Brocade legend

Chapter 359

Chapter 359
Zhang raised his hands dripping with blood...

As for Mubi, his eyes were staring straight ahead, unable to move slightly.

An arrow, sticking to Mubi's cheek, was nailed to the ground trembling slightly.

A trace of blood flowed down from Mubi's cheek, if it was a little bit off, it would have shot through his head.

"Holding the bow horizontally!" Mu Bi finally came to his senses, and he didn't bother to wipe off the blood on his cheek, exclaiming in surprise: "You can really hold the bow horizontally!"

Zhang Ju smiled wryly, a crossbow bolt was nailed to his left forearm and passed through.

He covered the wound with his other hand, but the blood continued to flow down his left hand, dripping on the ground.

Mubi is also smiling wryly, or rather grimly...

"I... lost...." Mubi dropped the crossbow in his hand, and said bitterly, "Thank lord for not killing me."

"This round... should be considered a draw." Zhang Ju said with a wry smile.


Just at that moment, Zhang Ju, who had his eyes closed, heard the noise, opened his eyes and was about to shoot, but found that the place he was aiming at was empty.

He immediately realized that something was wrong, and at the same time, he also found that two crossbows in Mubi's hands had been raised a foot away from where he was aiming.

It was too late for Zhang Ju to dodge at this time, he remembered that he was practicing hard to hold the bow horizontally, gritted his teeth, and in that only time, he laid the bow held obliquely flat.

And his habit of holding two arrows in one hand helped him a lot.

Ordinary archers, because they don't know how to shoot a volley, draw only one arrow at a time for the stability of their hands.

And Zhang Ju, because he practiced salvo shooting, has mastered the technique of holding several arrows at the same time.Therefore, he habitually draws two arrows at a time and holds them in his hand at the same time.In this way, whether it is continuous shooting or volley shooting, it can save some time for drawing arrows.

There are two arrows in the hand, so when shooting arrows in this way, if you shoot consecutively, after shooting one, you can replace it with the other if you make a wrong finger.

As for the volley, the juxtaposition of two archery shots at the same time is also mastered by Zhang Ju, the most accurate and most varied volley method.

Just now, at that time, it was only enough for him to put the bow horizontally, then slightly adjusted the position of the two arrows, and shot them out at the same time.

One of them shot off the fallen dead branch, while the other stuck to Mubi's face and nailed it to the ground.

However, Mubi's two crossbow arrows both hit the flat bow arm, and one was bounced off Zhang Ju's shoulder, while the other pierced Zhang Ju's right forearm.

Therefore, Zhang Ju said it was a tie.

Because Zhang Ju didn't die, strictly speaking, it was luck.

The method of holding the bow horizontally is to place the bow horizontally on the left arm and draw the string with the right hand.

Shooting arrows in this way will not only prevent the bow from being fully opened, but will also affect the accuracy and strength of the bow.

Zhang Ju is a lunatic who studies archery, that's why he practiced this. Just now, if Mubi was farther away from him, Zhang Ju would hold the bow horizontally, and the shooting range would not be enough.If Mubi hadn't counted so well, just facing Zhang Ju's chest, even the bow arm that was only four fingers wide would not be able to block the crossbow arrows.

Of course, without Zhang Ju's superb archery skills, luck would be out of the question.

First of all, not everyone knows how to hold a bow horizontally, and no one has the accuracy of Zhang Ju. He can shoot two bows at the same time, one can shoot a dead branch, and the other can just cut Mubi's cheek.

After all, Zhang Ju didn't want to shoot Mubi. He knew that Lu Bing just wanted to subdue Mubi and use the Lisu people to find the home of the White Lotus Sect.

But in fact, Zhang Ju knew that he had an arrow, but he missed it.

Zhang Ju actually didn't want to cut Mubi's face, but because the time was too short to adjust the arrow, he missed it a little.

Of course, Zhang Ju will not tell Mubi.He found that with such a result, the deterrent effect seems to be better!

Mu Bi naturally didn't know what was going on in Zhang Ju's mind. He thought that Zhang Ju didn't kill him in such an emergency, but just scratched his face to give himself some warning.

If I don't know how to flatter me anymore, I will really be toasting and not eating fine wine.

Mu Bi hurried forward to help Zhang Ju bandage, while asking for tips on how to hold and draw the bow horizontally.

In fact, shooting a volley of arrows is not all at the same time. Sometimes the sequence of shots is controlled with fingers to ensure the accuracy of the head. This is the reason why Zhang Ju can maintain the accuracy of the head when he is able to shoot a volley.

And in different situations, the way to open the bow is also different.Archery is not always held vertically, there will be different inclinations for the angle.

It's just that no one can have such an accurate head after it is completely flat.

When the two exchanged archery skills, they felt a little sympathetic to each other.

When Mubi and Zhang Ju walked out of the forest, Mubi admitted his failure frankly.

When Mubi explained the process of the final battle in detail, the Lisu people fully understood Mubi.

Lisu people are good hunters and they know how to shoot arrows. Under such circumstances, none of them can do better than Mubi.More importantly, they admire the strong, especially those with outstanding archery skills.

Mubi walked up to Lu Bing calmly, knelt down on his knees, and said on the ground: "My lord, I am defeated, I am convinced, I am willing to exchange my life for your forgiveness, but... I hope my lord can let go of that A few hunters... they are just following my orders, not the mastermind!"

Lu Bing smiled, but Zhang Ju on the side had cut off the shaft of the arrow and pulled out the crossbow.The arrow pierced through the flesh without hurting the muscles and bones. After the bleeding was stopped and bandaged, there was no serious problem.

When the Lisu people saw the headman kneeling on the ground, they were a little disturbed.

After glancing around, Lu Bing said to Mu Bi: "You are convinced, but I see that your clansmen are still not convinced."

Mubi raised his head, but Lu Bing did not give him a chance to speak, but said loudly to the Lisu people: "You are not convinced, and want to save your leader, I will give you a chance. I heard that you Lisu people have countless You can use the stunts you are good at to challenge, as long as you win any round, I will spare you Kuaimu Bibao!"

The Lisu people looked at each other in blank dismay, and in the end they could only believe what Lu Bing said was true.

Several warriors stepped forward under the nomination of their clansmen.

The traditional activities of the Lisu people mostly originate from production and life. They are rich in content and diverse in form, integrating entertainment and fitness.For example, there are top bars, swings, climbing knife poles, wrestling, chopping bamboo poles, zipline races, and holding stones.These seemingly game-like activities laid the foundation for the Lisu people to climb and roll in the mountains and forests, and also strengthened their bodies.It is a skill that is difficult for ordinary people who have never been in contact with it.

The first warrior is tall and thick, and what he wants to challenge is the top bar.

Top bar is a very simple, convenient and fun game.No special venue and equipment are needed, just a wooden bar and a small flat ground.Use a piece of wood about ten feet long with a thick bowl mouth as the top pole, and then draw a round frame on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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