Brocade legend

Chapter 360

Chapter 360
During the competition, the contestants hold one end of the wooden bar and put it on the top of the navel.The feet are in a lunge, the front foot stands firmly to maintain the body balance, the rear foot pushes forward, leans forward, pushes the opponent out of the circle drawn on the ground, and wins.

Although this activity is simple, if you want to win, you must have both strength, experience and skills. Only when the two aspects are skillfully combined can you be sure of success.For example, when the two sides are at a stalemate, the method of suddenly swinging the body and the wooden bar can be adopted to cause the opponent's center of gravity to lose balance, and then take the opportunity to forcefully push the opponent out of bounds.Or use the crowbar method, the front hand lifts the top bar slightly upwards, and the rear hand presses down, which can achieve the miraculous effect of pulling a thousand catties four or two times.

In such a game, Stone naturally does his part.

Shi Shi took off his hood and jacket, revealing rock-like muscles, and stood at one end of the wooden pole. The Lisu man looked at Shi Shi's tall body with some fear.

Shi Shi smiled honestly and said, "You can ask a few more people to come together."

The big man looked up at the stone, hesitated for a while, and called two partners who were usually good at the top bar, and they supported the other end of the bar together.

The three strong men of the Lisu ethnic group exerted all their strength on the other side of the pole, their faces blushed and their necks were thick, but Shitou still smiled and remained motionless.

A Lisu couldn't stand it anymore, so three people came up to help.But they swarmed into a ball at the other end of the pole, still unable to push the stone half a step.

The stone is like a rock mountain rooted in the ground, no matter how hard the Lisu people try, it is difficult to push it.

A few more Lisu men rushed up, Shi Shi sank to his dantian and remained motionless.

More Lisu people couldn't help but rushed over, one on top of the other, two or thirty people rushed up!
At this time, Shi Shi felt a little pressure. He restrained his smile, supported the wooden bar with both hands, squatted down slightly, then let out a loud shout, and rushed forward with all his strength, just like chopsticks piercing through paper, pushing those Lisu people away. At a loss...

Swinging is the most popular activity of the Lisu people with the most participants.The swings of the Lisu people are divided into three types: "Dangqiu", "Cheqiu" and "Moqiu". "Swinging in Autumn" uses rope or rattan as a swinging rope, which can be hung on the horizontal branches of tall trees or on a special swing frame.There are two types of swings, single and double.The competition method is to bite off the specified leaves or swing the highest as the winner.

"Cheqiu" got its name because it looks like a spinning wheel. The "car" is formed by crossing two rectangular wooden frames.The intersection crosses an axis and can be rotated on a horizontal frame stake.A hanging stool is tied to each of the four frames parallel to the axis.A group of four, sit on four hanging stools, rotate with the "car" around the axis, and when it turns to the side of the ground, push the ground hard to make the "car" rotate continuously, so that those who make more circles within the specified time for victory.

"Moqiu" is composed of a column and a horizontal bar.The column is about half a foot high, and a small grinding shaft is cut out of the top.The crossbar is about two feet long, with a small hole punched in the middle, and it is set on the grinding shaft at the top of the column, so that it can rotate.When it turns, the two ends swing up and down like a swing, and run around like a grinding mill, so it is named.When in use, the number of people on both sides of the crossbar is equal, and at the same time, they hold the crossbar and lie on it.When the foot is on the ground, the Moqiu will fly and spin, and the two ends will alternately go up and down, which is thrilling and interesting.It can not only exercise the body, but also cultivate people's brave spirit.

Sun Quan volunteered, he stepped on the rope of "swinging autumn", like a butterfly on the vine, wandering freely with the rope.

Yang Sen couldn't help it, and went up to play a few difficult tricks.The Lisu people looked ashen and gave up the competition directly.

And "Che Qiu" and "Mo Qiu" were taken over by the masters of "Trust in the Word" and "Needle in the Tail".

They are all masters taught by Huang Duxian, who is unparalleled in the world. Their guts and skills are undisputed. They are equal to the Lisu people who practiced since childhood. Inextricably linked.

In the end, it was the masters of "Trust in the Word" and "Needle on the Tail" who were more skilled and won the victory with a slight advantage.

In the "climbing knife pole" competition, a little girl from the Lisu nationality stood up, and the knife pole was also called "Shang Dao Shan". She tied 32 sharpened long knives horizontally to two four-foot-high The thick chestnut pole or bamboo pole forms a ladder shape.

With her bare feet, the little girl climbed up the bamboo pole full of blades, stepping on the blades.

And Jin Yiwei's female general Huang Lian'er was not to be outdone, she stepped on the blade with bare feet and "swiped" and ran up without any support, and then did a backflip, and fell straight down, just as everyone gasped , Shi Shi had already caught Huang Lian'er with a silly smile, but it just made the Lisu people sweat in vain.

After going up the Knife Mountain, it is time to "go into the sea of ​​fire". Use chestnut firewood to burn a large pile of coals, and five people jump in and out around the coals with bare feet, and then roll on the coals called "fire rolling"; hold the coals and wash your face It is called "washing the fire face"; finally, the iron chain that has been scalded in the coals is passed around in the hand, which is called "pull the fire chain".

Jin Yiwei had never seen this before. In the end, Shi Shi bravely rushed up to do it again. When he came back, there were two more blisters on his smirking face...

Then during the wrestling match, the Lisu people saw the stone standing there, and avoided it one after another...

In the competition of personal force, the Lisu people are generally inferior to the well-trained Jinyiwei, but they are not to be outdone. The Lisu people bypass the stone and twist into a ball with other Jinyiwei.

Then there is chopping bamboo poles, zip line race...

Comparing items one by one, the competition gradually turned into a festival-like get-together.

The royal guards and the Lisu people gradually merged together.

At this time, everyone seemed to have forgotten the original intention of the competition, and naturally no one brought it up boringly.

Mubi obviously saw what Lu Bing meant, and he didn't actually want to do anything to the Lisu people, but just used this method to let the two sides understand each other and let go of their guard and hatred.

Mu Bi couldn't help feeling grateful and respecting this lord even more.

Under Mubi's instructions, the Lisu people offered food and rice wine, and even started a celebration.

The staple food of the Lisu people is buckwheat and so on.Like drinking tea, drinking alcohol, and eating meat.They took out wild game and self-brewed rice wine from home, and dedicated them to the tempered Jin Yiwei.

Most of the Lisu people live on the mountains on both sides of the Nujiang River, and their food can only be grown on the steep slopes.There is no flat dam, so there are very few paddy fields, and terraced fields can be opened to grow rice only in the slightly flat areas on both sides of the Nu River.Mountainous areas are only suitable for planting bracts, buckwheat and a small amount of barnyard barnyardgrass.Because of this geographical condition, the yield of wheat is extremely low, and the cost is also high. Most families seldom eat rice.Even people with richer family life can only eat a little during festivals or when entertaining guests.

(End of this chapter)

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