Brocade legend

Chapter 362 Xiao Xitian

Chapter 362 Xiao Xitian

As night fell, a raging bonfire was lit in the Lisu village.

The Lisu people sang and danced to welcome new friends.

The Lisu people are good at singing and dancing. They celebrate the festivals with dances and folk songs on their main festivals, such as bathing party, new taste festival, Kuoshi festival, Lisu year and so on.

They use clarinets, fifes, pipas, two-stringed instruments, Northwest musical instruments and a self-made plucked stringed instrument "Dabiya" to accompany the dance.The name of the dance is generally named after the dance step, and more depends on the title of the music.Every festival, after sowing and harvesting, people dance the production dance called "Miyi Swag Oh".

The Lisu people are still in the era of hunting and gathering wild fruits, and their dances mainly imitate various animals and incorporate some agricultural production dances.

In the circle dance, people use various simulated postures to show people digging, weeding, harvesting and returning to the warehouse in detail.

And one of the "monkey dances" that simulates animals is very interesting.

This dance does not have any accompaniment or accompaniment, and the rhythm of the dance is completely based on the sound of the dancers stamping their feet on the ground, forming a unique style.

The royal guards found it rare and watched it with great interest.

Like many ethnic groups, the Lisu people also like to drink alcohol.There are two types of wine, water wine and shochu, and most of them are brewed by themselves.

Shuijiu is made by mashing sorghum, buckwheat noodles or barnyard millet and other raw materials, steaming them, letting them cool down, mixing them with wine medicine, and then putting them into large tanks to let them ferment naturally for seven or eight days.When drinking, add water and filter.

The juice of this kind of wine is slightly turbid, milky white, mellow and slightly sweet, has the effect of invigorating the spleen, appetizing, refreshing and relieving fatigue, and has always been loved by the Lisu people.

Shaojiu, called "Liji" in Lisu language, is distilled liquor obtained by distilling fermented bad water in a pot.This wine is clear and transparent, with a higher concentration, and is more spicy and refreshing than water wine.

The Lisu people believe that "without wine, there is no ceremony", and wine is an indispensable drink for them to entertain guests.

At the beginning of the banquet, according to the traditional custom, Mubi first fills up his own bamboo cup and pours a little on the ground to express his ancestor worship.Then he raised his glass and drank a little, indicating that the wine was good, and then filled the wine glasses of Lu Bing and other senior Jinyiwei officials one by one, and offered them to Lu Bing and others to drink with both hands.

After Lu Bing and the others had finished drinking one by one, Mu Bi looked at Lu Bing, hesitated for a moment, then turned to Zhang Ju, who was injured in his right hand, and said, "Master Zhang, your archery skills are superb, and the grassroots really admire you... Caomin admires you even more. Your broad mind...if the adults don't dislike it, the grass people want to become brothers with the adults...I don't know..."

Mu Bi naturally did not dare to climb up to Lu Bing, but he really wanted to become brothers with Zhang Ju.Not only because Mu Bi wanted to establish a deeper relationship with Jin Yiwei, but also because he admired Zhang Ju's archery skills and was willing to be a younger brother.

Zhang Ju glanced at Lu Bing, saw Lu Bing nodded slightly, and then he laughed and said: "The village master is serious, I wish for it!"

The two asked each other their ages, and Zhang Ju was slightly older and became the elder brother.

Mu Bi was overjoyed, poured a bowl of wine, and drank the "Concentric Wine" with Zhang Ju!
Among the banquet customs of the Lisu people, the most interesting thing is to drink "concentric wine".

"Concentric Wine", also known as "Hebei Wine", "Bilateral Wine" and so on.It refers to the drinking custom that two people hold a tube or a bowl of wine together, put their arms around each other's neck and shoulders, open their mouths together, and drink with their backs, so that the wine flows into the mouths of both the host and the guest at the same time.

Drinking concentric wine, generally regardless of gender, can be carried out between relatives, friends or lovers.It is often used in occasions such as entertaining distinguished guests, signing oaths or sworn brothers.

Concentric wine symbolizes unity and friendship, seeing that the patriarch and the archery master who defeated the patriarch today became brothers.Many Lisu people also got up and invited the Jinyi guards to drink together and become brothers.

The Lisu man took out the wine he had brewed and stored, poured it into a bamboo tube, and drank it face-to-face with Jin Yiwei, who had a good relationship with him.

Drink this wine, don't let the wine overflow, otherwise you will have to start all over again. The royal guards made a lot of jokes and got drunk.

Drinking "noodle wine" is definitely not to avoid the suspicion of men and women. The guards in Jinyi were filled with hot faces and bloated stomachs by Lisu men and women, but the Lisu men did nothing.

It turned out that when the two parties drank the "face-to-face wine", the Lisu people were afraid that the wine would overflow, so the mouth of the barrel was slightly deflected towards the guests.In the stockade, the Lisu people were slaughtering cattle and sheep, and slaughtering pigs to entertain guests.In one large pot, no matter pork, mutton or beef are put into one pot to cook.

In front of Lu Bing, there is also a boiled suckling pig for entertainment. The best boiled suckling pig is a two-month-old piglet that has just been weaned.

Lisu men and women have the custom of chewing tobacco and drinking alcohol, and the village that can be seen at this moment is full of scenes of presenting shredded tobacco.

When chewing tobacco, put the shredded tobacco in your mouth first, then put some black jelly substance boiled together from betel nut root, plum bark, chestnut leaves and slaked lime to chew slowly.Soon, the lips become red.

That night, Jin Yiwei and the Lisu people, who were originally hostile to each other, turned their hostility into jade silk, and they were in harmony with Lu Bing's original intention.


In the early morning of the second day, Lu Bing asked Mubi about the White Lotus Sect after eating the breakfast that Mubi personally delivered.

Mubi hesitated for a moment, and finally said frankly: "To tell you the truth, my lord, I do know that there is a gathering place of the White Lotus Sect on the bank of the Nujiang River, which is called Xiaoxitian. I heard that there are many institutions inside, there are ten places in the upper Jiuzhong and the lower Jiuzhong. There are often all kinds of masters sitting in the eight gates. It is like a maze. It is said that it is connected by secret roads and communicates with the outside world. The congregation is not ashamed of the whole picture. Although the adults are strong and strong, but in that situation, the number of people is not necessarily an advantage."

Lu Bing listened, nodded and said: "What the leader said is very true, there are too many people, but it can't be used." Lu Bing asked Mu Bi, "Do you know where Xiao Xitian is?"

Mubi shook his head and said: "It's just that my family has some abilities here, so I heard some... dissatisfied with the adults, and have made deals with them. But I have never been able to enter, and I don't know the specific location... However, I can give you an approximate range."

Lu Bing smiled and nodded, "That's enough."

Lu Bing knew that Mubi must still have some reservations.However, the White Lotus Sect has taken root in this place for many years, and if I wait for others to exterminate them, it is inevitable that some will slip through the net.The head of the Lisu tribe lives here, if they offend the White Lotus Sect, they will inevitably cause some trouble.Therefore, it is understandable for Lu Bing to conceal some things.As long as you know the approximate location, you will save a lot of effort in finding Xiao Xitian.

(End of this chapter)

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