Brocade legend

Chapter 358

Chapter 358
Lu Bing knew nothing about what was happening in the capital and what was about to happen. He was solving the immediate problems one by one.

The most important thing is the life-and-death duel that is happening not far away.

Zhang Ju and Mu Bi had been deadlocked in the forest for nearly half an hour, which was beyond Lu Bing's expectation.

Lu Bing has slowly figured out the way. Zhang Ju, a prairie man, is too unfamiliar with the hidden skills in the mountains and forests.He was even more unable to adapt to how to use arrows in the mountains and forests.

There are mountains, rocks, trees, house walls and other obstacles everywhere, which will affect his hearing and sight, making him unable to confirm the target and judge the angle in time to shoot the arrow.

Lu Bing saw Mubi lurking beside Zhang Ju a few times, or Zhang Ju walked past Mubi who was hiding in a tree, but Zhang Ju didn't know anything about it.

If Zhang Ju's archery skills were not more superb, and his sense of danger cultivated on the battlefield was more precise, he would have been injured by Mubi's arrow long ago.

And Mubi didn't dare to take the risk of showing his head, even if he did, Zhang Ju would have felt it before he ejaculated.After the last two games, Mubike didn't dare to take the risk of shooting against Zhang Ju.

Zhang Ju couldn't find Mubi, and Mubi couldn't help Zhang Ju, so the two fell into a stalemate.

The Lisu man was very anxious, but Sun Quan was even more anxious. He scratched his head and scratched his head in great annoyance.

That's right, a master like Sun Quan who is very good at tracking and lurking, if he is in the forest, it will be his turn to crucify Mubi.

If it is said that Mu must be like a fish in water in the mountains and forests, then Sun Quan is like a dragon entering the sea.

Unfortunately, Zhang Ju is not Sun Quan, so the stalemate continues.


At this time, Zhang Ju was relieved from the anxious mood just now.

When he first joined the forest, he was very confident in his archery skills, and felt that it was easy to catch.

But unexpectedly, as soon as Na Mubi entered the forest, it seemed that he had an invisibility technique.

Zhang Ju couldn't find Mubi, and was attacked several times by Mubi.Mubi mastered the technique of using crossbows in the mountains and forests. His crossbows are fast and sharp, and his bows are light and nimble.

Although these sneak attacks were barely resolved by Zhang Ju's keen sense and reaction, they still made Zhang Ju anxious.

But slowly, Zhang Ju calmed down.

It occurred to him that this was a great opportunity to learn.

He didn't expect that in this complicated environment, his archery skills were actually restricted by three levels!
He began to carefully appreciate the feeling of being in the mountains and forests, thinking about how to use his archery skills in such an environment.

He carefully observes the environment and judges the angle.

This is the real reason why the duel was delayed for an hour.

At this time, Zhang Ju was confident that if Mu Bi showed up again to sneak attack, he would definitely win with one arrow!
But Mubi seemed to have sensed the purpose of Zhang Ju's behavior, and seemed to sense Zhang Ju's imminent murderous intent.

Mu Bi hid himself to death, and he gradually realized that he seemed to have missed the best chance to decide the outcome.

For an archery master like Zhang Ju, it will be a matter of time before he adapts to the environment.

Mubi realized that the longer the delay, the worse it would be, but he still didn't dare to make a move. He felt that Zhang Ju was exuding a kind of aura, waiting for him to show up at any time, and then locked him!
Time kept passing.

Zhang Ju simply stood still.

This mountain forest is actually so quiet.

Zhang Ju actually closed his eyes slowly, but it's a pity that Mubi couldn't see this from his angle.

Zhang Ju is concentrating and pushing his sense of hearing continuously.

The sound of grass blades rubbing against each other, the sound of wind flowing around, insects singing in the grass, trees creaking, birds vying, small animals crossing the trees, and some burrowing into the bushes...

Pushing further out, it is the flow of water, the sliding of rocks, the roar of tigers and the cry of monkeys...

He judged with one voice, from near to far, and from bottom to top, repeatedly.

Zhang Ju moved suddenly. He was twisting his body and staggering his steps with almost imperceptible slight movements.


A drop of cold sweat ran across Mubi's cheek.

He noticed Zhang Ju's actions.

He felt his heart beating faster, he felt his breathing getting heavier.

He felt... Zhang Ju found him!
He is an old hunter who roams the mountains and forests. He knows that when hunters hunt, those methods of concealing their whereabouts will succeed, and after learning the lessons of failure, they will become more perfect, and then have new success... But, it cannot be denied And it cannot be avoided that there will always be failures.

Sophisticated, shrewd and cunning animals, will detect abnormalities.

Anomalies may be detected for a number of reasons.

For example, the direction of the wind changed, and it turned a corner, blowing away the scent of the hunter who was deliberately lurking downwind.

Another example……

Another example is at this time, Mubi found a loophole in his perfect concealment.

That is, around him, many voices are missing.

Animal sounds, in this space near him, are the least.

The least amount of insect chirping, the least bird chirping, and the least noise made by animals!
Even the naturally flowing wind, here, seems to have something abnormal...

Mubi saw that Zhang Ju was about to turn in his direction, he had already seen Zhang Ju's eyes closed, and Zhang Ju's half-opened bow and arrow facing the ground obliquely.

He knew that this was his one chance and his last chance.

Zhang Ju was closing his eyes, but it took time to open them, aim, and draw the bow.

If Mubi can shoot his own arrow first, he will have the upper hand. For a sharpshooter, grasping the upper hand means shooting the arrow first, which means... victory!
Mubi in the grass slowly stretched out his hand, slowly spread his fingers, gently pinched a small piece of dead branch, and then carefully handed it out to the side.He floated lightly, almost without using any force, and without making the slightest noise, he threw the small piece of dead branch away by a foot.

Zhang Ju opened his eyes, opened his bow, and shot the arrow almost at the moment when the dead branch fell to the ground!
And Mubi, who was lying in the grass, pulled the trigger with one hand and one crossbow before the dead branch fell to the ground!
An arrow cut off the dead branch, shattered it, nailed it to the top, and its tail feathers quivered.

Two black lights shot at Zhang Ju, one left and one right, sealing off all Zhang Ju's dodging space.

No matter whether it is up or down, whether it is left or right, whether it is sideways or sliding, it is impossible to completely avoid it!

The distance between the two black lights is neither far nor near, neither too much nor too little, it's really just right!
What's more, Zhang Ju didn't have time to dodge at all, he could only watch as the arrows aimed one at the left chest and the other at the right chest, and shot them accurately.


The wind blows the remaining leaves, and they fall leisurely.

It seems that at this moment, the birds, beasts and insects in the forest are silent in tacit understanding...

Life has the same awe for life and death.

(End of this chapter)

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