Brocade legend

Chapter 355

Chapter 355
Mubi hoped that Lu Bing would know that the Lisu people were not uncivilized foreigners and barbarians, and hoped that Lu Bing would have some sympathy for the Lisu people.

However, on Lu Bing's face, Mubi didn't see the expression he wanted to see, so he couldn't help but sighed and cheered up.

"So, I still have to rely on my most trusted partner to fight for that glimmer of life for myself and the Lisu people!" Mu Bi shook the wooden bow tightly in his hand and said inwardly.


Both Zhang Ju and Mu Bi were ready, and they stood facing each other.

Mu Bi saw that Zhang Ju only brought a bow and two quiver, after thinking about it, he wanted to put down the two crossbows on his body.

Bows and crossbows duel, of course the crossbow is more advantageous, let alone two crossbows.

Of course Mubi knew this, but Mubi didn't want to take advantage of it.Because he was worried that even if he won in the end, the face-saving Han people would refuse to fulfill their promises on the grounds of unfairness.

Zhang Ju and Lu Bing stopped him at the same time.

Lu Bing naturally saw what Mubi was thinking, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, we are all soldiers, and even more men, so we can keep our promises. What you did on the battlefield is what you are doing now, that's only fair." Lu Bing Glancing at Zhang Ju, he said, "Whoever sends him to the battlefield is only a bow, he can only consider himself unlucky."

Zhang Ju laughed, ignored Lu Bing's joke, and said to Mu Bi: "Your Excellency is right, what is customary on the battlefield, how to do it now, this is only fair."

Seeing Lu Bing and Zhang Ju's magnanimity, Mu Bi couldn't help feeling ashamed of his villainous heart.

In fact, Lu Bing and Zhang Ju made such a decision at the same time because they wanted to face the prosperous Mubi and defeat him openly.Only in this way can the confidence of the Lisu people be hit, and both the Lisu people and Mubi will be convinced!

In front of the Lisu people, Lu Bing smiled and said loudly to Zhang Ju and Mubi: "You are both fighters and sharpshooters. You decide how to compete! There is no rule in the competition. Whoever admits defeat, or who Killed, the game will end!"

Zhang Ju and Mu Bi looked at each other, Mu Bi raised his hand and said, "This lord is a guest from afar, and I have an advantage in weapons, so please decide how to compare!"

Zhang Ju gave way: "The guest is up to the master, and the village master decides!"

Mubi is determined not to accept it, and doesn't want to take advantage of it any more.

Seeing that Zhang Ju really couldn't shirk it, he was a little worried.

This is a test...not too easy...

Zhang Ju was scratching his head when he suddenly thought of the most difficult and dangerous match of arrows in his life.

At the beginning, the match between him and Mongol Jebe was determined in three rounds.Today, he faced a powerful sharpshooter again...then there will be three more rounds!Have a hand addiction!
Zhang Ju laughed and said: "How about this? Let's compete in three rounds. In the first two rounds, each of us will choose a match method. As for the last round... Your Excellency also said just now that there are no rules in the game. Whoever admits defeat, or one person is defeated. Kill, win or lose!" Zhang Ju raised his finger and pointed to the Lisu village half hidden and half exposed in the mountains, and said: "We will treat it as a ring, and we will go in together, or we will be convinced, or we will come out alone!"

Mu Bi followed Zhang Ju's hand to look over, and saw that among the villages connected together like calabash and vines, there was a small village, which looked like a small village looking down from a height.

"Okay! Just follow what your lord said!" Mu Bilang said loudly: "Then please set the first match, my lord, what shall we compare!"

Zhang Ju thought for a while and said, "Since it's archery, in the first round, let's compete for accuracy!"

"Okay!" Mubi responded immediately, "I'll come first!"

He didn't need to be the first to shoot, he wanted to show off his skills directly, so he shook his head and boosted his morale!

Mubi took out a wooden arrow and put it on the bow. The iron arrowhead was black, and the rough hand-polished arrowhead was like two silver threads, converging at the arrowhead, shining like a silver star, which showed the sharpness of the Lisu people's hunting tools.

Mubi raised his bow and arrow, thought for a while, and then aimed the arrow at the Lisu people who were gathered together, waiting to see the great leader show off his power!
The Lisu people, who had been whispering to each other, fell silent instantly.

Mubi slowly pulled the bow away!

The Lisu people gathered together, although they were noisy, never took their eyes off Mubi, so they immediately noticed that Mubi's arrow was pointing at them!

Before the stunned Lisu people could react, Mubi had already let go of his fingers!

The arrows flew towards the Lisu crowd!

Only a "ding" sound was heard, and the arrow smashed a piece of white shell on a Lisu girl Ele, and then nailed it into a tree not far away!

The Lisu girl, before she could react, subconsciously touched Ole on her head with her hand, and only touched a piece of shell!
The Lisu people fell silent for a while, and then burst into enthusiastic cheers!

The Lisu girl also came back to her senses, and tears flowed down her crooked mouth.

She cried and laughed and huddled with the sisters around her, cheering for the great and respected Kuomu Bipa's superb archery skills!
Mubi's arrow not only showed his archery skills beyond the hundred-step piercing, but also revealed his absolute self-confidence and strong psychological quality.

At this time, someone ran to look at the arrow carefully, and suddenly exclaimed!

It turned out that the arrow not only nailed to the tree, but also nailed a falling leaf to the tree!

Mubi really deserves to be the number one sharpshooter of the Lisu people!
Mu Bi put away his bow, smiled at Zhang Ju and said, "My lord, it's your turn."

Zhang Ju narrowed his eyes, looked at Mubi's arrow nailed to the tree, then looked at Mubi again, and smiled.

Zhang Ju suddenly shouted to the general banner of a Jinyi cavalry standing in the distance: "Yu Si! Throw some money!"

"Throw some money" is a code word in the Jinyi Cavalry Army, which represents a training program of the Jinyi Cavalry Army, and it is also one of Zhang Ju's most demonstrated archery skills!

Hearing Zhang Ju's call, the general banner named Yu Si took out a copper coin from his waist without hesitation, and threw it upwards forcefully.

Zhang Ju draws the arrow and sets the bow, lightly stretches the ape's arms, the bow is full like the moon, and shoots out with one arrow!
The arrow was as fast as lightning, passing by the copper coin!

Just when the Lisu people thought that Zhang Ju missed the shot and were about to cheer loudly, Mubi looked serious,
And none of the Jinyi cavalry sighed.

Because, they all knew that the performance of their chief officer and instructor, Mr. Zhang, had just begun.

The falling copper coin was brushed by Zhang Ju's arrow and thrown high again.

Zhang Ju didn't stop, he shot one arrow after another, the copper coin seemed to be manipulated by Zhang Ju, and danced on the sharp arrow.

Zhang Ju's judgment was extremely accurate, using the tip of the arrow, the edge of the sword, the shaft of the arrow, and even... the feathers of the arrow, and flew past the copper coin.

(End of this chapter)

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