom.

After Qin Shihuang unified the six countries, he established counties and counties in the northeastern part of Yunnan, and opened a five-foot road starting from today's Qujing to connect the customs.

After the death of Qin II and the death of the Han Dynasty, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty sent General Guo Chang into Yunnan to conquer the Southwestern Yi, established Yizhou County and 24 counties, and the county governed Dianchi County. Chidao was renamed "Southwest Yidao".When the Han Dynasty conquered Southwestern Yi, they discovered that there were local merchants from "Shendu".

During the Three Kingdoms period, the Yunnan area was called "Nanzhong", and Zhuge Liang, the prime minister of Shu, led an army to surrender Meng Huo, the king of "Nanzhong".

After the Cuan family entered Yunnan, Cuan Chen became king in Kunchuan, and the Cuan family ruled for 400 years.

During the Tang Dynasty, Piluoge, the leader of the Mengshezhao tribe in the Erhai region, merged the other five imperial edicts to establish the Nanzhao Kingdom, which was named the King of Yunnan by the Tang Dynasty.In the following year, Taihe City was established as the capital.Zheng Maisi, the power minister of the later Nanzhao, seized the throne and became self-reliant, and changed the name of the country to Dachanghe.

Later, Zhao Shanzheng destroyed Dachanghe Kingdom and established Datian Xingguo. In the following year, Dongchuan Jiedu envoy Yang Qianzhen destroyed Datian Xingguo and changed the name of the country to Dayining.Later, Duan Siping of the Bai nationality destroyed Dayining and established the Dali Kingdom with the capital Dali.The territory includes Yunnan, Guizhou, southwestern Sichuan Province, northern Myanmar and a few areas of Laos and Vietnam.

In the Yuan Dynasty, Kublai Khan sent Mongolian troops to conquer Dali and officially established Yunnan Province.Semuren Sai Dian Chi Shansi Ding Ren Pingzhang Political Affairs, Zhongqing Road, the provincial capital.

At that time, important copper and silver mines were developed in Yunnan, and the output accounted for more than half of the country.

A large number of Semu people and a small number of Mongolians immigrated to Yunnan, forming today's Hui and Mongolian ethnic groups in Yunnan.

In the 14th year of Ming Hongwu, Zhu Yuanzhang sent generals Fu Youde and Mu Ying to lead the army to capture Yunnan, destroy the Yuan Dynasty Liang Wang, and a large number of Han soldiers and civilians began to move into Yunnan.

From the early Ming Dynasty to the present, the population of Yunnan has increased from more than [-] to more than one million.As a large number of Han population immigrated to Yunnan, Yunnan's economy and culture have made great progress.

Lu Bing and his party traveled through mountains and rivers, and finally heard the sound of the Nujiang River...but...

There are more than 5000 people in Lu Bing's group, and it is extremely difficult to find the old nest of the White Lotus Sect on the banks of the Nu River, which is surrounded by mountains.

It has been a long time since the "message in the mouth" that handed out the information has been cut off for a long time.

And the place that seemed to be coming out before, now seems to be shrouded in fog and kept in the drum.

"My lord..." Sun Quan could only smile wryly at this moment, this ghostly place... made the most powerful intelligence organization of Ming Dynasty useless.

"It's okay." Lu Bing expressed his understanding.

When they came here, they didn't want to disturb the Yunnan officials, so as not to startle the snakes.

However, when they got here, they realized that even if they didn't mow the grass, the snake would probably be startled.

There are only a million people in Yunnan, and it is no longer sparsely populated in such a large forest land...

And in this kind of place... there is a saying in Nujiang River: "Ten miles of different sky, all things are in one mountain".Once the members of the White Lotus Sect hide, even if you pass by three meters away, you won't be able to see their shadows...

But they have all come, and the group can't help it. First, they camped in a relatively flat place and sent people to search every day.

Nu River is one of the big rivers in the southwestern area of ​​Ming Dynasty, also known as Lu River, and its upper reaches are called "Naqu River" in Tibetan.In Nujiang Prefecture, there are more than 4000 peaks above [-] meters. The mountains meander from north to south, undulating, surrounded by snow-capped peaks, majestic and magnificent, and lakes are everywhere.

Except for the tall snow peaks, the mountains are gentle, the river valleys are flat and shallow, and the lakes and swamps are widely distributed. The Hengduan Mountains in the middle reaches have high mountains and deep valleys, and the water flow is fast.Most of the tributaries on both banks enter the river vertically, and the main and tributaries form a plume water system.

These alpine lakes are clear and quiet, and are many lakes of different sizes formed by long-term ice erosion.The primeval forests on both sides of the lake are densely covered with rare birds and animals. The ancient trees are towering, and the pines are full of trees.

However, such a spectacle has become a natural barrier for the White Lotus Sect, and Lu Bing and his party are miserable.


"Holy Lord!" In a dark secret room, a warrior with a hideous ghost face was kneeling on the ground, saying: "Lu Bing has already come, we... really want to let them enter Xiaoxitian?"

"If you don't let him in...why invite him?" A voice came from the darkness, You You Miaomiao.

"But!" The ghost-faced warrior couldn't help raising his voice slightly: "This place is our foundation! In order to build Xiaoxitian, how many of our brothers and disciples died unexpectedly? Just exposed to the court like this...Your subordinates are not reconciled! "

"If you're afraid of being exposed...then keep them." The ethereal voice continued: "If they can't get in and out, won't they be able to keep Xiao Xitian's secret?"

"Then, that's Lu Bing!" The ghost-faced warrior said in surprise: "Besides, they brought thousands of people! If one escapes, won't our little Xitian's secret be lost?"

"Fool, fool!" The Lord sighed, "If Xiao Xitian can't keep Lu Bing, then Xiao Xitian is not Xiaoxitian. What use is it for us? We have been operating in Yunnan for decades. There are no fewer than a few thousand people, why should we stay here?"

"..." The ghost-faced warrior was speechless.

"At this time Mr. Zhang is digging the foundation of Lu Bing in the capital, we must try our best to keep Lu Bing..." The ethereal voice of the Holy Master suddenly gathered together and pierced into the warrior's ear sharply, saying: "As long as Lu Bing is destroyed Bing, to destroy Jinyiwei is to remove the last barrier of our Buddha's light! At that time, we will command the heroes, raise the flag of righteousness, and overthrow the Ming court! This... how can a little Xitian be compared? At that time, we Establish a Western Paradise in a dignified manner! Establish a Buddhist kingdom on earth!..."

(End of this chapter)

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