Brocade legend

Chapter 357 The Position

Chapter 357 The Position
Mubi turned his head dumbly, and saw Zhang Ju smiling at him.

That is a hard bow of eight stones!Such a hard bow can actually be faster than his own crossbow!How strong is he, he can draw an eight-stone hard bow so quickly and shoot an arrow!And in such a fast, and in such a short time, pulled away twelve times!
At this time, the voices of the people talking about it finally penetrated into Mubi's ears.

"You can shoot four arrows at once!"

"Yes! And it's so accurate! It's all shot!"

"How did you do it! Is this a dream!"

"Such a hard bow, fired three times so quickly, is powerful enough!"

"I've never seen archery like this before! This is a magical skill!"

"It's so powerful!"

"It's so good!"

"Shooting four arrows at the same time!"



"Four arrows... shoot together...!" Mubi couldn't believe his ears.

That's right, Zhang Ju once again demonstrated his strongest archery skill, and it is also the strongest archery skill in the world - Four Seasons!
It may be possible to shoot a volley of arrows, but there is only one person in this world who can guarantee the accuracy of the head by shooting a volley of arrows, Jin Yiwei Thirteen Taibao, Sai Zhebie!
Two volleys are called Bingdi, three volleys are called Kaitai, and four volleys are called Four Seasons.

This is the legendary strongest archery skill!

Zhang Ju just now used four arrows to shoot, three arrows to draw, three times to draw the bow, three times to draw the bow, and three times to shoot the bow!He shot down ten of his own targets, and at the same time shot down two of Mubi's targets.

"This game..." Mubi bit his teeth, and said in a deep voice, "I lost again...!"

Zhang Ju put away his bow and said with a smile, "Two wins in three rounds... the third round, is it even better?"

Regardless of whether Mu Bi compares or not, it is in line with Zhang Ju's wishes.

If there is no comparison, then it is admitting defeat, not only losing the game, but also losing one's own courage and confidence.

Mubi lost courage and confidence, and the Lisu also lost the courage and confidence to resist.

If it is Mubi, it will be better than...

"Even so, but... the third round, I still want to compete!" Mu Bi raised his head and said firmly.

Zhang Ju smiled, very happily...

If Mubi dares to fight... Zhang Ju can take the last step on Mubi's last hope!
"This a matter of life and death..." Zhang Ju said slowly.

"Even if I die... I want to finish this match!" Mubi looked at the ashesed Lisu people around him, and his heart was also ashamed.

He can't just give up, he can think of anything Zhang Ju can think of!

He knew better than Zhang Ju his status and height in the hearts of the Lisu people.

Back then, he overcame all difficulties, traveled long distances and led the first group of people to the bank of the Nu River.He clearly knew that the reason why these defeated soldiers who looked like bereaved dogs were able to persist in coming here, to establish a territory here, to gain a foothold here was because he kept giving them confidence, allowing them to see the illusion of strength, Only today can we develop, and we will be truly powerful in the Nu River Basin today.

The reason why he was so tough on any tribe, even the Yamen of the Ming Dynasty, was to strengthen the confidence of these Lisu people who were forced to leave their homes and came to the remote mountains and remote areas of the Nu River.

This is also the reason why Lu Bing agreed to take revenge when he came here and beat his clansmen.

However, he did not expect that this group of Ming soldiers were really serious, knocked on his home so easily, knocked on his door, and drove him to such a desperate situation.

He can't lose confidence, and he can't let his people lose confidence.

Without confidence, there is no hope, and without hope, you can no longer be strong!
Mubi looked at the small village, at the courtyard wall of the house hidden behind the big tree...there was a place he was familiar with, and it was the battlefield he was good at!

Lisu people walk through the mountains and forests, lurking behind their prey, this is their natural stunt!

As long as you enter there, you will feel like a duck to water!

There is hope of turning defeat into victory!
Hmph, the previous agreement was not to win two out of three rounds, but to divide life and death!

Just kill you!I won!
Mubi was already on the verge of madness, and he didn't think about it now, if he really killed the archer, would that Lord Lu destroy his entire clan.

There is only one belief left in Mubi's mind, kill him and you will win!
You can win back the confidence and courage of the Lisu people... There is still hope!
At this time, he didn't think about the original intention of his competition at all, which was for the lives of himself and those Lisu hunters.Because in his heart, compared with the future of the whole clan, the lives of himself and those clansmen are really nothing!
That mountain forest and village are his last hope to turn defeat into victory!
Mu Biqiang smiled and said: "Isn't it... that it is easy to decide the victory or defeat with life and death? I haven't died yet, so there is no winner."

Zhang Ju's expression turned cold, and he said, "In that case, let's continue!"

Zhang Ju put on his bow and two quiver, and walked to the forest and village first.

Mubi carefully held on to the bow and the two crossbows, and then he brought three different kinds of arrows and fixed them on his body, and then followed Zhang Ju to the forest...


Just as Zhang Ju and Mu Biyi walked into the forest, Zhu Liu finally arrived in the capital.

Just as Lu Bing, Jin Yiwei and the Lisu people were watching Zhang Ju and Mubi shuttle back and forth in the mountains and villages at this time, as soon as Zhu Liu entered the capital, countless people in the palace and the government and the public were also watching. He and Jin Yiwei.

What's different is that Jin Yiwei, who doesn't know the situation, is also looking forward to Zhu Liu's return.Yang Lin, Xue Yang, Zhou Bin, and Liu Biao were all waiting for Zhu Liu, hoping to learn more about Jiangnan's affairs as soon as possible, and at the same time discuss the follow-up actions with him.

Zhu Liu's return to Beijing made Yang Lin and the others breathe a sigh of relief.

Zhu Liu, who had other thoughts in his heart, did not go to see Yang Lin and the others immediately, but first connected with Zhang Mo who quietly returned to Beijing with him.

While Lu Bing was busy trying to eradicate the foundation of the White Lotus Sect, Zhu Liu and Zhang Mo also began to dig his roots intensively.

There is also a winner between them.

The outcome between them is not decided by one person's life.

The outcome between them will cause thousands of people to lose their lives and prospects.

It is obvious that at this moment, whoever digs out the roots first determines whether Lu Bing can break free from the unfavorable situation and get a chance to turn things around.

Yes, it is not good for Lu Bing now, because he is even more ignorant.

The sharpest knife that belonged to him now seems to no longer belong to him, and has even been held by the most dangerous enemy, sneaking into his deadliest interior.

The longer he delays, the more he will fail, until he is exhausted even if he returns to Beijing, and he will never recover.

(End of this chapter)

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