Brocade legend

Chapter 353 Lisu Bow and Crossbow

Chapter 353 Lisu Bow and Crossbow
"If my lord just kills you like this, are you convinced?" Lu Bing suddenly asked with a smile.

"..." Mu Bi lowered his head and said, "Convince me!"

"I don't think you are convinced!" Lu Bing said, Mubi suddenly raised his head, and quickly lowered his head, but the anger that flashed in his eyes still fell into Lu Bing's eyes.

"I heard that your Lisu crossbow arrows are divided into two types, one is poisonous arrows and the other is not poisonous arrows." Lu Bing suddenly looked around and said, "Why don't you shoot my people with poisonous arrows? With non-poisoned arrows?"

"Jingtai Yunnan Books" once recorded: "The famous chestnut man often carries medicinal arrows, bows and crossbows to hunt animals."

Lisu people, those who have more strength, are especially good at crossbows. "Every time the woman is ordered to carry a small wooden shield and go forward, shoot it from behind, and hit the shield without hurting the woman." This is the record and description of the Lisu people's superb crossbow skills in ancient books. ?
In the high mountains and valleys where the Lisu people live, there are vast virgin forests all over the mountains and plains, and various birds and beasts haunt the forests.

In the long-term life practice, the industrious and brave Lisu people invented and created various production tools, and developed a whole set of skills and abilities to fight against ferocious birds and beasts, adapt to the environment, and transform nature.

Crossbows and poisonous arrows are the representatives.

Not to mention the bow, the Lisu crossbow is quite special, consisting of a crossbow body, crossbow plate, arrow groove, crossbow string, crossbow teeth and crossbow mechanism.

The crossbow boards are made of hard and elastic rock mulberry wood or green chestnut wood, and come in different sizes.The crossbow string is twisted from four strands of fine twine of appropriate thickness.Both crossbow teeth and crossbow bolts are made of bone.

When in use, pull the tough crossbow string to the crossbow teeth, put the arrow on the crossbow body, aim at the target and pull the crossbow trigger, and use the elasticity of the crossbow board and string to shoot the arrow.

The crossbow arrows are cut from bamboo blocks, and the tip of the head can be set with iron arrowheads.The tail is equipped with a triangular tail that is folded from bamboo skin and can increase flight stability.

Both crossbows and bows are divided into non-toxic ordinary arrows and poisonous arrows.

Ordinary arrows are generally used to shoot birds, squirrels, pheasants, hares and other small animals.To deal with fierce and strong tigers, bears, wild boars and other big animals, poison arrows must be used.

The poison used for the poisonous arrows is brewed from the rhizome of the wild plant Aconitella sativa, which is extremely poisonous.Apply it to the small groove at the tip of the arrow to make a poison arrow.

This kind of poisonous arrow is extremely poisonous. When the arrowhead is shot into the body, once it touches the blood, it will soon flow all over the body, poisoning the animal to death.

The crossbows and arrows of the Lisu people seem simple, but in fact, the determination of their shapes, the selection of materials, the installation of arrowheads, the shape of arrow tails and tail fins, etc., are all determined by the accumulated experience of ancestors.

The poisonous arrows of the Lisu people are not only their traditional hunting and production tools, but also very useful weapons, which played a huge role in the resistance struggle.

Lu Bing never fought uncertain battles, and he naturally wanted to learn more about the situation in Yunnan during his journey to Yunnan.

However, he really never thought about dealing with the Lisu people and other mountain people.Before coming, he just planned to make a quick decision and then return to Beijing immediately.

But since we have encountered it, we can only solve the immediate problem first.

Lu Bing didn't want him to be careful of the poisonous arrows behind his back when he was dealing with the White Lotus Sect... If he couldn't solve the problem of the Lisu people well... Lu Bing didn't mind getting rid of the Lisu people first.


It can be said that all the Lisu hunters are sharpshooters, and Mubi is the best among them.

When Mubi heard Lu Bing's question, he hesitated for a moment. He knew that if he answered this question, he would be acknowledging the attack in disguise, and that he was the main messenger.

However, feeling Lu Bing's increasingly cold gaze, Mubi finally gritted his teeth and said, "The grass people don't intend to fight against the court, it's just that the clansmen are being bullied, so there must be a way to deal with it... don't shoot at vital points, don't use poisonous arrows , it was the Caomin who ordered it to go down...Please believe me, the Caomin, and the Lisu people, absolutely have no intention of opposing the imperial court!"

"You have no right to confront." Lu Bing smiled contemptuously and said, "However, very good, I am satisfied with your answer. If you continue to conceal it, I will only think you are too cunning to stay."

Mubi broke into a cold sweat, and couldn't help secretly calling out luck.

Mu Bi hurriedly took advantage of the heat and continued: "My lord, Cao Min is willing to use Cao Min's life to atone for the crimes of the people!"

"Why do I want your life?" Lu Bing laughed.

Mubi was overjoyed, and quickly said: "Thank you, sir! Your magnanimity..."

"Wait." Lu Bing raised his hand to stop him, "Death is inevitable, but life is inevitable."

"My lord, please punish me!" As long as no one dies, Mubi is already very satisfied.

"Let's play a game." In order to convince Mubi and the Lisu people, Lu Bing did not end his power: "You are a famous archer, and I have a master archer under my command. You and mine If you win, I will let you and those sneak attackers go. If you lose... don't blame me for being cruel!"

Mubi's expression froze, and Lu Bing's murderous aura seemed vague, which made Mubi have no doubts about how miserable the result would be if he lost.

But in this situation, how can Mubi object...


It is already bright, and in the daytime, you can see the style and features of the Lisu villages more clearly.

In the vast dense forests and mountains, there are gourd-like Lisu villages hanging one after another. The vine-like mountain roads pass through pine forests and green hill forests, secretly connecting the ancient villages with the dam area.

Lu Bing couldn't help feeling that if it wasn't for sufficient manpower, it would be really difficult to control these villages.

Lu Bing said to Sun Quan and Huang Lian'er, "Be careful and don't make trouble."

The couple nodded at the same time, and Lu Bing turned to Zhang Ju, who was checking the bowstring and arrows, and said, "Are you ready?"

"Don't worry!" Zhang Ju was full of confidence, and said, "I will definitely vent my anger on my brothers!"

Lu Bing nodded in satisfaction, and said: "Not only must you win, but you must also win beautifully. Bows and crossbows are the housekeeping skills of the Lisu people. As long as you destroy their prestige on bows and crossbows, their arrogance will be defeated." Lose half of it! And Mubi is the hero of their Lisu people, and even the best marksman, if you defeat him, you will destroy the belief and self-confidence of the Lisu people."

"Understood!" Zhang Ju shook his bow and said loudly.

On the other side of the Lisu people, they heard that the honorable Kuomubipa was going to compete with the Han Chinese archers, so they left their homes one after another, and some even put on festive costumes.

The clothes of men and women are different. Men usually wear linen coats, linen long shirts or linen shorts, and knee-length black trousers.Wearing a black, white or blue Baotou, a knife on the left waist, and an arrow bag on the right waist.

Most of the women wear right skirts, pleated skirts, beaded hats "Ole" or various colored baotou strung with shellfish and coral beads.

(End of this chapter)

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