Brocade legend

Chapter 354 Ore

Chapter 354 Ore
"Ole" is an indispensable part of costumes. Young girls like to braid their braids with red threads decorated with small white shells, while women like to wear beaded hats "Ole".

"Ole" is woven with coral, material beads, seashells and small copper beads.The production method is to select more than a dozen white seashell pieces, drill them out of small holes, and thread them flat with a thread to form a white seashell ring that can cover the back of the head.

A small copper bead is tied under the upper part of the seashell shell piece, and then the small copper bead is crossed into a string.

In this way, a curtain-shaped, half-moon-shaped bead hat is formed, with the seashell string behind the head and the copper bead string in front of the forehead as the upper and lower sides, and the red and white coral and material bead string as the center. The ear temples on both sides are covered.

Lisu women wear "Ole", the seashells on the top of their heads are like silver moons hanging high above, and the beads below are like stars holding the moon.

The copper bead at the bottom is embedded in the forehead, shining golden, giving people a gorgeous and noble feeling.


At this moment, Mu Bi walked out of the room wearing a hunting suit that bound his wrists and ankles.He holds a simple longbow in his hand, a large crossbow on his back, and a small crossbow hanging from his waist.

Lisu houses are mostly two-story buildings with bamboo and wood structures, and there are also one-story wooden or plank houses.Mubi stood still at the railing, and those Lisu people who were looking at his house from a distance shouted together in unison, with great momentum.

They are cheering for their heroes, and they believe that their heroes, their leaders, will be able to win the inevitable victory again like many times before!
They just need to stand there and watch the Han people be defeated and watch the Han people make a fool of themselves!

They were angry and unwilling, because they thought they were attacked in their sleep. If it wasn't for the honorable Kumbipa, who brought them peace and land, Kumbipa had ordered them not to resist. They have already rushed out of the house to defeat these hateful invaders!
But it doesn't matter, the venerable Kuombipa will definitely avenge them!

Looking at the agitated Lisu people, Yang Sen scratched his head, and then said something beside Shitou's ear.

Shi Shi suddenly took a step forward, and hit the huge shield in his hand hard with the mixed iron rod in his hand.

Stone roared violently: "Kill!"

Jin Yiwei stationed in every corner of the village shouted at the same time: "Kill!"

Then, the Jinyi guards who stayed outside the village also shouted: Kill! "

"Kill!" "Kill!" "Kill!"

Thousands of Jinyiwei shouted loudly: "Kill, kill, kill!" It was deafening!Megatron Mountain Forest!The mountains are agitated!Roaring through the forest!

If it is about arrogance, which army in this world has Jin Yiwei's arrogance that is more arrogant and monstrous!
The voices of the Lisu people were suddenly disturbed by the shock, and then suppressed.

When the Lisu people heard the murderous bugle and felt the overwhelming arrogance, they couldn't help but feel cold all over, and dared not raise their voices again.

The army is mighty!

Mubi couldn't help but look dark.

Lu Bing on the side suddenly smiled and nodded to Mubi, gesturing to the bright "Ole" worn by the Lisu, and said, "Your hats are not bad."

Mu Bi naturally heard the implication of Lu Bing's words... The so-called powerful Lisu people, in front of Daming and Jin Yiwei, are just hats that look better...

But Mubi couldn't refute it, because at this moment, he truly believed that if Lu Bing wanted to slaughter the Lisu clan, it would not be difficult...

"Never lose!" Mu Bi secretly made up his mind.

It is his only chance to use his best bow and crossbow to win a chance for himself and Lisu.

However, Mubi couldn't give up trying to get a good end for Lisu.

Although I have made up my mind...but...if I try my best, after fighting to the death...I still lose?

Mubi suddenly opened his mouth and said to Lu Bing, "That hat is called "Ele" in the Lisu language. About "Ele", there is a beautiful and moving legend among our Lisu people..."

Mu Bi didn't wait for Lu Bing to speak, and didn't care whether Lu Bing wanted to hear it or not, he just kept talking on his own.

"In ancient times, there was a severe drought in one year, the river dried up, the crops withered, and hunger killed countless people.

A couple of young men and women of the Lisu nationality settled down in a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters under the guidance of God Misi.

The man went hunting in the mountains, and the woman took care of the housework, and the two gradually developed a love for each other.

Although the two worked hard, life was still very difficult.The crude animal skin clothes worn by young men can no longer cover their bodies and keep out the cold.

The girl saw it in her eyes and felt pain in her heart.So I decided to knit a set of comfortable and fitting clothes for the young man.

After going through many hardships, she finally found nettles. After that, she kept tearing, boiling, rinsing and twisting the hemp. After countless days and nights, she finally wove a long linen gown with horizontal stripes.

And the young man was very moved when he saw the girl he loved worked tirelessly for him.He found that when the girl was working, gusts of mountain wind hit her, and her blown hair blocked her view from time to time, causing tears to flow from her eyes.The young man thought to himself, could he make a hat to cover the girl's black hair?

On a night when the moon was high, he looked at the sky and imagined that it would be great if he could make a hat out of something as white and smooth as the moon, and dress the girl up like a green hill under the moon!
So, he traveled all over thousands of mountains and rivers, and finally found white seashells at the foot of Tanggula Mountain as he wished. He used the twine made by the girl to thread the ground seashell slices and white and red tree fruits into strings to make a A beautiful and generous "Ole".

On a harvest Mid-Autumn night, the young man took out "Ole" and put it on the girl's head under the moonlight.The girl took out her gown and put it on the young man.The two were deeply in love, and finally formed a lifelong partner, and they had children and grandchildren.

From then on, young Lisu men who are in love must make an "Ole" and give it to their beloved girl as a token of love.The girl also has to knit a long gown by herself and give it back to the person she likes.This custom has been passed down from generation to generation and has been passed down to this day. "

After listening to Mu Bi's story, Lu Bing smiled slightly, but did not make a sound.

Mu Bi had no choice but to continue: "My lord, we Lisu people are peace-loving! We, like the Han people, pursue beautiful things, such as love... We don't like to cause trouble, and we don't like to be aggressive... I hope you can see clearly. ...."

Lu Bing still just smiled and said nothing, he naturally understood Mubi's intention of telling this story at this time.

Mu Bi's intention is to hope that even if he fails in the end, Lu Bing can still leave a way for the Lisu people to survive.

(End of this chapter)

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