Brocade legend

Chapter 361

Chapter 361
At this time, it was already past noon, and the enthusiastic and honest Lisu people spontaneously took out food and invited the Jinyi guards to eat.

The royal guards didn't dare to accept it without authorization, so they came to ask Lu Bing, only to find that Lu Bing and other chief officials had already eaten...

The Lisu people are accustomed to the cooking method of cooking in one pot. First, put the rice into the pot to boil, and change the water twice in the middle. When the rice is almost cooked, add green vegetables and cabbage until the vegetables are rotten.I seldom cook alone. After the porridge is cooked, the whole family eats around the firepit.Most of the grain used for cooking porridge is buckwheat.

Because rice is less planted, rice porridge is only used for festivals or when receiving guests.

Taro is a kind of food that the Lisu people prefer to eat, and it can also be used as grain. Therefore, every household grows taro, and most of them eat taro on weekdays.

Now that Lu Bing has eaten rice, it shows that the Lisu people have begun to regard him as a guest.

At this time, Mubi naturally hoped that Lu Bing would be a guest, not an enemy.He took out all the good things and entertained Lu Bing and others.

The sources of meat for the Lisu people are mainly a small amount of pigs, cattle, sheep, and chickens, and most of the time they are hunting muntjacs, rock sheep, mountain donkeys, bison, hares, pheasants, and fish in the river. Most of the meat is eaten in different ways. Sprinkle the meat with salt, put it in the fire pit and grill it before eating.

Barbecue meat is the traditional eating method of the Lisu people.Whether it is pork, beef, chicken, or fish, it can be cooked.This way of eating is delicious and crispy.But the Lisu people do not eat buffalo, dog, cat and horse meat.

Common vegetables include green vegetables, cabbage, radishes, taro and various melons and potatoes, supplemented by oranges, peaches, pears, and other fruits.Because lacquer oil is abundant in the local area, all dishes are cooked with lacquer oil.Such as fried chicken with lacquer oil, stewed chicken with lacquer oil, boiled sweet wine eggs with lacquer oil, etc.

Every Lisu family keeps bees, ranging from four to five groups to more than a dozen groups. Lu Bing has a small bowl of honey on hand to serve with barbecue.

At Lu Bing's hand, there is also a kind of hemp seed tea that the Lisu people like to drink very much.

When making hempseed tea, put the hempseeds in a pot and roast them yellow over a low heat, then mash them and put them in boiling water to boil, then take out the dregs, put the soup in the pot and add salt or sugar to boil and then drink.

Hemp seed tea is pure and white, and drinking too much can be as intoxicating as drinking alcohol.

At this time, in the stockade, the competition has also entered a fever pitch.

As for the last competition, Lisu youths requested to hold a crossbow shooting competition of "shooting eggs above their heads".

This kind of competition is the highlight of the traditional "spring bath" of the Lisu people in the Nujiang River.

For many years, the Lisu people have been accustomed to dividing the four seasons into ten months. The flowering month is March for the Han people, the bird singing month is April for the Han people, the volcano burning month is May for the Han people, and the hunger month is June for the Han people. The collection month is July and August of the Han nationality, the harvest month is September and October of the Han nationality, the wine cooking month is November of the Han nationality, the hunting month is December of the Han nationality, the new year month is January of the Han nationality, and the house building month is February of the Han nationality, these ten seasons.

The Lisu people have created a "natural calendar" based on the changing laws of natural phenomena such as mountain flowers blooming, mountain birds singing, and heavy snowfall, and use it as a phenology for judging production seasons.

Cultivation depends on flowers and birds. Plum blossoms bloom once every year to mark the year, bamboo flowers bloom once every 60 years to mark Jiazi, and rhododendrons are hired flowers. Female flowers bloom and are suitable for farming.The first day of the first month of winter is the New Year's Day, and chestnut leaves are used as the annual tree. "

The Lisu people call the New Year's Day "Xi Shi", and most of them will make indica rice cakes, glutinous rice cakes and brewed water wine at that time, and put a little of the cakes from the first mortar on the peach, plum and other fruit trees, wishing a fruitful and fruitful year. .

During the New Year's Eve, the Lisu people in the Nujiang region of Yunnan Province first feed salt to the cattle to show their respect for their work.Young men and women like to hold Spring Festival shooting competitions.The girls hung the embroidered purses on the bamboo poles, and the purses shook from side to side, asking the boys to shoot, and whoever shoots down the purses first, the girls would give fine wine to his mouth as a prize.

The Lisu people in the Nujiang Valley still retain the custom of "spring bathing". Wherever there are hot springs along the banks of the river, they are places where people gather and bathe happily.

During the Spring Festival, people take their annual food and luggage and build bamboo sheds not far from the hot springs, or find caves for rest.Stay in the hot spring for three to five days and take a bath.

The hot springs are divided into an upper pool and a lower pool. Generally, men are in the upper pool and women are in the lower pool, but the distance is far away.

Some wash five or six times a day. They believe that only by repeated bathing can they eliminate diseases, strengthen their physique, and have plenty of energy to devote to work in the new year.

The Lisu people will compete in the hot springs with songs and poems. At this time, there are white tents near the hot springs, and cool rice wine and delicious New Year’s food are placed beside the bonfires that are not extinguished day and night. Food and wine brought by each.New and old singers learn tunes from each other and compete with each other, adding joy to the Spring Festival.

At this time, it is also the best time for young men and women to meet their sweethearts, and it is also the best time for men to show themselves.

The Lisu people who were good at archery liked to compare their bows and crossbows the most.Because most of the rations of the Lisu people still depend on hunting.Therefore, marrying a man with good archery skills also guarantees a woman's lifelong food and drink.

During the competition, young men carry arrow bags on their backs and hold crossbows. Their sweethearts put a bowl on their head with an egg on the bottom of the bowl, or a wooden bowl on their head with rice in the bowl and an egg as a target. They stand a few meters away. .

At the beginning of the competition, the young man drew the string and nocked the arrow in a calm manner, and pulled the trigger to fire. He only heard a "pop", the egg flower splashed, and the sweetheart was safe and sound. Immediately, there was a burst of warm applause on the field.

This is a thrilling and exciting competition, an activity of comparing skills, courage and seeing the truth.Of course, a young man who is not skilled would rather miss the egg than hurt his sweetheart.

At this moment, the Jinyi Cavalry Army and the Lisu youths played this game.

The Jinyi Cavalry Army asks their companions to serve bowls and eggs, while Lisu youths also ask good friends or girls they like to serve bowls.

The Jinyi cavalry used longbows, while the Lisu people used bows and crossbows, and they exchanged arrow skills.

After all, it was the first time for the Jinyi Cavalry Army to play archery like this, so it was inevitable that they would have too much psychological pressure and miss their arrows.

This guy will cause the surrounding companions and Lisu people to laugh.

In this game, the Lisu people won in a disguised form.

During the second round of the competition, suddenly a beautiful Lisu girl grabbed the bowl that the general banner named Yusi handed to her partner, and offered to put it on her head, willing to be Yusi's target.

The blushing cheeks of the Lisu girl showed a meaning, which was naturally obvious.

Amidst the booing of his partners and the congratulations of the Lisu people, Zongqi Yusi looked at the beautiful girl's bright eyes and couldn't help giggling twice...


(End of this chapter)

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