Brocade legend

Chapter 352

Chapter 352

Yang Sen followed Lu Bing into Mubi's house, Shitou looked inside the house, felt that the roof was not too high, so he didn't go in, but stood at the door with a big shield in his hand.

Seeing that the stone was so huge, Bimu couldn't help clicking his tongue.

Bimu served Lu Bing green tea, but Lu Bing didn't drink it, but said to Bimu first: "Go down and appease your clansmen first! My army will arrive soon, I hope your clansmen don't panic Next, do something drastic again."

"Yes..." Mubi hurriedly clasped his hands and said, "Then wait for a moment, the villain will come as soon as he goes!"

Mubi left in a hurry, Lu Bing looked around, and saw that the curtain of the inner room was shaking, and there was someone vaguely, probably Mubi's wife and family!
Lu Bing didn't take it seriously and just waited for Mubi to come back.


The village was waking up quickly, and Zhang Ju's army arrived just in time.

Because of Mubi's warning, the Lisu people hid in their houses. Although they held weapons, crossbows and crossbows in their hands, and looked angry, no one came out of the house.

Zhang Ju's men took control of the village inside and out.

In less than half an hour, Mubi returned in a hurry, and as soon as he entered the door, he confessed: "My lord, I really misunderstood! Those young people are ignorant, so they offended you, please forgive me!"

"Are more than a dozen people injured, is it just an offense?" Lu Bing smiled and asked, "Seeing that you are not an ignorant person, how come your subordinates are reckless?"

"This... grassroots discipline is not strict..."

Mu Bizheng was speaking, but Lu Bing interrupted him, and said solemnly: "Your prestige is second to none in this Yunnan, even if they are beaten by Jin Yiwei, I am afraid they will not dare to retaliate without authorization, and they will definitely attack you. Reported it? Even if they acted privately, but thousands of us came here, don’t you know? No one is watching? Why didn’t they stop immediately after discovering their behavior?… There seems to be no explanation for these problems, If you insist on an explanation, I am afraid there is only one explanation, and that are not as aware of the general situation as you are now..."

Lu Bing stood up, walked up to Mubi, and said, "Kuomubipa, am I right?"

Kuomu Bipa is the Lisu people's respectful name for Mubi, Mubi heard it at this time, but his back turned cold.

"I know who you are, but you don't know who I am." Lu Bing said with a smile, "I knew something about you before I left Beijing." Lu Bing still smiled and said, "For your I really admire your experience, so I didn't think about dealing with you when I came here. But since I met you, I don't mind talking to you by the way."

"Please enlighten me, my lord." Mubi straightened his waist, and said neither humble nor overbearing.

"Okay, then I'll teach you." The smile on Lu Bing's face faded a little, and Mu Bi saw it, and suddenly felt a little chilly.

"You moved here, you fought here and there, you have farmland, you have food, and you can survive. This is your ability, and the court can't cut off your way of life." Lu Bing said indifferently: "But, you have to hold on Keep in mind that the place you are stepping on is still my Da Ming's place! It is not yours if you occupy it! It is yours only if I Da Ming says it is yours, understand?"

"Then why does your lord ignore that Tibetan?" Mubi was a little unconvinced.

"Who made you unlucky?" Lu Bing said even colder, "I just want to provoke this official! You don't need me to take care of your nonsense matters. If you let me take care of it, you will embezzle the Nuzu and Huozu The matter of the Dragon Clan’s land can kill you more than a dozen times! That chieftain is not a good person, and neither are you!”

"I just want to keep the people alive!" Mubi argued.

"Your clansmen want to live, other people's clansmen also want to live, and they want to live better!" Lu Bing said bluntly and coldly: "You people only have your own nation in your eyes, but have you ever regarded yourself as a member of this Ming Dynasty? There are Japanese pirates in the south and Mongolia in the north, they are the enemies of my Ming Dynasty! You small clans, if you live in the land of my Ming Dynasty, you must abide by the rules of the Ming people! Be the master now? You don't pay the emperor's life because you feel that Da Ming didn't give you anything, so you feel justified, and you don't even look down on the officers and soldiers of the court. But have you ever thought that you are in my Ming Dynasty? What contribution did you make to Ming Dynasty! You are self-sufficient, and the court is benevolent, and does not want to force you, but you must also keep your duty to serve the people!"

Mubi's expression turned ugly, and he also turned cold, saying: "My lord, have you already said this? It seems that your people hit my people first this time!"

"You know everything!" Lu Bing narrowed his eyes and said, "You know they attacked officers and soldiers, right?"

Mubi remained silent.

"It seems that if I hadn't touched the door of your house, you wouldn't have compromised, would you?" Lu Bing sneered, "It are not very convinced!"

"Caomin...Caomin dare not..." What Mu Bi said did not match the expression on his face.

"Are you thinking, if we are in the mountains, we will be unable to do anything to you?" Lu Bing smiled: "Are you betting that I dare to slaughter your entire clan?"

Mubi suddenly felt as if he was on the battlefield, full of murderous aura, he couldn't help clenching his fists.

"Caomin don't dare, Caomin don't dare!" Mu Bi bowed and said repeatedly, a drop of cold sweat ran across his cheek...

Mu Bi had never encountered such a Ming army, let alone such a Ming official.

Mubi had heard of Jin Yiwei's prestige, but had never dealt with him, and Jin Yiwei's prestige had never been shown in front of him.

The Ming army and officials he had seen were really not enough to make a hero like him really afraid.

If this group of people hadn't controlled the whole village unknowingly, Mubi wouldn't have wronged himself so much.

But this adult's murderous aura is so arrogant...

I must think that this group of soldiers seems to be looking for something here... Could it be...

Mubi couldn't help feeling cold...

If this group of people really came to find that secret realm...then they would have an excuse to kill my entire clan!

Mubi naturally had dealings with the White Lotus Sect, so he guessed the purpose of this brocade guard.

If these Jinyiwei slaughtered their entire clan on the grounds of exterminating the White Lotus Sect... then what should they do!
"My lord!" Mubi gritted his teeth and bent his knees.

However, the soul of a hero prevented him from landing on both knees.

In the end, he knelt down on one knee, clasped his fists in pleading guilty, and said, "My lord, the grass people are foolish, and they didn't indoctrinate the tribe well. Their heads, come to appease your lord's anger!"

(End of this chapter)

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