Brocade legend

Chapter 350 Lisu People

Chapter 350 Lisu People
Speaking of this, the Holy Master's voice softened again: "At that time, you will at least be a Dharma protector, even if I give you all this Yunnan, what is it?
"Yes! What the Lord said is true!" the ghost-faced warrior said a little excitedly.

"En." The Holy Master seemed to be nodding in satisfaction, and continued: "Go and lure Lu Bing into Xiaoxitian, remember, don't be too deliberate, we still need to cover up the truth for the time being, and we can't let Lu Bing know that we deliberately leaked Xiaoxitian. In case he refuses to come in, temporarily withdraw!"

"Yes, Holy Master!" Ghost-faced warrior replied.

"Is that spy from Jinyiwei still alive?" Holy Master asked again.

"Alive!" The ghost-faced warrior said with a sneer, "If you don't let him go through ninety-nine or eighty-one hardships, how can your subordinates be willing to let him die?"

"Don't underestimate that person." The Holy Master said indifferently: "If it weren't for the help of Governor Huang of Dongchang, I really would not have thought that he would be a person who "believes in his mouth."

"Yes!" The ghost-faced warrior replied.

"Find a chance and let him go!" The Lord said coldly, "Since he lured Lu Bing to Yunnan for us, let him send the Buddha to the west!"

"Holy Master is wise." The ghost-faced warrior praised, seeing that the Holy Master had made no sound, he stood up, and he turned out to be a tall and strong man no less than a stone!

Just when Lord Bailian tried to lure Lu Bing into the trap, Lu Bing and others fought with the natives of Yunnan.

The Lisu people first lived in the Jinsha River basin at the junction of Sichuan and Yunnan, and then gradually moved to the Nujiang area in western Yunnan to settle down.

The Lisu nationality originated from the ancient Qiang people who migrated to the south, and they belong to the same ethnic origin as the Yi nationality.

The name of the family was first seen in the writings of the Tang Dynasty. The historical records of the Tang Dynasty called "Lisu Two Surnamed Man" or "Li Man", "Shi Man" and "Shun Man", all of which belonged to "Wu Man", distributed in Sichuan, Yabi, Yunnan River, Jinsha River, Lancang River and other vast areas.In the Yuan and Ming Dynasties, it was mostly ruled by the feudal lords of the Naxi people in Lijiang.

Later, because they could not bear the enslavement of the Mu family chieftain of the Naxi nationality and the threat of war, a large number of Lisu people, led by the headman Kuo Mubipa, migrated to Nujiang and other areas in northwestern Yunnan.

Mubi was the leader who ruled the Nujiang area, and the Nu and Dulong people who originally lived in Nujiang were also controlled by Mubi at this time.

Today, the Lisu people are the ruling ethnic group in the Nujiang region, and they have changed their destiny through migration.

When Mubi entered the Nujiang area, the number of Lisu people accompanying the team did not exceed 300. In order to consolidate his dominance, he encouraged the Lisu people to intermarry with local aboriginal women. This kind of domestic slave is called "rubba".

Correspondingly, the initial class divisions appeared within the Lisu society. The family headed by Mubi became the official family and was called "Sipa", while other families who owned more land and slaves were called "Chubopa", that is, rich people. household.

Mubi led the Lisu army into the Nujiang area, mainly to escape the war and the cruel rule of Lijiang Mutusi, but objectively led the Lisu people to migrate for the first time in history. After him, there were tigers, bears, etc. Eighteen kinds of clans such as , feng, shu, yu, and bamboo came to the Nujiang area one after another.

During the migration and diaspora of the Lisu people, the original clan organization gradually disintegrated and became a family or village-based organization.

The means of production such as land and livestock became family owned, and collective farming and grazing were practiced, and living materials were evenly distributed by household.

Since then, Lisu, Nu, Dulong and other peoples have mixed together in the Nu River area.

And for the Ming Dynasty, they belonged only in name, but in fact they did not regard themselves as obedient citizens of Ming Dynasty.If Daming's policies didn't go his way, it was not uncommon for them to rebel and even enter the county town.

Lu Bing and other thousands of troops entered the Nujiang area, but no government came to inform Bimu... Of course, Lu Bing never thought that he would need to inform someone when he was walking in the territory of Ming Dynasty.

And Jin Yiwei is also used to being domineering. When they were born in the capital, most of them were domineering Jin Yiwei from wealthy families.I met the barbaric mountain people who were born in poor mountains and rivers, desperately migrated all the way here, and defeated the local tribes to gain dominance... Naturally, sparks will be touched.

And the sparks spread, and it became raging anger.


"My lord, several of our scouts were shot and wounded by them again. The brothers are very angry, and they are going to wipe out the old dens of those monkeys in the mountains!" Zhang Ju said to Lu Bing angrily.

Most of the injured scouts were members of the Jinyi Cavalry Army. As the chief officer of the Jinyi Cavalry Army, Zhang Ju was of course very angry.

What made him even more angry was that the injured people were all injured by arrows!
The Jinyi Cavalry Army trained by Zhang Ju has always been known for being good at shooting, but now they are shot by cold arrows before even seeing the enemy's shadow... It is a shame and a shame.

In the past few days, the search team has often been injured by sudden cold arrows. Up to today, this is the tenth time they have been attacked.

And who is the enemy... Although I didn't see anyone directly, everyone from Lu Bing to Jin Yiwei below knew that it must be the Lisu people who did it!

Just a few days after Lu Bing ordered to camp here, the search team encountered hunters hunting in the forest.

Jin Yiwei, who is used to being domineering, will naturally not be very polite, but what those Jin Yiwei didn't expect was that they were not polite, but people would not accept their tricks.

The hunters claimed to be from the Lisu tribe. They heard that they were Jinyiwei. Not only did they not flinch, but they came up aggressively and asked them why they appeared in the Lisu territory. They also said that Jinyiwei's excessive hunting these days had affected the hunting of the Lisu people.

Those Lisu hunters believed that the prey hunted by Jin Yiwei belonged to the Lisu people!

The Jin Yiwei are naturally angry, is it the king's land in the whole world, is it the king's ministers on the shore of the land!This Yunnan is the territory of Ming Dynasty!They Jinyiwei run rampant all over the world, how dare someone come up and say that what they are stepping on is their territory!They camped here, so naturally they couldn't just eat dry food. There was not enough food for thousands of people, so it was only natural to hunt prey to eat!These monkeys in the mountains dare to question them!It's really a poor country and a bad place to come out of trouble!

The guards in Jinyi unceremoniously charged those Lisu hunters with the crime of conspiracy to split the territory, and wanted to arrest them when they went up!
And these Lisu people also fought all the way to this place, and the Lisu people's territory here was won by fighting, so naturally they are not afraid of fighting at all!
In the eyes of these Lisu hunters, this is their hunting ground!Even people from the imperial court cannot easily set foot in it!Now that he stole the Lisu man's prey, he would die without repentance, so what kindness is there!
In fact, people on both sides are not polite, and they never thought of being polite at all...

(End of this chapter)

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